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Allen In Wonderland

Chapter 1

Lashing the ground, the rain continued to drench everything in sight. The wipers on Allen’s car were being overloaded by the random extreme weather.

“I’ve got to pull over,” Allen says worried, as the gale-force winds push at his car.

Safely pulling the car to the side of the road, he could only sit and hope that the weather would soon ease off. No way could he continue traveling down the highway with such poor visibility and high winds

Wanting to call ahead, he pulls out his cell phone. Quickly realizing he has no signal, he tosses the phone onto the nearby empty passenger seat

“This is mental!” he groans, as the car once again moves and shakes with a powerful gust. “The weatherman didn’t get today right at all!”

Allen’s stress levels then hit the roof, as he sees the cone of a tornado forming in a field to the side of the road. Buffeting the car, the wind is noticeably worse than seconds ago.

“Oh darn!” Allen shouts in panic, as the thickening tornado starts heading in his direction.

Debrie now flying all over the place. Allen looks out his car window, the visibility had become even worse than it was a few seconds ago.

Desperately reaching for the keys in the car's ignition, Allen knows he has to get out of the path of the tornado. As the car struggles to start, it bumps and rocks, as the wind starts lifting the two-tone car off from the ground.

“Come on!” he screams as the engine fails to start. “Come on your piece of shit!”

At this point, the wind noise against the car was deafening. Allen couldn’t even hear the car's engine struggling to start. He flooded it, without knowing.

Desperately still trying to start the engine, the car moves and skids across the highway.

In a last-ditch panic, Allen bails out of the car and heads for the side of the road. As he exits the car, the wind hits him like a tone of bricks. He struggles to stand or even breathe.

Fighting for his survival, he uses every ounce of his strength and willpower to make it to a roadside. Chucking himself into the roadside ditch, he instantly feels the pressure of the strong winds disappear. Knowing he still isn’t safe, he does his best to catch his breath.

“Fuck!” he cries, as he watches his car lift up into the air and disappear into the storm.

That’s when he sees the flash of a bright white animal scurry past him. Snapping his head in the direction, he notices an odd-looking white rabbit disappear into a wide-open rabbit hole.

Fearing for his life, as the tornado rips apart the entire area, he sees his chance for survival. On his hands and knees, he scurries over to the hole. Lucky for him, it’s large enough to fit his entire body.

“Thank fuck!” he cries as he enters the hole. “I’m so fucking glad I’m short and skinny!”

Once inside, he can feel the soft moist dirt with his fingers. Anything was better than getting swept up by the storm.

Reaching for his lighter, he strikes a flame and looks around. Even though the hole was starting to open out like a cave, the white rabbit he followed was nowhere to be seen.

Confused and still very scared of the storm outside, Allen decides to push further into the depths of the rabbit hole. He knew the further he went, the safer he would be from the extreme weather tearing everything apart.

“You’re not supposed to be here!” a snooty voice declares, hidden by the darkness. “I may be late, but you need to turn back before it’s too late for you.”

Thrusting his lighter in front of him, desperately trying to see who was talking to him, Allen is left bemused by the mysterious voice.

“Where are you?” he calls out, moving his lighter around, only to see the dirt walls of the tunnel.

“I’m late!” the voice repeats in panic, but this time in the distance. “Don’t follow me. You’ve been warned!”

“What do you mean I’ve been warned!?” Allen cries out confused. “Where are you?”

Shuffling further into the cold damp tunnel, Allen could now barely hear the blisteringly strong winds outside.

“Hello…..?” he calls out once more, as the tunnel appears to widen. “Are you still there?”

Awaiting a reply, Allen hears nothing but the movement of his own body. As he continues shuffling inside, he looks up to find he has headroom to stand.

Getting to his knees and then eventually standing, Allen brushes the dirt from his clothes and uses his lighter to look around in the dark.

An almost sinister, high-pitched laugh echo’s down the tunnel towards him. With fright, he quickly turns to point the lighter in that direction. Nothing can be seen, but the seeming unending dirty tunnel

“Hello…..?” Allen cries out once more as he takes a step forward. “Is anyone there?”

As he takes a step, the floor falls out beneath him. With a crack of earth and with a gust of wind, Allen finds himself tumbling down the rabbit's hole. Screaming and desperately trying to stop himself from falling, his lighter goes out and he continues to fall uncontrollably.

Not being able to see anything, he starts panicking and worrying. As thoughts of breaking his legs, trapped in a darkened hole flash through his mind, he unexpectantly slows.

