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Thank you for supporting Sabrina. I hope you like what I came up with :)

From Boy to Maid to Princess

Sitting alone and cold in his small family hovel, Adam shivers under the moth-eaten blanket and waits for his family to come home from a hard day's work.

All skin and bones, Adam has neither the strength nor the ability to be out in the field like the rest of his family, tending the crops. Coughing into his hand, Adam wishes for the day when he’s strong like his oldest brother, or determined, like his older sister.

That’s when the door creeks open and his mother steps inside the barely lit home with a smile on her face.

Wearing her very finest clothes, which have been passed down from her own mother, Georgia enters with an unusual swagger. She’s not so typically joyful.

“Georgia,” Henry, Adma’s dad complains as he follows her into the house. “I wouldn’t want either one of my daughters working at that place, so why have you said they can have Adam!?”

Curious he’s being spoken about, Adam sits up in his bed and watches his entire family plow into the small kitchen at the front of their insignificant home.

“How is it going to work?” Louise, Adam’s eldest sister asks with a look of confusion. “He’s a boy after all.”

“Hardly,” Tom, his eldest brother laughs. “He’s got fewer muscles than you Louise.”

“Thomas!” Georgia scolds, gently wrapping her son across the back of his head with her palm. “You know he’s unwell. It’s not his fault he can’t eat without being sick.”

Frustrated that he’s just been told off, Tom frowns. “When all we get to eat is moldy old bread, milk that’s on the turn, and beer,” Tom back chats. “No wonder he’s unable to keep it down!”

“Didn’t do me any harm,” Adam’s dad interrupts. “Also, stop complaining. At least we have food on our table!”

Henry then turns back to his wife and shakes his head. “I know we need the money Georiga, but selling our youngest son to the castle to be a maid for the princess is ridiculous! Even if does look more girly than Louise with that long hair, he’s still a boy!”

Bemused at what’s happening, Adam gulps as the entire family stares at him. He indeed feels very guilty that he can’t help due to his sickness, but to be a maid—is that a good idea he wonders.

“Adam….,” his mother says softly, approaching the bed. “We’ve got you a job that I think you’ll be able to do even though you’re sick. The princess requested a new maid with hair like yours and we need the money!”

“M-mum….?” Adam mumbles with concern, worried he’s going to let the family down.

“Means you’re going to have to pretend to be a girl,” Louise pipes up as she approaches his bed. Putting her hand through her matted hair, Loiuse becomes frustrated. “Should be me,” she whines. “But I’m having to work the fields because you're so weak. Adam!”

Poking Adam with one of her dirty fingers, Louise sighs. “You better not mess this up for the family you runt! I’d have killed to me a maid at the castle and wear lovely clothes and that.”

“W-what?” Adam meekly replies. Being the center of attention is a little overwhelming for him and he doesn’t know what to say or do.

“Don’t be so jealous,” Georgia scolds Louise, as she sits on the side of the bed next to Adam. “I’m sure Adam would rather work in the fields if he could. Not much of a life for a boy that has to borrow a dress and pretend to be a girl.”

“P-pretend to be a g-girl?” Adam questions with a nervous squeak.

“Stupid, isn’t it,” Herny chuckles. “I’m sure he’s soon bulk up. No need to pull the wool over everyone's eyes and pretend our youngest is something he’s not.”

“It’s good money, Henry,” Georgia counters. “As a maid at the castle, he’ll earn almost double what he could working in the fields. It makes complete sense to me even if we have to dress him up.”

“What if they find out?” Henry retorts. “They’ll blame us!”

Georgia reaches across to Adam and she runs her fingers through his long platinum blonde hair and she smiles. “They’ll never tell he’s a boy,” she laughs. “Our son is more girly than our daughter! Even his shoulders are slimmer than hers!”

“Fine,” Henry huffs, folding his arms in defeat. “But don’t blame me if he messes this up. He’s not good at anything else—so I’m not sure why you think he'd make a good maid.”

“Good,” Georgia grins. “We’ve gotta have him up at the castle tomorrow. That gives us the rest of the day to adjust one of Louise’s dresses to his size.

“One of mine!?”Louise huffs. “That’s not fair!”

“Stop moaning girl!” Georgia scolds.

Adam wasn’t given any say in the matter and neither did he have the energy to argue. Getting him out of bed, Georgia dresses him in Louise’s underwear and even that’s loose on his tiny frame.

Feeling a little embarrassed that he’s wearing his sister's clothes, Adam could help but feel wanted in his family for the first time.

