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I just got a flush of euphoria and thought to myself...how lucky I am! As someone who works for a living, I know that making money is not easy—It's taxing on our bodies and our mental health and it feels like it's never going to end (because...yeah, it probably won't) so I deeply appreciate every dollar you donate to help me fund a little bit of joy in my life and hopefully yours

i don't want to be too transparent because I want to be an escape but, in any case, i just wanted to say that i love smooshing bread and it's a wonderful feeling and it still makes me tickly every time but it was hard to do it on my own because of boring life reasons that we all have (work, energy, money, etc) and ooooh now it's gotten a bit easier because of you! 

thank you. i will protect it i will protect me i will protect us

cheers <3



Thanks for sharing, I appreciate the genuine emotion and am glad to be a positive impact to the cool that is you.


It was so nice reading this! And I think I speak for all of us patreon-ites when I say that we truly feel uplifted by your art, and are so happy that you're in a place where you feel good making it, and where it feels more or less manageable for you to do it <3 we love you, you rule!!