Confused, he can’t understand what he’s feeling. He feels like he’s lighter than air. Like he’s almost floating like a balloon.

Still not being able to see anything, he can feel his pant legs puffing out like they are acting as a parachute. He has no idea what's going on. He feels like, with any movements, he’d go tumbling down once more.

With a thud, he feels the hard solid ground hit him from below. As he holds himself up and manages to stick the landing, he looks around. In front of him, a bright gleaming light fills the now house-like-looking tunnel.

“What the hell!” he groans as he rubs his eyes at the strength of the bright light. “What is this place?”

Talking towards the light, he can see that the floor is no longer dirt but beautifully tiled. Allen can only think that he’s fallen into some old abandoned subway station.

Approaching the source of the light, he sees something he didn’t expect. In front of him is a doorway, with many many doors all of the different sizes. The first few normal-sized doors are left open, but one tiny door remains closed.

“Why would anyone do this..?” he questions as he gets to his knees.

Running his fingers down the old-looking wooden door, he places his fingers around the doorknob and turns it. Thankfully not locked, he pushes the door open, and bright beaming light floods in.

Shielding his eyes, he crawls on his knees through the doorway.

As the pain of the bright light subsides, Allen opens his eyes to find himself in a lushes green forest. The gentle sounds of the tree leaves blowing in the wind and the sound of bird’s singing ring in his ears.

Getting to his feet, he cannot believe what he is seeing. Sunlight and blue skies steamed through the crack in the canopy above. Looking behind him, he can no longer see the doorway he crawled for.

He now knows that he is lost, with no way of returning the way he came.

“Oh, hello…… there…..,” a voice chirps out above him with elongated words.

Rubbing his eyes, Allen looks up in search of the voice.

“Hmmm….,” the voice wonders as its voice echo’s all around. “Is this right……?”

“Where are you!” Allen demands. “Show yourself!”

“A man…..?” the voice ponders once more. “This is… rather curious….,”

Spinning his body on the spot, Allen surveys all the nearby branches, looking for the source of the voice.

“A man……?” the voice chuckles.

Being able to now pinpoint the location of the voice, Allen stares in its direction.

Out of nowhere, a large purple striped cat appears, laying on one of the tree branches above. His tail casually waves in the wind as it hangs down below it.

“You are a man…….correct?” the cat asks, as it pulls a grin wider than the English channel. “What is your name?”

“My name…?” Allen retorts, as he steps back from the massive, grinning cat. “It’s…..Allen.”

“Allen you say…?” the cat says with a meow and a waft of its large tail. “Interesting. I wonder if you are of relation to a certain young girl?”

“What are you saying!?” Allen growls impatiently. “What girl? More importantly, what is this place!?”

Rolling his eyes, the cat continues to waft his tail from side to side.

“I don’t think we have the time….,” the cat complains as its body starts to dematerialize.

Watching on as the cat disappears in front of his eyes, Allen can only see the outline of its freakishly large grin lingering in the tree.

“What don’t he have time for!?” Allen cries out.

“She’s out for…….” The cat's words linger in the air as its grin fades “Revenge……,”

The ground begins to rumble beneath Allen’s feet as he paces towards the tree the cat was laying in. Looking around for his options, Allen sees several pathways leading away off in different directions.

Pacing from one side of the tree to the other, Allen has no idea in which direction to travel. As the rumbling gets louder, he sees large shapes appearing through the forest brush.

“playing cards…..?” Allen cries out confused as the shapes approach him.

Wondering what to do, he just stands frozen on the spot as the large playing card figures march towards him with purpose. At this point, he knew this could only be a dream. No way was any of this real!

Pinching himself to wake up, he looks up to find an army of playing cards standing within a hair's breadth.

“What the fu…….” He tries to say before being hit on the back of the head with force.

The sharp pain is only for an instant, as the last image he sees is the floor hurtling towards his face.

Chapter 2

The first thing Allen notice as he wakes is the sheer cold against his naked body. The second is the chains around his wrists holding him up off the floor. As his vision returns, he looks around at the dingey cold dungeon-like room he finds himself in.

Shaking at his restraints, trying to break free, he can’t help but feel like he’s going completely mad.

“Help!” he cries as his restraints hold him tight. “I don’t know where I am, why I’m here or how to get home!”

As his whine echos around in the stone walls of his cell, the heavy-looking door creaks open in front of him. As the firelight streams into his cell, he sees a single, feminine figure walk towards him.

