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Looking into the small cardboard box Rex has sent through the post, Toby sighs at how much bubble wrap he will have to cut into to get the darn thing out.

“Is it all there?” Rex asks, speaking through Toby’s flatscreen on the wall via FaceTime.

Toby looks up at the screen and his friend's looking expression. “I don’t know. It looks like you’ve sent me the entire roll of bubble wrap.”

“These things aren’t cheap,” Rex replies, lifting his own Dreamscape device into view. “You should be saying thank you. I’ve been able to get you one at all.”

Pulling at the packaging, Toby smiles. “Thanks, Rex,” he says sarcastically. “I’m just glad I’ve got one now, and you and the other guys will quit bugging me to get one.”

Eventually, pulling the heavy black device from the box, Toby is confused by all the cables and things hanging from it.

“It will be fun having you back on the team,” Rex says. “Do you need me to tell you how to set it up?”

“Err…,” Toby fights the tangled cables. “Yeah, please.”

Following Rex’s instructions word for word, Toby sits comfortably on his sofa, hooked up and ready to enter the Dreamscape. He holds the VR headset and looks up at his TV. “So, how does it all work?”

“The device manipulates the impulses in your brain. Everything you see, smell, and experience in the Dreamscape will feel natural and indistinguishable from the real world,” Rex explains, setting his VR head over his eyes.

“So, do I get to choose an avatar or something?” Toby asks, curious how it’s going to work.

Rex tilts his head as he adjusts the straps on his device. “Erm….,” he replies with a touch of trepidation. “The game we’re playing currently has preset characters. We’ve all chosen already, so there’s only one character left. You’re going to have to live in the Dreamscape as them.”

“Cool,” Toby nods, following Rex’s example of placing the device on his head. “So, who’s the character?”

“It’s the thief,” Rex replies.

“Oh sweet,” Toby interrupts, quickly imagining a sly con-artist-type character. “Sounds like I’m going to be the edgy character in your righteous crusade against the bad guys, huh?”

“Sure,” Rex answers, having finished setting up his gear. “You will be a little different from the other characters in our small guild. You’ll deffo be othering us something different.

Pulling his straps tight, Toby can feel the device fizzing with static energy as his hairs stand on end. Excited to start, Toby feels silly that he hadn’t joined in with his friends sooner. He feels a little like the kid that’s picked last.

“Does my character have facial hair?” Toby asks, imagining the thief character to have a pencil-thin mustache

“Erm…,” Rex hesitates. “N-no. No facial hair. You will have access to a load of unique outfits, though.”


“No, Toby,” Rex says sternly, explaining the plane. “When you log in, you will feel disoriented. as your brain adjusts to your avatar's physical features. Initially, it might seem very jarring, but just run around for a few minutes, and you’ll soon get used to it.”


“Me, John, and Jaheem will be waiting for you in the central square,” Rex explains, getting himself comfortable in his armchair. “I’m the knight. Long blonde hair, blue eyes, and very handsome.”

“That must have been jarring for you,” Toby teases.

“Funny,” Rex sighs. “John is the archer. He’s Just as tall. Brown hair, brown eyes. Looks a little like Robinhood.”

“And Jaheem?”

“Dark Wizard,” Rex says. “Big dark robe. Long beard. Put it this way: you’ll know it’s us because we’ll act like we usually do.”

“And I’ll be the thief,” Toby nods, understanding the situation perfectly.

“Yes,” Rex beams a smile through his visor. “Yes, you will. Anyway, are you ready?”


“Good,” Rex says, tapping at the side of his headset. “Press this button and relax as the device syncs with your body. It might feel like your entire body is getting pins and needles, but just relax, and before you know it—you’ll have to enter the Dreamscape as the thief.”

Toby does as instructed; before he knows it, he looks up at the beautiful blue sky and wispy clouds. Birds are singing, and the trees gently bustle in the wind. He’s definitely not in his front room anymore.

Gawking at the beauty of the world around him, he can’t believe it. It feels just like real.

However, things quickly seem very strange. His point of view is very low to the floor. His body feels light and thin. His clothes feel odd like he’s wearing a fancy dress costume.

Looking down, his eyes are blinded by locks of golden blonde hair. Freaking out a little, trying to swipe the hairs from his face, he hears people laughing from behind.

“Toby!” a strong, confident male voice says. “I see you’re already getting to being the thief.”

Spinning on the spot, Toby’s outfit swings around his legs like he’s wearing a dress.

“R-rex?” Toby asks, squeaking with his new higher-pitched voice.

“Yup,” Rex smiles, resting his board sword on his shoulder. “In the flesh.”

“And how are you, young lady?” John asks, appearing behind Rex with a smirk. “You’re cuter than I expected. Serves your right for being the last one to join in.”

“Young….lady?” Toby questions, slowly looking at his dainty hands as he does.

Toby’s eyes explode as he starts to understand who and what his avatar is. He looks down at the cute shoes, princess-style dress, and the long strands of hair cascading down his face.

“AM I A GIRL!” he screams, winching at the pain of pulling at the hair attached to his head.

Rex clears his throat and tries to keep a straight face. Watching his best friend freaking out in the body of a small girl, he can’t keep it in.

“HA yeah!” he laughs, gently patting Toby on the head. “You’re adorable!”

Toby throws out his arms in frustration and stamps his foot like he’s having a temper tantrum. “How is this the thief!?”

Jaheem steps from the shadows, calm and calculated. But he can’t keep it together either and soon breaks out into a smile. “She’s the thief because she’s quick, agile, and no one would expect a thing from such a pretty young lady.”

Placing his hands on his hips, Toby frowns. “Thanks guys,” he complains.

“You’re welcome,” all three of the same in unison.

Rex kneels in front of Toby to look him in the eye. “You’re going to have to get used to that body quick. We’ve got a raid this afternoon, and we need you to pickpocket the guard for the entrance key.”

“Get used to….?” Toby groans, unable to look into Rex’s now ocean-blue eyes.

“Yup.” Rex grins, patting Toby on the head once again. “This is going to be fun, I promise!”

“For you, maybe,” Toby grumbles, flicking at his dress. “You guys are the correct gender.”

Rex tilts his head to the side. “Think of this as a learning experience.”


“Yeah,” Rex says smugly. “The first lesson is this. Next time your friends ask you to join in with their game, don’t wait until we’ve lost all the other characters and only one is left. And second. Now you’re the shortest in our group. It might teach you to stop making so many short jokes.”

“I don’t do that!” Toby protests, fighting again with his long locks.

“Yeah,” Jaheem interrupts. “You do. What is it you say to me all the time? Am I tall enough to play with a yo-yo?”

Jaheem gives Toby a cheeky smile as he gently pats him on the head. “I could now ask you the same pipsqueak.”

“Right,” Toby says, batting Jaheem’s hand away his head in frustration. “I’m not playing!”

“Ahhhh, Toby!” everyone grumbles like he’s running the party. “We’re only playing. Please don’t sign out.”

Toby folds his arms tight and lets out a long breath. “Fine, just no short jokes!”

John turns to Jaheem and nudges him with his elbow. “Should I tell him to get into the kitchen now or later,” he laughs.

“No girl jokes either!” Toby growls, having to look up at them all.

“Team,” Rex says, acting like a leader. “Funs over. Let's get to work. Toby, you’re up. Once you’re familiar with being a little girl, we need you to use your skills! Remember, guys, we need her….H-him….”



Loona Starr

This looks like it'll be a fun romp through a game world.