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upon seeing more and more articles and inspo/memes pop up saying things like "Stop Trying to be Productive" and "You Don't Have to Stay Creative During a Global Pandemic," it seems to me that many of you have forgotten that you are adults and can, up to a certain point, do...whatever the fuck you want to 

Why have we abused ourselves to the point of needing permission from the Internet to spend your time as you please? No clue. So! For you stpd babies...

I'd like to offer you this FREE service:
I will tell you what to do for the week.
It won't be regimented by the hour and it will be modeled after how I typically like to spend my time—very loose and free—but since you (a baby who would sign up to be told what to do!) are a dummy that has no idea how to do something nice for yourself...well, maybe this is what you need.

Why I am qualified:
For one—I am great at entertaining
myself and superb at relaxing (I am slightly agoraphobic and have lived alone for 8 years). Secondly...why do you care?! You are here because you need structure and rules regardless of their source

How to sign up:
Message me your email here

ok? that's it


Head The Wall

Thanks for the community effort to keep us busy, I still have a job so that's keeping me busy