“Why are you here…?” the female figure questions with a regal and powerful feminine voice. “That is a good question!”

Being part pleased that the woman talking to him is in fact human, Allen gives her a strained smile.

“Oh thank god!” he whimpers. “Are you here to help me?”

With a sinister giggle, the woman stands still in front of him. Allowing Allen to get a good look at her, he is left even more confused by her look. To him, she looked like she was about to go to a Halloween party.

Her dainty figure is sinched in with a bone corset and accentuated by the gown's large puffy skirt. The skirt itself was strange, being covered in hearts. Her face, large and bright white, with curly bright red hair sticking up.

“Help you….?” she chuckles once more, as she places a single finger on his bare chest. “Oh no, you silly little person. I’m the queen of hearts, I don’t help the likes of you!”

Worried, Allen looks her dead in the eye.

“Let me ask you something,” she continues, as her finger slides down his torso, towards his crotch. “Do you have any females in your family? Any daughters? Any mothers?”

Confused as to why she asked, he knows it’s a simple answer. He has no family.

“I’m alone,” he admits, lowering his head in sadness.

“I see…,” the queen mutters, as her fingers reach his flaccid shaft.

Between her thumb and index finger, the queen lifts his cock and looks down at it in disappointment.

“That would explain why I’ve been sent a hideous man…” she mumbles to herself.

Causing Allen to squeal, as she drops his drooping penis, she looks him up and down as she walks around him.

“You’re not very masculine….are you Allen…?” the queen mocks, as she holds his sides and leans towards him. “I think you might actually work quite well.”

“Work well for what?” Allen retorts, annoyed at her previous comments. “Stop talking nonsense and tell me where I am and why you’ve tied me up!”

Stepping back from him, the Queen's face lights up with a sinister smile. Putting her hands upon her hips, she leans slightly forward and beings to whisper.

“Oh my dear,” she says as she draws in closer and closer. “You are part of a family that wronged me many years ago. Now you are the only one left for me to enact my revenge.”

Gently stroking his soft hairless chin with one hand, she brings her face within inches of his. So close to him, Allen could smell her putrid breath.

“You are going to be my little plaything,” she says softly, as she pouts and plants a single kiss upon his unsuspecting lips.

Pulling away in disgust, Allen spits on the floor.

“Lady!” he yells. “I have no idea who you are! How could I have ever done anything to you for you to want revenge!”

Unphased, the Queen remains close. Tilting her head gently to one side, she strokes his face once more.

“A girl called Alice once arrived in my kingdom!” she booms and swipes at Allen's face as she retreats. “She stole from me and all this time, I’ve wanted vengeance and closure. Since I’m unable to get Alice to return here, I’m stuck with you!”

Still confused, Allen shakes at his shackles in the hope they will break.

“Oh Allen,” she continues, as she reaches into a nearby wooden box. “I’ve given it much thought since my guards found you. I was disappointed to find you, a man, but fear not! We’ve come up with a much more exciting fate for you.”

Still desperately pulling at his restraints, Allen watches the Queen pull a sky blue dress and bright white apron from the box. As she lifts the items onto her arm, she quickly pulls out a golden blonde wig. Holding all the items up towards Allen, she gives him a devious grin.

“Fate….!?” Allen booms, as he looks on at the mad queen holding up a dress towards him. “I don’t get it.”

“What's not to get?” the queen asks, as several guards flood into the room and surround him. “You are going to take her place! You will be my Alice!”

With a flurry of commotion, the guards start pulling at Allen’s body. Starting by parting his smooth legs, they quickly have his penis encased in a pair of flowery white panties.

As Allen tries his best to fend them off, another guard runs bright white stockings up his legs. He continues trying his best to fight them, but he soon finds himself wearing the white feminine stockings.

Feeling how the stockings cling to his legs tight, he pulls a sour face.

“Stop this!” he cries out as the guards back away.

Smirking, the queen nods to signal the guards to continue. It’s at that point, that a spear is held to his throat. Allen stares down at the shiny blade and gulps.

Seconds later, Allen's arms flop to his sides, as he is realized from his restraints. Still, with the sharp end of a spear to his throat, he dares move.

“Good girl,” the queen giggles. “Your transformation into a beauty won’t be much longer I promise!”

Forming daggers with his eyes, Allen tries to stare down the queen. With a silly grin, she just smirks in return.

