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Introducing Micheal. He's going to be writing stories for the channel from time to time! Here's the first one

“Why am I out here,” Charlie asked the empty forest clearing. 

Charlie was not sure what he was doing out here in the forest. It looked like it could rain and any minute and he had brought neither a coat nor an umbrella. Yet here he was following so old game trail that led only God knew where, through the woods behind his house. He couldn’t understand why he kept walking when every cell in his body said go back.

“One more bolt of lightning or rumble of thunder and I am going back,” he told himself. 

His feet kept carrying him forward. He usually spent his afternoons reading or engaging in his secret feminine hobbies. He had never been hiking before in his life. He was not a big fan of bugs and other animals. 

Charlie crested the hill and was taken aback by the vista before him. What the relator had called a small woodland area, was in fact, a huge pine forest. “Wow,” he said putting his hand to his forehead. “I know where I’m getting my Christmas tree this year.”

Suddenly a flash of lightning hit the ground several miles to his left. His eyes tracked in that direction as the thunder rumbled through the air. “Help me,” he heard someone say.

“Hello?” Charlie asked looking around in every direction.

“Help me,” can the voice again. It was feminine almost musical. 

“Hold on,” replied Charlie, not knowing who or what he was talking to. “I’m coming.”

His gut said to run to the left and so he went in that direction. There were more lightning bolts and more thunder. He thought for a moment about going back but then he the voice again. “Help me, Charlie,” it said.

After running for what seemed like forever Charlie found himself in a small clearing. The grass was soft with cornflowers and wild roses everywhere. It was the picture of serenity. The only thing that ruined the scene was a large scorch mark that started near the tree line where Charlie now stood and ran straight as an arrow toward the other end of the clearing. 

“What the hell,” asked Charlie.

“Hurry Charlie,” said the female voice again. 

Charlie broke into a run. He was not much of a runner. He was only 5 foot six inches tall and weighed maybe one hundred and ten pounds. He was winded by the time he reached the end of the burn pattern. Charlie raised his shirt and wiped the sweat from his brow. When he opened his eyes, he saw that he was standing at the edge of a crater

A lightning bolt behind him caused him to jump suddenly. As he pivoted one of his feet found solid ground but the other went into the hole and he began to slip. He waived his arms franticly but it was no use. Gravity had him in its strong grasp and it would not let go. Down he went into the hole. 

When the dirt cleared Charlie coughed a couple of times and looked around. His hands seemed to work and his legs seemed OK. His face and hands were covered in dirt but that was nothing a shower couldn’t fix. All in all, the only thing that seemed to be bruised was his pride. 

He rolled onto his right side, preparing to get up. A sharp stabbing pain shot through his side. He quickly rolled the other away and came face to face with a rock about the size of a baseball but shaped like an almond. “Oh, cool,” said Charlie, sitting up. “A meteor.” 

Throwing all caution to the wind he reached for the rock. His fingers didn’t even make contact with the rock before Charlie pulled them back. Having overcome his excitement, he took a far more scientific approach to this. He touched it with just one finger. It was not hot or cold. He moved closer to the rock and picked it up. To his surprise, it was very light. 

A drop of rain hit the back of his head and then another. He picked up the rock and put it on the rim of the hole. He then climbed out of the hole and started walking. He followed the scorch marks out of the valley and back into the trees. He had taken only a few steps in what he thought was the direction his house was when he heard the voice again, “To you left.”

“What?” he said looking around again. 

He started walking in the same direction and he felt his left hand grow warm. The more he walked the hotter the left side of the stone got. Finally, Charlie took a step to the left and the stone began to cool. He kept going to the left and finally came out of the woods near his house. 

More than happy to see the back of his house. Charlie decided that it would be best to take the meteor to the back of the house and enter through the greenhouse. He placed the meteor on his work table. He began to remove his dirty clothes and put them in a pile. He washed his face and reached for the towel he usually kept near the wash basin. Unfortunately, he hit the rock, sending it rolling like a football towards the edge of the table. 

He dove for the meteor but came up short. He watched as the rock hit the floor and a loud cracking sound pierced the air. “Oh no,” Charlie whimpered. “What have I done?”

As he was asking this question he heard the female voice again, “Oh, thank you.”

Charlie looked at the meteor in disbelief. “d-d-did you say something?”

“Yes,” he heard the voice in his head again. “I said thank you. Is that the right way to say it in your language? I’m sorry but I’m having a little trouble understanding your communication methods. They are a little primitive.”

“Oh,” said Charlie not sure what else to say. “Sorry.”

“Not your fault,” said the voice. “Your species will get better in a few million years.”

“Who are you?” Charlie asked.

“I’m Ion,” said the voice. “I’m sorry can we try a different kind of communication?”

“Sure,” answered Charlie

A small vine appeared through the crack in the stone and snaked its way towards Charlie. He moved closer and the vine wrapped itself around his finger and suddenly Charlie’s head was filled with pictures like he was watching twelve movies being played all at the same time. In a matter of minutes, Charlie learned everything about Ion, her People, and her home world.

“Wow,” said, Charlie pulling his finger away. “So, you’re an explorer?”


