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I'd like to know what your "when I get out of here..." thing is. Goals, new promises you've made to yourself, stuff you want to actively change about how you used to live your life before all THIS happened. im just curious because as annoying as we as a society have gotten, i simultaneously feel like we're all collectively hitting some thresholds and it makes me hopeful. A lot of my friends have stopped caring about money, titles, etc.

For example, a big one for me is that I really want to stop looking at screens and i absolutely have stopped caring about social media/my social currency. I go from my phone to my desktop and then to take breaks--I play oculus or watch TV. I have slowly begun the process of retraining my brain to enjoy analog forms of entertainment like books (I can now read a full page without my mind wandering woohoo) and as crazy as it sounds-i'd like to get back into talking to people on the phone versus texting.

anyways im just curious--i think this has been the biggest opportunity as humanity to take a step back and really look at ourselves and i want to know if we're somewhat on the same page

EDIT: pls feel free to message me if you don't want this public. it's honestly boosting my mood to read these



Ive been performing musically while working in the hospitality industry, simultaneously, since I was 18 - I am now 35. Both of those industries have been decimated this year. 1) My plans remain the same, if not more focused. I WILL LIVE OFF MY FUCKING ART. 2) Im never, EVER going back to the hospitality industry, I'm officially retired. I've always been a loner when Im not on stage, so quarantine hasn't effected me one bit, only took away the expression of my art, but, that will come back eventually. I hope everybodys day today was better than yesterday. ☮ & ❤


Honestly for me, having started a business and being able to employ people in these trying times has been a really fulfilling element of my life. Even after a rough breakup a few months ago, I can still press on and focus on that because I'm responsible for the livelihoods of others now. It had definitely giving me new perspective on things.