Pleased at the attention his mother and sister are giving him, Adam happily gets into the dress they give him and doesn’t complain as they adjust it to his skinnier body.

“Want me to brush his hair?” Louise asks.

“Please,” Georgia replies with a mouth full of pins. “Pigtails.”

As Georgia puts the finishing touches onto the dress that he is going to borrow, he looks down at himself and a small smile appears on his face.

The long skirt wafts freely around his legs. The tights feel warm and soft. The heels on the shoes give him extra height and make him feel a little less insignificant. Even the corset of the dress feels good to him. Expecting it to be so tight he can’t breathe, Adam is pleasantly surprised.

“What’s his name going to be?” Louise asks, casually chatting as she puts his hair into pigtails.”

Cinching in the sides to Adam’s small shape, Georgia doesn’t answer as she sows the dress together.

“Francis?” Louise suggests

Georgia shakes her head.

“Bethany?” Louise suggests again after a second of thought.”

Not liking either of those names, Adam uncharacteristically interrupts them both.

“Sabrina?” he suggests nervously

“Sabrina?” Georgia asks, reacting to his suggestion. “Have you given this some thought, Adam?”

Going a little shy, Adam looks away from his mum's stare but nods in agreement.

“I like that,” Louise interjects. “Now I’ve seen him in a dress, Sabrina does suit him.”

“Sabrina it is then,” Georgia chuckles. “But that surprises me, Adam. Are you looking forward to being a girl?”

Adam nods his head. “I don’t mind being a girl if that means I can actually work.”

“Good boy,” Georgia smiles, patting him gently on the side. “Or should I say girl?”

“….Girl,” Adam grins, showing his adorable smile for the first time in months.

And so Adam’s first day at the castle arrives. Having been taken to the front gate by horse and cart, he stands in awe of the massive stone walls surrounding the buildings inside.

As the gentle breeze plays delicately with his long skirt and pigtails, Adam has to take a deep breath and remember that dressed as he is—no one would ever know he’s a boy.

“Sabrina, are you ok?” Georgia asks, standing behind her son, now newly anointed daughter.

Sabrina coughs into her hand, but then looks up with a smile, “Yes. I’m excited.”

Georgia gets down on her knees and looks into Sabrina's eyes. “Remember your place, ok. As a maid, you will expected to do all sorts of jobs meant for a girl your age. If you’re unsure, just do as the other maids do.”

Sabrina nods as he listens carefully to his mother.

“Don’t get undressed in front of anyone!” Georgia continues, touching Sabrina’s rosy red cheeks. “And remember to brush your hair every night!”

“Yes, Mom,” Sabrina replies with a bashful smile. “Don’t worry. If being a girl makes you proud of me, I consider myself a girl.”

Georgia gets to her feet and gently pats Sarbina on the head. “Good girl. Now let's go and find where to go in this crazy big castle!”

Sabrina follows alongside his mother and looks at the massive solid stone walls. “I’ll be safe here, won’t I? he asks.

“Absolutely,” Georiga replies, looking down at him. “You might even meet the princess. She’s about your age!”

Leaving Sabrina feeling a little anxious about the possibility of meeting someone from the royal family, they both cross the draw bridge and speak to the guard stationed at the entrance of the castle.

Being both peasants, the guard is quick to stop them at the gate with his hand held firm.

“State your business,” he commands, only glancing once in Sabrina’s direction.

Standing much taller than his dad, the guard makes Sabrina nervous and feel very vulnerable. He shakes a little as he waits for his mother to answer.

“My daughter,” Georgia replies, touching Sabrina on the arm. “Is one of the girls from the village who’s been chosen to be a maid here.”

Being referred to as a ‘daughter’ makes Sabrina feel a little uncomfortable, but not unhappy. Being told to curtsey like a girl, Sabrina wastes no time in bowing for the guard and introducing herself.

“Sweet girl,” he smiles. “Nice to meet you, young lady. I’m Stephen.”

“Can you take her to where she’s supposed to be?” Georgia asks. “She’s supposed to meet governess Winterfeild.”

“I can,” Stephen replies, signaling to another guard behind the portcullis to take over from him. “Come, follow me.”

A loud clanking of metal can be heard as the portcullis slowly rises in front of them. Amazed that the heavy metal object can be moved at all, Sabrina watches on in awe as he never really gets out of the house much.

Eventually, Stephen brings them to a small entrance at the side of the grand house and bids his farewell to Sabrina. Georgia also has to say goodbye, as Sabrina is taken into the house to start work.

