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James is given the chance to change his life for the better. However, it does mean becomiing the boss's daughter. 

Thank you to Himeko for supporting me. I hope you like the story I've started here.

Once In A Life Time 

Lifting his glasses back onto the bridge of his nose, James lets out a long and exhausted breath. This is the third time this week he’s stayed late at the office. Having no partner or even a pet to go home to at night, James finds himself preferring the company of the late-night cleaners.

He hopes this will get him noticed by those above him and he’ll be able to climb the ladder. However, so far, it’s only netted him a much better relationship with Carl, the night watchman.

Looking at the blinking cursor on the screen, James can barely bring himself to type anymore. He’s working on a presentation for his boss, who’s a major suck-up, and he won’t get any credit for it.

Reluctantly saving the file and sending it via email, James leans back in his chair and lets out another long, tired sigh. He feels dizzy doing it.

“Well,” a confident yet sultry voice says from directly behind him.

James is spoked and almost falls from his desk chair as he corrects himself.

“Ah, Miss Waters!” James says, freaking out that the owner of the company is standing directly behind him.

“Burning the midnight oil, are we?” she laughs, reacting to his skittish behavior.

“Yes, Ma’am,” James says, standing to attention and in the process of doing so, knocks over his desk chair.

“Oh, my!” Miss Waters sniggers as James franticly picks up the chair. “You don’t have to be so nervous. I’m always very impressed with the amount of extra hours you do….J-Jim…J….”

“James,” he says to correct her.

James then gives her an inquisitive look. “You’ve noticed me here late at night, Miss Waters?”

“I have,” Miss Waters replies. “Please, call me Nicola. I insist.”

Folding her arms, Nicola peers over James’s shoulder at the work on his screen. She notices the presentation he’s working on.

“Is that the sales presentation to our Japanese partners?” Nicola asks, turning her attention back to James, who stands slightly taller even when she’s wearing her expensive high heels.

Swinging his head around to look at the screen, James nervously laughs. “Yeah, Andrew’s had me working on it for you.”

“What’s your thoughts?” Nicola asks sternly, not breaking eye contact.


“Please,” Nicola replies, shifting her weight onto her other foot. “I’m surrounded by ‘yes’ men in this bloody place, and I need someone to help me with the morality of it all.”

His heart racing at a mile a second, James gulps and thinks carefully about his response. It’s not made easy as Nicola’s stare makes him sweat profusely.

“I….erm…..,” James mumbles, unsure.

“Spit it out, man,” Nicola laughs. “I’m not going to fire you, for goodness sake!”

“I think it’s very dangerous.” James eventually replies, shying away as he waits for Nicola’s response.

“Why?” Nicola says as her smile becomes a stern frown.

“Well, if that technology fell into the wrong hands, it could mean chaos. I know the potential applications for a DNA-modifying virus are huge for medical science, but why are we trying to get funding from Japan?”

“You don’t think that the Japanese company can be trusted with it?” Nicola asks, touching her chin with her hand. “They have what we need to make this project into something available for the wider public. Don’t you think it would be a crime if we only made it open to the mega-rich?”

James rubs the back of his neck. “Well…..,” he says slowly, thinking about it. “When you put it that way, I guess we could help a lot of people. We’d revolutionize the cosmetics industry within months. That would be huge for our company.”

“And our shareholders,” Nicola says, making a point. “Still, I appreciate your honesty, James. I’m also worried about its potential for weaponized terrorism. I just feel the positives will outweigh the negatives.”

James continues to rub the back of his neck. He knows the Japanese partner is less than impressed so far and is likely to pull out of the deal. James has had access to a lot of the data, thanks to his boss forcing him to put together the sales presentation, so he’s happy he can share his thoughts.

“Ma’am,” he says frankly. “I don’t think this presentation is going to work. From what I’ve seen, they don’t believe our tech works. I get the feeling they think we are vapourware.”

Nicola looks away and watches one of the cleaners. Her stare lasts so long James wonders if he should say something to snap her out of it.

Eventually, she turns to him with a big smile on her face. “James,” she says confidently. “You don’t have any family, right?”

“My Mom lives upstate,” James replies awkwardly, having not really seen her in years.

“Great,” Nicola responds with a clap of her hands. “I have a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for you within my business!”


“Yes! I think you’re perfect for this role. Honest, hard-working, and most of all—no one would miss you if I moved you halfway across the world.”