It’s not long until the guards surround him once more. With one either side of him, they throw both his arms into the air. A frilly white bra is thrown over his arms and onto his chest. As they roughly lower his arms, he is fastened into the matching white bra.

Still, with the spear to his throat, he just manages to look down at his hairless chest sporting the very feminine bra.

“Do you like that?” the queen quips. “Good thing you’ve got such a girly looking body isn’t it. It’s like this is your true destiny!”

Not getting a second to answer, Allen gasps for air. A  stiff bone corset is wrapped around his torso and pulled tight to give him a feminine waistline.

Wheezing, he gives the queen another dirty look. He’s never worn anything like it before and he didn’t plan to start now.

“Let me go!” he coughs, as he fails his arms hopelessly. “I’m no woman! I shouldn’t be wearing these things!”

As the queen just continues to stare in delight, Allen is left struggling for breath as the corset is locked up behind him.

“You shouldn’t be….?” The queen says as she walks slowly to the side of the room and looks delicately out of the barred window. “Do you know what a Jabberwocky is…..Alice?”

“Jabber….what?” Allen gripes with a wheeze. “Don’t call me Alice!”

“Alice Alice Alice,” the Queen laughs, as she runs her long dainty fingers down the rusted metal bars. “If you don’t play nice and accept this new fate of yours, I will toss you to the Jabberwocky!”

Just as Allen opens his mouth to speak, a deafening roar thunders from outside and echo’s around the cell. As he looks around the room, he can see the worry on the faces around him.

“Seems like he’s expecting you, Alice.” The queen says as she turns and slowly walks towards him. “I hear the Jabberwocky likes to torment its victim for hours before it finally gives them the sweet mercy of death.

Standing directly in front of him with a wide grin, the Queen delights, as the thunderous roar shaking the cell once more.

Gently touching Allen’s tight born corset, the queen runs a single finger us his sides before stopping at his bra.

“If you behave like a good girl,” she whispers into his ears. “Then we won’t have to worry about that nasty beast….will we….?”

Lowering his head and allowing his body to go limp in submission, Allen gives the queen a single nod.

“Good girl!” the Queen cheers and steps back to allow the transformation to continue. “You will learn to love being a sweet sweet girl. I plan to make you feel feminine as soon as your transformation is complete.”

Feeling extremely worried about the queen meant by ‘feel feminine, Allen gulps.

With a click of her fingers, the Queen signals the guards to continue. It’s not long until Allen looks down at himself and threats at how feminine he looks in the bright blue dress and white apron. The way it clung to his body and gave him a curvey figure made him feel sick to his core. Not for one second did he ever think he could look so girly.

With a flurry of makeup and a spritz of perfume, the Queen takes hold of the long glossy blonde wig and steps towards him. Placing it upon his head, like a crown, she attaches it to his head and allows the long strands to cascade down his face.

“I don’t ever want to see this wig off,” the Queen demands, as she gently strokes his long pretty hair.

Stepping back to admire Allen’s feminization, the Queen tilts her head with dissatisfaction. Then with a snap of inspiration, her eyes widened and she smiles.

“She’s missing her pretty little hairband!” the Queen giggles. “We will have to get you one another time!”

Turning to look at a single guard, she signals them all the leave. As the door slams closed behind them, Allen finds himself alone with the queen once more.

With his blonde wig, pretty blue dress, and frilly underwear, Allen had lost all desire to fight and escape. Still gasping for air, thanks to the corset, he looks up at the Queen with worry. As she steps forward and towers over him, she wraps her arms around his narrow waist and pulls him close to her. Bringing her face close to his, the Queen kisses him and bites his lip hard.

“Time to make you feel feminine,” the Queen demands as she snatches another kiss from Allen’s reluctant lips. “Bend over for me Alice, and let me make you the girly girl you are destined to be!”

Almost scared to move, Allen is thankful when the Queen steps back. His relief is however short-lived.

“See this….,” the Queen chuckles, as she lifts the heavy skirt of her dress up to reveal a large strap-on attached to her crotch. “This is what you are to worship from now on!”

Terrified by the size of the huge plastic cock dangling between his legs, Allen feels his asshole tighten with trepidation.

“Bend over now!” the Queen demands, as she unzips her dress and allows it to full to a heap on the floor. “Bend over, lift that dress, and let me see you little pussy!”

Reluctantly, Allen turns around.

“Get!” the Queen shouts impatiently as she kicks his legs out and forces him onto his hands and knee’s

Hitting the floor with a thump, the stockings do little to protect him from the hard floor.