Following one of the other much older maids, she’s directed into a small room off the kitchen and asked to change into her uniform.

Being shown a simple dress with an apron attached, Sabrina is pleased he doesn’t have to get completely naked to get into the uniform.

As he gently takes off his sister's dress, he bashfully turns away from anyone looking and slides himself into his maid's dress. Having spent the night practicing getting dressed as a girl, Sabrina soon has himself ready for work.

“This the new girl?” A stern, round-faced woman asks as she stands in the doorway of the small changing room.

The other maid with Sabrina nods. “Yes. She’s ready to get started.

The round-faced woman stares at Sabrina before looking her up and down. “My goodness,” she remarks, a little surprised.”

Instantly, Sabrina begins to sweat. He’s nervous she’s already rattled on to the fact he’s not really a girl. Scrunching his face, he waits for her to let the cat out of the bag.

“You look just like the princess!” the round-faced woman laughs, looking at the other maid for confirmation. “Just look at that face and hair. If I hadn’t just seen Evangeline, I’d swear she was standing before us!”

Stunned by the comparison with the princess, Sabrina can’t help but smile wider than an ocean

“My name is Sabrina,” he replies with a curtsey, remembering his manners.

The round-faced woman looks pleased as she returns the gesture. “Mrs Winterfield,” she replies. “Now, come. You’re working with me today and we are waiting on the princess.”

Following Mrs. Winterfield through the large hallways of the castle, Sabrina struggles to keep up. Not used to such physical activity, he begins to pant and feel faint. The only thing that stops him from falling to his knees is his desire to make his family proud.

“Keep up dear,” Mrs Winterfield says, looking back at Sabrina struggling.

“Yes, Ma’am,” Sabrina huffs, trying to talk longer stride only to be restricted by the fit of his dress.

“Are you sick dear?” Mrs. Winterfield asks, stopping to look Sabrina up and down. “You’ve got that look a woman has when her corset is too tight.”

Sabrina shakes his head. “I’m ok,” he replies, breathing heavily.

“Good,” Mrs. Winterfield, says with a little concern. “Please do keep up.”

A few more turns and another set of stairs later, Mrs. Winterfield brings them both to a large set of doors with guards posted outside. Both guards greet Mrs. Winterfield with a smile and push open the large doors to allow them both inside.

As they enter the room, it’s very warm and bright with a pleasant sweet smell. A large four-posted bed is in one corner and a raft of soft furnishings and toys are in the other corner.

“Your Highness….?” Mrs. Winterfield calls out, waiting for an answer.

Rapidly, Sabrina becomes extremely nervous. He’s quick to work out who the room belongs to and he’s terrified of meeting her. Bringing his hands together with anxiety, he looks down at his feet and waits for the princess to announce herself.

“Here,” a sweet and cheerful girl cheers out from within a pile of pillows.

“Ah,” Mrs Winterfield grins. “There you are, your highness. I’d like to introduce your new chambermaid you requested.”

The young girl gets to her feet and brushes down her very expensive blue dress. Flicking back her long platinum-blonde hair, she skips over to them both with a big smile on her face.

“Hi,” she squeals with excitement, standing directly in front of Sabrina with a silly grin.

Nervous, Sabrina can’t bring himself to look up at the princess, so he just curtseys and bows his head.

“Nice hair,” the princess says, rudely reaching over to touch one of his pigtails.

Petrified that the princess is touching him, he squeaks nervously but doesn’t look up.

“Where are you from?” the princess asks, being a very curious young woman who doesn’t often leave the caste.

Afraid to answer, Sabrina says nothing as the princess continues asking questions

“Maybe you're from a farm,” she says gleefully. “Or the woods or maybe the blacksmith's daughter!”

Excited to be meeting someone new, the princess spins on the spot in delight. “You’ve gotta tell me about outside the castle walls!” she sings as her beautiful blue dress twirls around her legs.

“I’m glad you like her,” Mrs. Winterfield says, waiting for a moment to speak. “This is Sabrina. She’s the daughter of one of the farmers in the village.”

Building up the courage, Sabrina looks up for a split second in curiosity at what the princess looks like. Like looking in a mirror, the young princess stares at him with a wide smile and as their eyes meet, Sabrina immediately bows her head once again.

“You kinda look like me,” The princess comments. Touching Sabrina’s hair once again.

Not getting a second to answer, Mrs. Winterfield is called away by one of the guards at the door to the princess’s room. As she walks quickly to the door, she turns back to Sabrina with a serious-looking expression

“Sabrina,” she says, looking over her shoulder. “Please tidy the princess room and wait for my return.”

