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We are currently working on new upcoming threesome scene with Raven. It's time to unveil the scene a bit more to give an answer - YES player will participate not only in oral scene but also as a crucial member of the ''sandwich''. The scene will consist from 3 animations and a short story. All this will be part of 0.19 release.


We are releasing android game version for v0.18 Update + new link for desktop version too with fixes (0.18.1) For example walkthrough to have smooth transitions and navigate correctly to locked sex scenes.

(All v0.18.1 Download links updated in previos post here): https://www.patreon.com/posts/new-release-0-18-75739351 

Or quick here:

DESKTOP:  https://workupload.com/file/989ajggMYAv

ANDROID: https://workupload.com/file/99myq7mu53T

We will have more stuff to show very soon. Our goal is to finish and release this update before the christmas - in the upcoming week.

Thank you very much for supporting our game. Your donations allow us to work on the project and create updates faster, you absolute legends! John and whole WOS team.



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