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“I’m so sorry...I-I swear I usually last longer than this…”

He was on his knees on the bed, covered in his own cum, holding onto his deflating cock. He was embarrassed (as he should be) as he looked up into Ren’s dark eyes hoping for a sliver of sympathy. 

“...are you fucking serious?” She couldn’t help but laugh. It had to be a record...maybe four pumps in? Ambitious ones too. The kind that signaled a long pounding was in store. He started to panic.

“I’m sorry...y-you felt so good.”

She was rarely this honest or mean, but this time—it felt warranted: After blatantly eye-fucking her around a bar for an hour and half, Ren was fed up with this stranger’s shit. She had reciprocated his eye contact several times, not to mention...she showed up to a bar alone in a slutty dress. Well, not slutty, it was a nude-colored dress...long sleeved, no bra—she was covered, but pretty much naked. 

It was a nice place. They had round ice cubes. Not her usual spot but she routinely got bored of townies and the whole point of her coming was to hook up with a suit that would confuse her for an escort or...you know, a manic-pixie dream girl because that’s the type of dude that would be 20 years late on that. But damn—did she have to do all the work? 

As she got up to leave, the stranger grabbed her arm. She looked at him with both disdain and intrigue—who the fuck grabs a girl like that anymore?

“Where are you going?” he asked.

“That’s really none of your fucking business, is it?” She was kind of flirting.

He pulled her arm closer and whispered into her ear, “I’ll get you so wet, you’ll drip down your thighs. By the time I decide to fuck you, you’ll be begging me to give it you.” This sort of talk usually meant he’d last about two minutes inside of her. Unfortunately, she was right. Back at his:

“So...what was all that talk at the bar? Thought you were going to make me scream. Like...this is sad...” She started laughing again.

For some reason, he felt his cock move as blood started to rush back. He looked down, confused. Ren caught him. 

“Ah...so you’re one of those…”

“...n-no...I’m just getting a second wind. Please let me fuck you. Let me show you I can hit it.”

Ren rolled her eyes. “Why would I let you inside me when you were so fucking pathetic before. Seriously...where’d you learn how to fuck?”

He started sweating. He didn’t know what was happening to him but his cock had never been this hard before. It actually started to hurt. Precum seeped from the tip as he began to stroke.

“No. I’m not letting you touch it.” She spread her legs apart. Wide. He groaned.

“Look at you. You can’t even talk you’re so turned on. Have you ever even fucked a real girl before me? Sure didn’t feel like it...”

“...y..yes…” he stammered stroking his cock, fully submitting that this humiliation was what was turning him on at this point. Well that and her perfect pussy two inches away from his tip. He couldn’t help but point it towards her wet opening. He slid closer.

“Nu-uh-uh!” she placed her foot hard on his chest and slid it up on his chest while she started to rub herself harder. “I said no touching.” Her foot was moved up past his chin and brushed his lips. She tactlessly shoved her big toe into his mouth. Then, the rest of her toes.

He accepted. His eyes were watering as she insulted him. He tried to scoot closer to her pussy again. He could feel the heat radiating from her opening. It was torture. 

Tears started to stream down his face as he got close to cumming. She took her wet foot out of his mouth and placed it below his balls to lift them up. He was now almost right at her entrance pumping his cock in his hands harder than anyone she had ever seen. Suddenly, they both started screaming as ropes of warmth covered her pussy.