Nervously watching Mrs. Winterfield walk away, Sabrina just nods in acknowledgment.

As the large doors to the princess’s room close, Sabrina feels like he’s been left in a cage with a wild animal. He’s so frightened that he’s going to make a mistake and bring shame to his family, he can’t even bring himself to move.

“You look sick,” the princess says, moving to stand inches from Sabrina’s face. “Are you sick?”

Sabrina can’t bring himself to look up at her, so he just shakes his head to say no.

The princess continues her tirade of questions. “You look like you’re out of breath,” she states. “ Don’t get much exercise, huh? Are you the sort of girl that prefers to be trapped inside?”

Sabrina nods. He does prefer being inside.

“Well, I don’t!” The princess complains, stamping a foot. “But that’s where you come in, Sabrina.”

The princess’s tone becomes devious as she starts to circle Sabrina like a predator about to devour its prey. “I’ve got a favor to ask you, maid,” she giggles, reaching for Sabrina’s pigtails.

Picking his braided hair apart with her fingers, the princess stands directly behind him and this makes him want to have a panic attack.

“I asked Daddy to get me a new maid with pretty blonde hair like yours,” the princess explains, running her fingers through his hair as he unravels his pigtails. “And you are perfect for my little game I want to play.”

Terrified, Sabrina doesn’t know if he should laugh or cry.

“I want you to trade with me,” the princess continues, untying Sabrina’s dress. “Take my place as the princess for a few days so I can visit the village as you.”

Sabrina’s eyes become wide. “W-what?” he squeaks, too scared to stop her from undressing him.

“Quick,” the princess says frantically, clearly in a hurry. “We don’t have much time to swap outfits before Mrs. Winterfield comes back.”

Spinning Sabrina around on the spot, the princess pulls off his apron and starts trying to relieve him of his dress.

“Don’t look so worried,” she grins, pulling his maid's dress over his head. “You’ll love being the princess! Pretty clothes, pretty jewelry, and all the food you can eat!”

Stripped down to his sister’s underwear, Sabrina panics and instantly covers himself to keep his actual gender hidden from her.

Not paying any attention to what she believes is just another girl, the princess spins around and shows Sabrina the back of her dress.

“Hurry up,” Evangulene commands, pulling away her hair to Sabrina and quickly untie her dress.

Doing as instructed, Sabrina fearfully reaches out to the princess’s dress and with shaking hands, starts to untie.

“I’m so excited to see outside the castle!” the princess cheers. “How amazing is it that we look so similar to each other! This is going to work perfectly and no one will ever know we traded lives!”

Feeling like he’s in a dream that’s swiftly becoming a nightmare, Sabrina soon has the princess untied and she quickly pulls the expensive-looking dress off and over her head.

Spinning on the spot with a big smile, she holds the blue dress out towards Sabrina and he flinches,

“Put that on,” she commands, giggling at his reaction “Then help me into your maid's uniform.”

Snapping her fingers, like she’s used to with the servants, Sabrina scrambles to get the much heavier dress on and over his head.

As the heavy skirt of the dress falls around his legs, he can smell the sweet perfume emanating from it. It’s a far throw from the smell of dirt and dampness that he’s used to.

“Pretty, huh?” the Princess says, smiling at Sabrina as she braids her own hair into pigtails just like Sabrina was wearing moments ago. “Suites you, Princess!” she says playfully.

Rushing around Sabrina’s back, the princess skillfully does the dress back up and cinches the corset tight around Sabrina’s male body. Struggling to breathe once again, Sabrina feels faint.

“You’ve gone all pale,” the Princess comments.

“I’m -f-fine,” Sabrina replies, catching his breath.

“Good,” the Princess says, snapping her fingers. “Now, help me into your maid's uniform, and then give me your shoes.

Sabrina does as instructed. Soon after swapping shoes, they stand in front of each other and they gaze at each other's transformation. Apart from a little dirt under Sabrina’s fingernails, the trade is uncanny.

The princess lifts the sleeve of her dress and takes a long sniff. “Smells like dirt and coal,” she comments with a smile. “Guess I better get used to that now I’m a chambermaid,” she jokes.

“I guess,” Sabrina replies, feeling confident enough to speak. “I feel strange too. These clothes are too nice for me.”

“No they're not!” the Princess grins. “You’re a princess now so get used to it!”