“W-whats the job?” James asks nervously, made nervous by the look of excitement on Nicola’s face.

“Live demonstrator!” Nicola announces, placing one of her manicured hands on his shoulder. “I need you to be a real demo of our technology. I want you to accompany me to Japan and be part of the sales pitch.”

“Demonstrator……?” James says as his mumblings are ignored by Nicola.

“Yes, that’s perfect!” Nicola says to herself as she looks down at the floor in thought. “We’d adjust your DNA using our technology. Then we’d show you off at the meeting in your adjusted form.”

Nicola starts to rock backward and forward. She’s almost in a trance.

“We’d have to hide your identity,” she mumbles in thought. “We’d need a cover story to ensure our rival companies aren’t in on the deal. So many backstabbers out there!”

“Ma’am….?” James says, trying to get her attention by failing.

“Maybe my lover?” Nicola thinks out loud before shaking her head. “No, too obvious and lacks the wow factor!”

“Ma’am….?” James tries again.

“Older, maybe…?” Nicola continues, raising a single hand to twist and play with her hair. “No. That’s not going to cut it.”

“Nicola!” James shouts, snapping her out. “What are you talking about!?”

“I’ve got it!” Nicola explains with a bright smile. “You can become my daughter! It’s perfect. Genderswap, age regression, and a real showcase of what our tech can do! It’s brilliant!”

“W-what….?” James asks anxiously.

“It’s perfect, James,” Nicola smiles, looking him in the eyes. “Not only is it a showcase, but no one would bat an eyelid at a mother and daughter boarding a plane together to go on holiday. Our rivals would have no idea of what I’m doing! They’d think I was taking my young daughter on a trip.”

“I-I…. don’t get it,” James replies, bemused by Nicola’s excitement. “I didn’t even know you had a daughter.”

Nicola looks around to ensure the coast is clear. Satisfied, she leans in towards James to whisper in his year. “I don’t. That’s where you come in.”

“W-what are you suggesting?” James whispers in reply.

“You become my daughter.”

“I can’t do that.”

“Why not?” Nicola asks, slightly raising her voice past a whisper. “you are perfect for this role! I’d be so grateful to you for doing it; I’d change your life for the better as compensation!”

James says nothing. The thought of him transforming into a young girl has him torn.

“You’d never have to work with that insufferable oaf, Andrew, ever again,” Nicola sniggers. “You’d be within my inner circle. Way above that idiot. What do you say?”

James likes the idea of that. Andrew’s been riding his coattails for years.

“A girl though?” James questions uncomfortably. “Can’t we just adjust me in a different way? That seems a little excessive.”

Nicola stands firm. “No,” she replies. “It’s too perfect. You’d be undercover as my daughter until the meeting. A genderswap and age regression is perfect also to demonstrate our tech. Please don’t let your fragile masculinity get in the way of progress, James. Yes, you’d be female, but you'd still be human. I’m not suggesting we turn you into a pig!”

Speechless, James can’t bring himself to say yes. It’s too big of a decision. He’s comfortable the way he is, and what Nicola is suggesting seems like hard work.

“Look,” Nicola says, stepping back from him. “It’s late, and maybe you need time to think about it.”

Walking away slowly, Nicola turns to look over her shoulder, and she smiles at James who’s plastered to the spot. “Think about my offer,” she says politely. “If you want the job, come see me in my private office at 8am sharp tomorrow morning.”

James just slowly nods as Nicola waves him goodbye.

Although the office is deadly silent, James’s mind is ablaze with noise. So many thoughts swirling in his mind.

Eventually, James got back to his empty, cold apartment. Still alone in his bedroom, hungry and tired, he couldn’t get the idea out of his mind. It might be the perfect opportunity for him to change things for the better!

The next morning….

Ignoring his regular duties, James missed the morning briefing and made his way straight for Nicola’s office. Carrying a small suitcase, James had made up his mind about joining her in Japan.

His heart racing, James approaches Nicola’s secretary. The young, dark-haired woman gives him a smile as he approaches, and he wonders what he should say.

“H-hi….” James says, standing at her desk awkwardly.

“You must be James,” the young woman says, giving him the widest smile.

“I am….” James nods, not expecting her to know that.

“Miss Waters is expecting you,” she says, getting to get feet to show him to Nicola’s office. “Please, go right in.”

