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i have a very sunny, optimistic outlook on life, but that rarely carries over when it comes to how I view my own problems and life. i might've mentioned this before but i am not a very ambitious person when it comes to my career but i've noticed that, lately, it has made me a little bit lazy about my work work (not bread face)

so! this year of my life (i will be 32 on Saturday), the theme will be discipline. yes yes i know...boring but this may bode well for you

i am forcing myself to write daily for an hour. if i am stuck—i will just write random things that make me happy. below are today's and i have noticed that in doing this exercise, i feel generally more cheery and would like to know some of yours to add to my list. please avoid being too esoteric...it would be nice if these could remain universal joys! Here is what I have so far:

Re-remembering a joke that made you laugh so hard that you have to bite your lip from another outburst

Seeing a dog fall gently asleep in an upright position

Putting on warm jeans

Breathing in cold air after an excruciating workout

The first, mostly-tortilla (flour!) bite of a burrito

Eating with people who are not self conscious (almost animalistic!) about eating

Waking up and realizing there is nothing you have to get done that day

Paper bag fries

The moment you decide that a date is going so well that you decide you’ll let them fuck you

Train naps

When someone else cancels the plan

The smell and look of a new lipstick

Getting your outfit checked out by a pretty, fashionable girl

Random compliments from gay men who are just passing by

Shooting your friend a milli-second look from across the room and knowing that they totally get what message you’re trying to convey

When someone in your going-out group suggests late night food when you’re stoned

Inexplicable, spontaneous chills

That euphoric/high/relief right after you have to make a speech you were nervous about

Making a whole group of people laugh with a quip you just thought of

Catching a random whiff of something that reminds you of childhood

After a long shower, getting into a clean bed and turning on a show you love

Hearing your favorite (non-current) song while you’re out

The syrupy type of sleep you get right after cumming

When you poke fun at someone and they are able to laugh (hard) at themself


Jason Moore

I love this, thanks for sharing it.


When you prepare yourself a meal and it tastes delicious