Seconds later, Mrs. Winterfield re-enters the room and swiftly stands by Evangulene's side. “My apologies, Your Highness,” she says looking at Sabrina. “If there's nothing you need from me and young Sabrina here,” she continues, resting a hand on the real princess’s shoulder. “then we will take our leave.”

Sabrina just nods to allow them to leave and as the Princess, now chambermaid, walks behind Mrs. Wintfield. Knowing the trade has worked, the Princess looks back and mouths the words ‘Thank you’.

Left in the large room, wearing the princess’s dress of all things, Sabrina is gobsmacked at what’s just happened and doesn’t know what to do with himself. Deciding to sit in one of the large chairs facing a large glass window, he rests his weary body.

Touching the thick and soft material of the dress he’s now wearing, he can only think just how jealous his sister would be if she could see him right now.

The rest of the day is easy for Sabrina. Food is brought several times during the day and he’s never felt so energetic. Every so often the real princess would appear looking a little more worse for wear every time, like they are working her hard.

Feeling bad for her, Sabrina offers to trade back, but the Princess refuses. She states that she can’t wait to see what's past the castle walls.

A few days pass as Sabrina gets more and more confident with pretending he’s the princess. He finds it much easier to deal with his illness when nobody expects anything from him and he sleeps in a nice warm bed.

Becoming particularly enamored with the library, Sabrina spends most of his days getting lost in the countless tales found in the dusty leatherbound books residing in the large peaceful room.

Things are good until one morning.

The real princess has continued to keep up appearances, coming to the castle each day to work as a chambermaid. Each day Sabrina notices her zest for life diminishing with every passing day as he assumes the real princess is starting to realize just how hard being a work girl is.

On the morning in question, Evangulene bursts into the room with tears in her eyes and Sabrina is quick to notice that all her hair has been cut off. Sabrina gasps as he stares at the boyish haircut the real princess now has.

“Your Highness,” Evangulene greets Sabrina with an angry and sarcastic tone.

“What happened to your hair?” Sabrina asks, getting out of bed in a hurry.

Stomping over to the closet to fetch Sabrina a dress for the day, like usual, Evangulene looks back with tears in her eyes. Sabrina is quick to notice just how harrowed her expression is—like something awful has occurred

“Your father,” Evangulene sobs. “He came back drunk and started shouting at me for being so girly!”

She begins to sob into her hands as she recounts Sabrina’s father forcefully cutting her long blonde hair into something more fitting for a boy.

“We need to cut your hair too,” Evangulene demands franticly, looking up through tears at Sabrina’s now very soft and glossy hair. “We need to look that same!”

Seeing an almost evil look in Evangulene’s eyes, Sabrina instinctively steps away from her. Annoyed that Sabrina hasn’t done as she commands, Evangeline gets angry and swipes a pair of scissors from the sowing table to her side.

“I want to trade back!” Evangulene snarls, lurching toward Sabrina. “You’re father thinks I’m a boy and that I should work in the fields. I’m not doing that!”

Although Sabrina feels bad for the princess, he’s never felt healthier and he knows that the princess is much more able-bodied than he’ll ever be. In his mind, staying the princess is better for everyone!

His family gets a ‘son’ that can work. Evangeline gets to be outside the castle walls and he gets to rest and recover guilt-free

“No,” Sabrina says sternly, having gained confidence since being the princess. “You’re me now, Adam!”

“ADAM!?” Evangeline spits in fury. “Why did your father keep calling me that!? I thought your name was Sabrina?”

A smirk flashes across Sabrina’s face as he looks at the confusion on the real Princess’s face.

“Nope,” he giggles playfully. “I’m a boy. Well, I was until I became the Princess.”

“We’re trading back!” Evangulene growls. “Now!”

“Guards,” Sabrina shouts. “Help!?”

Instantly, the doors to the room fly open and the two guards drag the real Princess away. With her hair cut, no one was going to believe her outlandish claims that Sabrina wasn’t the real princess.

The king, now Sabrina’s father, wanted to have her executed for threatening who he believed to be his daughter. Sabrina took pity and persuaded her father to let her go with a warning.

That was the last time Sabrina saw the real Princess. Except that one time when her new family took a trip to another kingdom. Sabrina, now or more specifically, Her Royal Highness Evangeline, saw her working the fields, wearing what had to be her old brother's hand-me-down clothes.

“That peasant boy,” Sabrina points from the window of her cart. “Invite him to my wedding.”



Loona Starr

So how's the wedding night gonna play out? Sounds like Sabrina is gonna need some magical intervention. 😆


i think so