Saying thank you, James heads to the large glass doors and looks inside. He can see Nicola discussing something with one of the scientists from downstairs. Timidly poking his head inside the room, Nicola catches sight of him and is instantly excited!

“James! Come in! Come in!” Nicola exclaims, ushering him towards her. “I’m so pleased you took me up on my offer! This is going to be incredible for everyone involved!”

Going a little red, James steps into the office and feels instantly out of place. Nicola notices the suitcase n his hand and points. “Suitcase?” she asks.

“Yeah,” James replies, not sure what he’s done wrong. “I thought if I’m going to Japan with you, I oughta pack a few things.”

Nicola pulls a face, “Things?”

“Charger, pants….socks.” James answers.

With a wave of her finger, she makes James feel a bit stupid.

“You won’t be needing those,” she explains, pointing across the office at piles of clothes suitable for a child. “I’ve already gone and sourced your appropriate attire. I’ve even got you a brand new phone that’s been set up with your new identity as my daughter.”

Staring at the small, very colorful collections of dresses and other such feminine garments, James can’t bring himself to say anything.

It’s really happening. He’s going to become a young girl. That’s what he’s agreed to.

Nicola claps, gaining James’s attention. “This is Peter,” she says, introducing the scientist, who’s been tinkering with some equipment. “He’s going to administer the product and monitor the transformation to ensure it’s successful.”

“Morning, James,” Peter says politely. “Have you eaten at all this morning?”

James shakes his head. “I’ve had a coffee,” he replies.

“Good,” Peter nods, turning his attention back to Nicola. “So, can I just confirm the following with you so I can program the product accordingly. Female, blue eyes, brunette hair.”

“Yes, Base DNA signature to match mine,” Nicola replies.

Peter inputs some data on his laptop that’s surrounded by other dubious looking surgical equipment. It all makes James very tense.

“Have we decided on age?” Peter asks, looking up from his laptop. “I do have some concerns with cognitive behavioral side effects if we go too young. We’ve not tested those effects thoroughly.”

Slowly, Nicola steps gracefully over to the piles of clothes brought for James. She lifts one of the tiny pink dresses and holds it up. Looking at the label inside, she soon looks up at gives James a broad grin.

“These clothes are for a nine to ten-year-old girl,” Nicola says, turning her attention to Peter. “Is that age within safe parameters? I’m really hoping it is.”

Franticly typing away, Peter gestures his hands in James’s direction. “I believe I can work with that. Has James signed the disclaimer forms before we get started?”

Pointing at a wad of papers sitting on Nicola’s office desk, Nicola ushers James over to her to sign them. Placing his suitcase onto the floor, James walks past Peter, who’s working hard on setting everything up.

James has a basic understanding of how the product works, being in the sales team, but he’s never seen it in action before. He’s impressed with just how much the technology has improved! It used to take up an entire facility before, but now it fits comfortably in a corner of Nicola’s office.

“Sign here,” Nicola says as James approaches. “Don’t worry, it’s just procedure.”

James takes a pen from the desk. “What am I signing for?” he asks, trying to desperately skim-read the reams of legal jargon.

“It’s a standard NDA,” Nicola replies with a shrug. “Remember, James. There are a lot of people who want this technology, and now you're about to have it used on you. I don’t want to take it to rival companies.”

“I wouldn’t do that,” James says back with a frown.

“I know,” Nicola smiles but then taps where he should sign. “It’s just a precaution.”

James nods and then signs the document. “Sure.”

“Good!” Nicola grins, swiping away the document from underneath James’s pen. “It’s silly really. When you’re my little girl, you won’t be let out of my sight.”

James looks at Nicola, confused.

“It’s nothing to worry about, James,” Nicola says in answer to his expression. “I’m just saying that once you're my kid, it’s my job to protect you. I was making a point that you’d never be away from me long enough to even contact any other company—so the NDA is silly.”


“Anyways,” Nicola continues, placing the documents into her expensive-looking leather bag. “Shall we get started?”

James looks around at Peter, and his heart is racing. It’s not every day you agree to have your body transformed into that of a small girl. “S_sure….,” he answers nervously.

“This way, please,” Peter commands, looking up from his laptop.

James walks over. “Shall I take off my clothes?” he awkwardly asks, holding his fingers on his shirt buttons.

“Ah, yes,” Peter replies with a thumbs up. “Only down to your underwear, please. Once you're inside the metamorphosis chamber, I will instruct you to remove all.

