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stupid bread boi

Writer and adviser. Do you like Kurt Vonnegut? Have you considered an OnlyFans account? Do you like the quote below? "For every time you say club passwords like 'Have a nice day' and 'Weather’s awful today, eh?', you yearn inside to say forbidden things like 'Tell me something that makes you cry' or 'What do you think deja vu is for?'. "


I do like Vonnegut. I haven't consider OF because...well, I have this and don't see the point but maybe you know something I don't? I think that quote is pretty cringe. I think it would be really annoying if a stranger asked me the latter questions without some banter before.


Hi, better late than never? I will spare you from my ambiguous, wanky job title... But I work in corporate planning and strategy. Used to be a financial advisor but left the industry due to the constant conflict of trying to balance my clients' best interests (actually helping people) with my firms' interests (bringing in shitloads of money for them). I saw your comment about philosophy above! It sounds a bit like Existentialism's values. The Nihilist says "There is no god, no heaven or hell, so screw it: there can be no right or wrong. Let's party!" The Existentialist says "There is no god, no heaven or hell, so we must figure out how to make life meaningful and good for ourselves." I started reading about philosophy after watching Bojack Horseman, then watching a YouTube video about the philosophy of that show. Can you think of an experience where you've unexpectedly unearthed an interest that then influenced your life in a profound or meaningful way?