“Yes…….,” the Queen says in triumph, lifting Allen’s skirt up and over his back. “This is what I’ve been looking forward to!”

Using a single finger to part his frilly underwear away from his ass crack, the queen gently tickles around his ring.

“I assume that you are a virgin, Alice?” the Queen asks, as she slips a finger into his crack. “You are very very tight.”

Swiftly pulling out the finger and grabbing hold of the large strap on, the queen guides the tip so that it pushes against his anus ring. Leaning into him, so he feels the head of the strap on, she strokes his long hair.

“Ready Alice?” she asks with excitement.

Terrified, Allen shakes his head in hope’s she let him go. As the Queen relents and allows the strap-on to dangle once more, he gets his hopes up.

That’s when he feels a very cold liquid run down his ass crack and seep into his anus.

“Moan for me!” the Queen yells as she grabs his narrow waist from both sides. “I wanna hear you scream!”

Gritting his teeth tight, Allen can feel the large strap-on forcing its way into his virgin anus. As much as he tries to fight it, the cock borrows its way inside him. As the queen pushes it further and further, the pain becomes unbearable.

“FUUCK!” Allen screams as the deep cock fills his burning anus. “STOP!”

Laughing and cackling, the Queen starts thrusting back and forwards. The cock empties and fills his anus, again and again, causing Allen to moan out in pain.

“Goods girl!” the Queen cries as she thrusts deep and slaps him hard on his bare ass. “You’re taking me so well you little whore!”

Tears now welling in his eyes, Allen tries his best to distance his mind from the splitting pains in his ass.

“What's your name girl!” the Queen shouts and slaps him hard on the ass once more. “Tell your queen who you are?”

As the savage sting of a second ass slap mixes with the extreme pain of being fucked in the ass, Allen whimpers.

“A…..li….ce,” he manages to say between thrusts of her massive cock. “M-y na…me is Ali..ce,”

With the deepest thurst yet, the Queen puts all of her weight into slamming the cock further inside him. Letting out a huge yelp of pain, the Queen searches for his limp cock.

Pulling it from his panties, she squeezes his flaccid balls cock tightly with her fingers.

“Mmmmmmm!” the queen groans with pleasure, as she continues to squeeze him tight. “Amazing work Alice! Because you’ve been such a good little girl, I’m going to allow you to stay with me tonight.

Concentrating so much on the pain, Allen just nods in agreement to whatever she’s saying.

Pulling the cock out of his ass and letting go of his shaft, the Queen gently strokes his sore ass checks with one finger.

“Oh Alice,” she says with satisfaction. “I think you are going to love living here as my personal fuck toy.”

With a singly rough movement, the Queen turns Allen so that he’s on his knees. With terror, Allen looks up at the Queen who dangles her shaft right in front of his face.

“Well…….?” she smirks, as she looks down at him cowering. “It’s not going to suck itself!”

With hesitation, Allen grasps the large, dirty-smelling dildo with one hand. As he looks up at the Queen's smug face, he holds the cock to his mouth.

Impatient, the Queen grabs the back of his head and forces the cock down his throat. With a gag and a splutter, Allen does his best to suck the plastic cock.

“Such a good girl, Alice!” the Queen cries with delight as Allens bobs his head up and down. “You're going to love this next part!”

Reaching to the side of her strap-on, the Queen presses a small button. Moments later, Allen starts gagging and groaning.

“Swallow my load!” the Queen cries as the strap-on fills Allen’s mouth with fake cum. “If you don’t, no supper for you tonight! Little bitches have to earn the right to eat!”

As the salty warm thick liquid strikes the back of his throat, Allen does his best to swallow it down. It was not made easy by the Queen thrusting the cock deep into his mouth.

Allowing Allen to clean the last up the last drops, the Queen removes the cock from his mouth and strokes him gently on the head.

“Stand for me, Alice,” she commands.

Still sore and shocked by the entire experience, Allen gets up slowly from the ground. Terrified of what the Queen might do next, he looks down at his feminine-looking body.

“This is for you,” the Queen giggles, as she lifts his skirt once more and forces a cold, metal anal plug deep inside his burning anus. “You are now a girl. I want you to curtsey and introduce yourself as Alice from now on.”

As the but plug nestles into his ass, Allen quickly glances at the Queen.

“Yes my Queen,” he answers nervously.




For your Alice in wonderland story, I really like the line, "I may be late, but you need to turn back before it’s too late for you."