Peter points at a doorway in the corner of Nicola’s office. He’s well aware of what happens in the Metamorphosis chamber, and he’s surprised to see one in her office.

“Wow,” James says, removing his clothing. “The last time I saw one of those, it was the size of an entire room.”

Nicola steps beside James, but doesn’t look at him getting undressed. “Yes,” she says in acknowledgment. “It’s still not small enough. This is why we need our Japanese partner. They are experts in capsule technology.”

Removing his shirt, James places it carefully on a nearby chair. Scratching his hairy chest, he feels a little intimidated that he’s getting naked in front of the big boss.

“You see,” Nicola continues, completely ignoring James getting undressed. “That chamber is so expensive for us to manufacture. It’s fully lead-lined and uses other exotic materials. If this project is going to make our company money, we need their capsule tech to make it commercially viable.”

Nodding his head as he flicks off his shoes and pants, James says nothing more and stands with his arms folded.

Silence for a moment, but then Nicola turns to face him. Without any change in her expression, she looks him directly in the eyes.

“Are you ready?” Nicola asks plainly. “Our future together awaits.”

Feeling like his heart is about to beat straight out of his chest, he knows he can’t back down now. He’s agreed to it!

“I’m…..ready,” James eventually answers.

“Excellent!” Peter exclaims, getting to his feet in a flash. “Come, let's discuss what's going to happen to your body.”

Peter moves towards the Metamorphosis chamber. Struggling at first with the heavy metal door, Peter eventually gets it up and shows James its insides.

“Here’s the swift rundown of the process,” Peter says, pointing at some of the equipment inside. “Takes about five minutes. The injector will administer the virus. The chamber will then react and speed up the transformation process.”

Peter turns to look James up and down. James is a little taller, standing just over six feet tall. “As your body’s DNA rapidly changes, it will leave you quite tired. Don’t worry. You won’t feel your bones breaking and reforming. You won’t even feel your genitals changing. The Metamorphosis chamber is designed to ‘distract’ your consciousness as well as speed up the process.”

A little scared, James just nods.

Peter rubs his chin. “A lot of our test subjects report seeing all sorts of beautiful colors while the process is shaping them. I wonder what you’ll see going from an adult male to a prepubescent female girl….”

“I’ll be sure to let you know…..,” James replies sarcastically, but actually very worried.

Stepping into the chamber, Peter turns away and reaches inside before closing the door. “Your boxers,” he says, requesting that James remove them.

Waiting until Nicola is looking away, James slides them down his legs and gives them to Peter. “They’re clean,” James remarks, wanting to fill the uncomfortable silence between them.

As soon as Peter replies with an awkward smile, the heavy metal door is closed, and James is locked inside. The chamber is very dark and very cold. Taking a moment for himself, James touches his male tackle. “It’s not goodbye, my friends,” he says to his balls. “It’s only au revoir!”

The next few seconds for James are like something from a dream. He feels the machine coming to life, but everything is a blur after that. Bright purple flashes of color appear from the darkness. They dance around his vision, popping in and out of existence.

Unable to hear or feel anything, James is unsure if he’s still awake. Just then, the vivid colors start to fade, and everything starts to feel soft, warm, and light. Like he’s being carefully lifted by a giant above him.

Then, darkness. Cold feelings. Pain. A Striking feeling, like he’s being crushed.

Then, nothing but the faint sound of a car's engine.

Then, the feeling of the sun's ray’s softly warming his skin.

Then, a bump and a judder. James can hear the sound of tires on the road.

Slowly opening his eyes, his eyes take more than a second to adjust. The brightness surrounding him almost hurts.

“Bella….?” A familiar voice says.

James wants to look at the person talking, but he can’t focus. It’s a familiar voice of a woman he must know, but something doesn’t quite sound right.

“Bella…?” the voice says again.

Reaching up to his eyes, James rubs at them. His eyes feel different. The touch of his skin feels different.

“Good, you’re waking up.” The voice says with a hint of relief. “Seems your transformation really took it out of you.”

James tries to focus on the woman, but his vision is still blurry. “W-where….,” he says, stopping instantly as his voice squeaks.

“Where are you?” the female voice asks. “We’re in the back of my limo.”

Using his hands, James feels the around at the belts holding him to his seat. It’s strange for him. He can feel his legs dangling but not touching the floor.

