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"Truly?" Mei hummed, "I'd heard tensions had been quite high because of the Wind Daimyo but I didn't think your alliance was quite that far gone."

"Rasa's an incompetent moron, what else can be said?" Daiki shrugged and had no regret at all insulting the man, "He killed his own wife in his attempt to make his youngest son a Jinchuuriki. Then he proceeded to isolate said son away from everyone else with his uncle as a caretaker, and make the kid rely on him and love him with all his heart. Then ordered the uncle to make a failed assassination attempt, unveil himself and basically tell the kid he had hated him all along. I'm sure you've heard heart the story of Gaara of the Sand."

Mei actually winced, "I'd heard the boy was a brutal insane monster, not any of….that," she admitted, "All villages have their way of raising Jinchuuriki, but I can't begin to fathom what led him to that sort of conduct."

"From what I hear he wanted to make his son a killing machine that was loyal only to the village," Daiki revealed, "He accomplished one side of that I suppose, but being a killing machine doesn't really mean much when he's weak. But then, this is that clown Rasa we're talking about, he sent the second strongest person in his village, Pakura Of The Scorch Style off here to get ambushed and killed by you guys for whatever reason." he snorted.

God he hated Rasa.

….Wait Rasa, wasn't he dead right now? He should have been killed off not long ago by Orochimaru. And actually, Daiki knew the rough whereabouts of his corpse.

'Something to think about when I'm done here.' Daiki put that thought away for the moment.

"I see, you have quite the opinion on the Kazekage," Mei noted, "Still, the sand truly didn't add all that much to your overall fighting power in the alliance. Rasa was known for rarely ever leaving the Sand, that doesn't quite explain why you would want an alliance with us, especially when our general distance is farther than Suna and of course the geographical obstacles."

"To be honest, it's the old mans idea," Daiki admitted, "Like, I'm quite happy allying with you guys if only because it means I get to see you, but overall he wants to invite you guys into an alliance to make up for the fact we've got a few things of yours, or at least how the world sees it and I'll be blunt, we're not giving them back."

"Already getting to that then are we?" she hummed, "So there is no way your village will part with the Kiba blades then? And return them to us?"

"More specifically, I won't," Daiki smirked, "Technically, they were never really yours to begin with. They belonged to the Uzumaki, and as the Leaf is the only surviving ally of the Uzumaki, they rightfully belong to us. Not to mention we actually have surviving Uzumaki in our village."

Well just the one, but still.

"Oh, so you kept them for yourself after defeating Raiga," her single visible eyebrow rose in surprise at his admittance, "Bold of you to admit that straight to me, the Mizukage and refuse to return the blades while using such an excuse. We both know that truly doesn't hold up. They were claimed from defeated foes."

"Exactly," Daiki pointed out, "I just did the same thing you guys did, so you can't really complain."

Mei snorted, "True I will admit as such," she nodded, "It is odd though that the Leaf would bring up an alliance, and then bring this sort of thing up like this. Charming as I've found you so far Daiki-kun, this so far has been quite insulting to we of the Mist."

"The alliance is more to stop you guys from kicking up a fuss and making things harder for us," Daiki bluntly told her, "And it isn't just the swords. Let me ask you, do you know what Raiga was up to when I came across him?"

"I can't say I do I'm afraid, we had no idea where he was," Mei replied, eyeing him curiously, "If we did we'd have long sent hunter ninja after him to take him out and retrieve the kiba blades. How does it pertain to this situation I have to ask?"

"Well before that," Daiki shrugged, "Lemme say this. It's not like you guys don't have something of ours either. How about this. I'll give you the kiba blades back, but I'm plucking that Byakugan in Ao's head in return and taking it back with me."

Mei's single eye widened, "How do you know of that?" she questioned, "Ao wears seals specifically that block the Byakugan from seeing inside it."

Yes he had noticed that. Those odd paper he wore from his ears like earrings were in fact seals. Seals that were actually a lot like the seals within the Hokage mountain, though of lesser make by far.

"That's a secret," Daiki winked, "So, wanna trade?"

God he hoped she didn't. While he knew how to make more, it would take a fuck load of time to do it. Time he didn't want to bother with right now. Time that was really better suited to other things.

…Though he supposed adding a Byakugan wouldn't be too bad alongside Shisui's sharingan. But he could get an actual set of Byakugan from any Hyuuga corpse as long as he had enough stored chakra.

Mei sighed, "Alright, understood," she nodded begrudgingly, "Putting that aside, why did you feel the need to bring up what Raiga was doing when you encountered him."

In reply, Daiki touched his hand to the turtle faced pauldron on his shoulder, "It has to do with this little thing here, it's a special pauldron that was made by the Village of Artisans," he said, "It's a very special little piece of armour. Specifically, it was made with the ability absorb an absurd amount of chakra. It can drain a massive amount rapidly, even out of a bijuu."

She examined it for a moment before meeting his eyes, "Impressive, but what does that have to do with Raiga?" she questioned.

He'd switched its visage up for this meeting for a bit, so it honestly just looked like a normal roaring turtle head.

"He'd teamed up with the nobles of the Village of Artisans who had a grudge against the Leaf," Daiki revealed his most bullshit of lies that had actually gotten him into the position he was now, "He needed their help, because he found the Sanbi."

Mei's eyes widened, "The Sanbi has already reformed? And that far away?" she shot up to her feet.

"Yes," Daiki revealed bluntly, "See, they had this big plan together. They were going to subdue the Sanbi with Raiga's strength and the tools made by the nobles of the village of artisans. They planned on subduing the Sanbi to do their bidding, and use its chakra to somehow resurrect their old leader Seimei who was killed decades ago by the Nidaime Hokage."

