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Matt, Sonya & the gang enact their plan. Will it work or will Sonya get rumbled??


Matts Story part 9



I so wish Sonya did what I did to someone who was bullying me, called me gay all the time (not a term I found offensive even if untrue). After months I grabbed tight and kissed him, right in front of everyone at rock soc, he did not know what to do, he grabbed me by the throat, and I dear him to hit me. He backed down, every one saw, he never bothered me again. For the entire night all the guys contratulated me and said how they would not have put up with him picking of them for so long. The Bully never bothered me again... he probably liked it, he was however a crap kiss, not putting his heart into it as other guys have. I was hoping Sonya would break voice and tell Barry he kissed a guy and that he had tried to get into his pants... his friends would have so punished Barry for that.

GenderPlay Books

Love this comment. Well done to you for sticking up for yourself 😊