Charlie, remembering one of the million things he had just learned about Ion, picked up the rock and headed for the garage. He turned on his car and closed all the windows and doors. He then watched through one of the windows as first one vine then a dozen, appeared through the crack in the stone. Charlie could not see it but small mouths appeared at the end of each arm and they began to soak in the CO2 and carbon monoxide.

“Thank you, Charlie,” said the voice in his head. “I really need that after my long journey. Are you sure you can spare it,” asked Ion, her tone turning concerned.

“Trust me,” said Charlie, smiling. “We have plenty to share.”

Charlie heard the motor of his car stop. He went to the window but the stone was gone. He peered through the windows but couldn’t see anything. He franticly paced outside the door of the garage, not sure what to do. Making up his mind to risk asphyxiation, he sucked in a breath and was about to charge in, when the side door opened and a man stood there. “Oh, my,” said Charlie letting out his breath. “Ion.”

There in the door stood Ion. She had used Charlie's form as a blueprint to create a body similar to his. The only major difference between them was that her skin had a slight green hue to it and her lips and eyes were an emerald green. “I was hoping you would like me this way,” asked Ion anxiously.

“Yes,” said Charlie, looking away. Ion’s people were not familiar with human modesty or clothes. “Very much.”

“Then why do you…” began Ion, a little anxious at his reaction. “I’m sorry I didn’t realize you don’t like this form.”

“It looks good on you,” said Charlie with a smile. 

“But you don’t want it for yourself?” Ion asked.  

“Yes,” said Charlie, rubbing the top of his foot on the back of his pants. “I mean no, I would much rather be a woman. But enough of wishes and dreams, how can I help you?”

“You already have,” said Ion taking Charlie’s hand. “I have sent a message to my people. They are on their way here to accept your generous offer.”

“Oh,” said Charlie looking crestfallen. “I guess you’ll be going then.”

“Yes. But,” said Ion taking Charlie’s hand. “I am to remain here and observe your planet until they arrive in nine or ten years.”

Charlie immediately perked up. “Ten years?” he asked.

Ion smiled and answered him, “Yes. If not longer.”

“Well, I am sure I can show you a few things about Earth before then,” he joked. 

Ion leaned in and kissed Charlie. She pressed hard against his lips. “I’m sorry was that the wrong custom?” Ion said pulling back. “The vision kept going through your mind.”

Charlie stood in place, frozen mid-kiss. “a-a- au. No that is we usually save that for greeting people special to us.” he answered blushing.

 “Am I special to you?” Ion asked coyly.

“Oh, Ya,” answered Charlie, more than a little lovestruck.

“If you don’t like this body, why don’t you change?” asked Ion as she began to change before his eyes. 

Ion’s hair grew out. Her arms shrank and her shoulders moved back. Her eyes became more almond-shaped and her cheekbones shifted. Her body seemed to almost melt and reform in place like around her stomach and her hips.

“Because,” Charlie sighed. “We humans have not figured out how to do that.”

“Oh, that’s terrible,” she said, taking his hand and patting it softly. “You, poor thing.”

Charlie liked the feeling of her hand covering his. The two just stood there for a few minutes while Charlie enjoyed her touch and Ion thought. “Charlie, do you trust me?” Ion finally asked. 

“I don’t know why,” he admitted, “But, yes.”

“Then maybe I can help you,” offered Ion. 

“How,” asked Charlie as Ion once again leaned in and pressed her lips to his.

Charlie closed his eyes and wrapped his arms around Ion’s waist. He pressed her hard against his body and kissed her back. He kissed her like he had never kissed anyone before. It felt so good, so right and it made him forget about everything in the world but her.

Ion’s fingers turned into vines that quickly began to snake around Charlie covering his upper torso. Her tows did likewise, and in a matter of seconds, it was nearly impossible to see where Ion stopped and Charlie began. Ion had encased him in a vine cocoon so that she could rearrange his cells and give him what he wanted. 

Changing his form was taking quite a bit longer than she thought it would. She then remembered her self why she was doing it and could not wait to see Charlie’s expression when she was done. She kept checking and rechecking his mind to confirm the exact form he wanted to take. This was already sapping her energy reserves quite a bit and She wasn’t even sure she could change him again if she got it wrong. 

 Pleased with her work, Ion released Charlie from her grasp. She stumbled back, more than a little fatigued by what she had done. Charlie too was dizzy but was able to steady himself by putting one hand on his car. “OMG,” He then exclaimed staring wide-eyed into the mirror at her new reflection. “We could be twins.”

“Yes,” confirms Ion. “I didn’t want you to be unhappy.”

Charlie charged over and embraced Ion. She then picked Ion up and swung her around the garage like a rage doll. “Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.”

“You are so welcome,” said Ion with a pleased smile on her face. “Now, will you show me more of your world?”

Charlie took Ion’s hand and pulled her toward the door to the outside. Then he changes directions and escorts her back towards the door that goes into his house. 

“What’s wrong?” asks Ion. 

“I will be happy to show you everything about Earth,” Charlie says, reassuring her. “But the first place I want to show you is my closet. I have a couple of dresses that are going to look stunning on us.”


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