"I'm sorry?" Mei gained an almost befuddled look, "How would they even be able to do such a thing? How would the Sanbi's chakra allow that?"

"Nah they had a way of doing it already themselves, what they lacked was the sheer chakra needed to do it," Daiki shrugged, "Either way that isn't important. What is important is that they and Raiga after resurrecting that guy, were planning on unleashing the Sanbi on the Leaf. And I just so happened to come across them while they were in the process of doing that while on a mission to the village of artisans."

"…That fool…" Mei sighed rubbing her temple, "I'm assuming then Daiki-kun that you put a stop to it all?"

Refuge in audacity baby!

"Yes, but probably not in the way you're thinking," Daiki replied, "See the guys Raiga teamed up with. There were four of them, and each of them were just as strong as Raiga. Now I like myself a whole lot, and I'm amazingly strong, but I wasn't strong enough then to beat five shinobi on that level alone."

They were definitely not as strong as Raiga. She didn't need to know that though.

"Which brings us back to the question then, just how did you manage to kill Raiga then and claim the Kiba Blades?" Mei wondered.

"Well, I'm actually pretty talented with seals, the old man says I might even be more talented than the Yondaime," the smirk returned to Daiki's face, "When they were subduing the Sanbi and were exhausting themselves in the process, I jumped in, sealed the Sanbi in myself and then used its power to kill them all."

"I'm sorry?" Mei mouthed and just stared at him for a moment, "That…makes no sense. While I cannot account for your ability with the sealing arts, and will not contest them at all if the Sandaime Hokage claimed as such, it still simply isn't possible. It takes time to be able to use a Bijuu's power, the only way that would be possible is if you completely subdued the Bijuu."

"Or the Bijuu cooperated with me willingly." Daiki pointed out happily.

"Highly unlikely," Mei shook her head, "Why would the Bijuu cooperate with the person who just sealed them?"

"We'll get back to that, because it has a lot to do with your old Mizukage before he died," Daiki shrugged and stood up, "If you want, I'll show you proof."

"Very well, I admit you've peaked my curiosity in multiple ways now." Mei nodded, gesturing for him to proceed.

"Alright then, try not to fall in love with me," he winked at her, "Or do, I'll happily go out with you if you do."

She gave him a mirth filled look even as he concentrated chakra into his eyes. A familiar red dust shimmered into existence before seeping into his body.

"Incredible, I can't sense your chakra now even with me standing right in front of you," Mei noted, "A dojutsu?"

"Yup," Daiki nodded, "It's a special little trick that lets me hide my chakra. Sensors can't feel my chakra at all and even the Byakugan can't see my chakra at all either."

"I've never heard of such a dojutsu or ability," Mei cupped her chin, "Quite terrifying actually."

"You haven't seen anything yet." Daiki laughed and then he went for the big reveal. He spread his arms wide open and reached deep within him to touch upon Isobu's chakra and called it forth.

In an instant, it bubbled into existence. Unlike Naruto's that took time to form as a new inexperienced Jinchuuriki, he was anything but.

The crimson red chakra cloak formed around him in the blink of an eye, three massive shrimp like chakra tails waving behind him.

Mei's eyes widened in shock, "All three tails…and that easily!?" she gaped, "You were actually telling the truth. But that speed, not even Yagura could call upon all three tails of the chakra cloak so swiftly."

He didn't say anything, just continued grinning at her and let her come to the conclusions on her own.

"A truly perfect Jinchuuriki," she realised, and then something else dawned in her eyes and something like a cross between awe and horror shone in her emerald green gaze, "And I still can't sense your chakra even like this…assuming you are indeed a perfect Jinchuuriki then…" she trailed off.

"Yeah, I can't be sensed even in our full Bijuu mode," Daiki confirmed for her, "Even my jutsu can't be sensed, I could fire off a Bijuudama and not a single person would be able to sense it."

"That's almost too absurd to believe, if I didn't see this right now, I would not believe it," Mei shook her head, and slumped back into her chair, a long frustrated, dismayed sigh leaving her lips, "This is going to cause an uproar in my village you realise?"

Waving his hand, Daiki dismissed the chakra cloak and it disappeared in the blink of an eye, as if it were never there to begin with, "Already given up demanding for the Sanbi back?" he teased her.

"Who would ever agree and do such a thing?" Mei snorted, "The ability to be completely undetected, even while using the full power of a Bijuu. That is the thing kage's like myself have nightmares about. You could waltz into other villages and destroy them before anyone even realises what is happening."

"Yeah I'm kind of awesome like that," Daiki puffed his chest out, and leaned against her desk, "Anyway, now you've heard on basically why we want this alliance. Are you ready to hear about why you'll want to ally with us?"

"…I'll be honest at this point, I just assumed the underlying threat that you'll fire a Tailed Beast Bomb at my village without me able to do a single about it would be the incentive." Mei snorted.

"Nah," Daiki laughed, "That's just to get you to go out on that date with me and maybe let me pick out the bikini."

Mei ran a hand through her lovely, thick auburn hair, "My my, truly you are a dangerous boy," she laughed despite herself, "Well then, what is the true incentive the Leaf is offering?"



Why did nobody get with her, such damn waste of a character and fine woman


man, i always hated how despite being a kage, she was basically the weakest of the bunch, like what did she even do in the war? yeah the quicklime technique is useful, but how tf nobody ever got with her is beyond me

David Mullin

... Hold up, wait a minute, something ain't right here... I need to reread this entire story because the thought of a young third and danzo joining the battle feels a level of epic that I should remember reading previously.