“Nicola?” James asks, coughing has his voice squeaks a second time.

“Yes,” Nicola replies. “Well, Mom, now technically. Try and remember that.”

“Mom….?” James asks, remembering the colors he’s just seen and what was happening.

“Yes, remember?” Nicola replies gently. “I know you must be feeling a little confused right now with your transformation and everything. But I can tell you it was a success. Right now, you’re a young girl. In fact, you’re the spitting image of me when I was your age.”

“I am?” James asks, bringing his hands to his face.

“Peter said your vision might be blurry for a few minutes after waking up.”

“Am I really a……. girl?”

“Yes, sweetheart. Cute little pigtails, big bright blue eyes, skinny little figure, and a cute button nose. Do you want to see yourself in the mirror?”


James waits patiently as Nicola rummages around to one. His senses are telling him that everything about him is different. His body feels light and small. His skin is soft and supple. His hair feels heavy and long and his crotch feels empty and flat.

“Here…,” Nicola says politely.

Reaching out, James is stunned to see his tiny little hands for the first time. His vision, now starting to focus, sees how dainty and petite they’ve become.

“Ah,” he squeaks, freaking out.

“What’s the matter?” Nicola asks, still holding the mirror.

“My hands are so small!” James replies, holding them in front of his face.

Nicola chuckles. “Peter did say you’d likely suffer from body dysmorphia for a few days. Look, let me hold the mirror, and you can see your new face. I promise you are very adorable!”

Nicola turns the small black makeup mirror to James’s face. What he sees in the mirror blows him away. Staring back at two big, bright, but very shocked, blue eyes. It’s the unmistakable face of a young girl.

“Holy!” James gulps, unable to take his eyes off the girl in the mirror. “That’s me!?”

“Absolutely, that’s you, sweetheart!” Nicola replies, delighted. “Aren’t you just so cute! You take after your mother!”

“I Do kinda look like you,” James says, touching his long, curly hair. “This is insane! I haven’t been able to see this clearly without my glasses in years!”

“Can you see why I’m so desperate for this deal to go well?” Nicola replies, taking the mirror away. “We’ve gotta make this work, Bella. I’m counting on you!”


“Yeah, I named you. I’ve always wanted a daughter, so I hope that’s okay that I took the liberty of naming you.”

“Short of Isabella?” James asks, looking down at his new body for the first time.

“Nope,” Nicola smiles. “Just Bella.

James doesn’t reply. He’s left speechless at what he sees. He touches frantically at the soft, colorful garments adorning his dainty body. He’s wearing bright pink leggings, a pleated skirt, pink dolly shoes and a tank top. He can even feel his long, soft hair tickling at his back.

“What am I wearing!?” James asks, fidgeting in his seat as he tries to look at himself.

“I dressed you too….,” Nicola replies a little sheepishly. “We couldn’t wait for you to wake up after the transformation, so we had to dress you.”

“In a skirt!?” James says with a frown. “You saw me naked!?”

“Don’t be like that, Bella. I think you look cute. Oh, and don’t be so bashful. There’s nothing on that little body of yours I haven’t seen before on myself. I’m a woman too, y’know.”

“I guess,” James replies with a pout, thinking about what she’s referring to. “But I do feel silly.”


“Couldn’t you have got me some trousers or something? This is a little much. Honestly, a skirt of all things!?”

“You’re a girl, Bella, and that’s what girls your age wear. Please don’t act up. We’re almost at the airport now, and I need you to be a good girl.”

“I’m not acting up, Miss Waters. I just would like to wear something else. This is just all very sudden. I can’t stop thinking about…..”

“Look, Bella,” Nicola says sternly. “I’m your mother now, so please don’t call me that. Also, that’s what you’re wearing, so don’t complain.”


“But nothing, young lady!” Nicola scolds. “Mommy knows best, and you’ll do well to remember that while we’re in Japan. If you act up, I will take away all privileges.”


“You heard me, Young lady.”

James looks at the stern expression on Nicola’s face, and he’s transported back to when he was a little boy, and his mother used to look at him the same. Feeling small and insignificant in comparison, James looks down at his knees.

“Okay….., Mom.”

“That’s Mommy's girl!” Nicola replies in satisfaction. “I’m looking forward to this!




Great story, i really liked it. Love to read more about Bella's little adventure


Oh to be a child again with all the experience of being an adult.