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Dylan’s smell drove Ren crazy. She would wring it onto her face and into her mouth if she could. But he was pretty much unbearable. 

She had found him on his way out of a local pickup spot that was literally known as “the hookup bar” on a particularly unsuccessful outing with her best friend Alex. Alex had just gotten out of a long relationship and it was a long weekend so the two of them decided to start drinking. Heavily. If you asked them today to recount that weekend, the two of them would remember only coming to and from consciousness in waves. 

Having spent most of the weekend at Alex’s, Ren had run out of clean clothes that night and decided that a mesh tank top without a bra felt appropriate for some easy game. Ren had long straight black hair that she usually wore down and out of laziness, never wore much makeup on her face besides eyeliner or lipstick. It was almost last call. She scanned the bar and there in her peripheral spotted a slightly grungy looking dark haired man on his way out. He had dark circles around his eyes and sweat stains on his threadbare t-shirt. Gross. He looked a little sickly, which she loved, and she could see his arms were thick and hairy. As he walked past her, she gently reached for his forearm and asked “Can I come?”

His light-colored eyes widened for a millisecond. Imperceptible to most, but Ren could see it—shocked, then pleased. Duh. He said dumb things like “don’t get me wrong, I was raised by a single mom so I love women.” Ren really hated all the conversation altogether and eventually, their relationship (or whatever you’d call it) became a strictly private indoors thing. 

“Jesus baby you’re so fucking tight.”

His hands were shaky on her ass as he held the tip of his cock right at her entrance and worked it into her tiny pussy from behind. Usually she would never attempt doggy with a cock that size but she was too curious tonight. He was already groaning and it wasn’t even halfway in.

His clammy hands were so nervous and unsteady that she was scared he wasn’t going to last and instantly flood her pussy after just a few pathetic pumps. She had to be careful—she wasn’t on the pill and she convinced him he didn’t need a condom because she just wanted to feel that thick cock raw so badly. Finally, he worked the entire length of his monstrous cock into her tight hole. Ren groaned. No one had ever bottomed her out quite like this before. She reached her arm around to his ass and pulled him in deeper. Then, she just held him there. Deep and still. Hearing him whine and groan only got her wetter as she pulsed her tight walls muscles around him.

He was a sweat pig. It was profuse. He humped her like a high school boy—sloppily entering her with no finesse, eager, with no rhythm and desperate to get himself off. She wouldn’t shower for days after fucking because she loved their combined smell so much. Any time she’d catch a whiff of something familiar to it, she’d always think about the sweat from his face dripping onto her back. 



Actually really fucking good. 👏👏👏


Hell yeah 📖✍️