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So, thanks again to the real Cynthia for being such a long-standing supporter. I wasn't completely pleased with how Cynthia's visit ended, so as your reward story this month, I've added an epilogue

I hope you enjoy it :)

 Cynthia’s Visit Epilogue

Crusty-eyed and feeling like I’ve eaten an ashtray, my phone’s cringe-worthy alarm cuts through the silence. Slapping at my phone to turn it off, I roll over and pull the covers tighter around myself.  Just as I’m about to nod off once again, my heart sinks as my phone annoying roars back into life “Argh,” I moan.

Suddenly I feel the weight of another body in the bed behind me. My eyes go wide as an arm reaches over me and grabs my phone off the nightstand just above my head. “Jesus, make it stop,” whines Frankie, dropping the phone in front of me.

Thoughts and memories of last night flash in my mind as I fumble at my phone. Eventually, I switch it off and feel a drunken shame wash over me.

“Good girl…,” Frankie says, gently rubbing my back.

My stomach fills with butterflies and my chest heats up. Frankie’s hand moves from my shoulders down my spine. An electric pulse shoots through me as her hand moves from vertebra to vertebra until she reaches my backside.

Frankie pats me on my bum twice. “You’ve gotta change that alarm tone if we are going to be a thing,” Frankie says, rubbing my backside, “That cool?”

I look over my shoulder so I can see her face. She’s smiling at me!. Having remembered some of last night, I thought she’d be desperate to get rid of me.

“Hi,” I say, smiling back as I rub the sleep from my eyes.

“Hi,” she replies. “How you feeling?”

“Like I’ve slept in an oven,” I answer, gasping for a cup of tea.

“Did you at least have fun last night?”

I feel my cheeks go red and I look away bashfully. “I did,” I answer.

She strokes my long hair gently, so as not to move my wig, and coos, “Good girl. I had a fantastic time!”

My heart starts pounding and my entire body is tingling. My throat is dry and my breathing is rapid. I’m either falling in love or I’m having an allergic reaction to Frankie’s laundry detergent.

Frankie steals a cheeky kiss as I start to overthink. “So,” she grins, stealing yet another kiss from my quivering lips. "I’m not really sure what happens now. I’ve never woken up with someone else in my bed before. Do we have breakfast together—I hope so!”

My eyes are still wide in disbelief at the beautiful person kissing me, I rub my face and start to think what the protocol is. I have no idea either!

I sit up and stretch. “I’d cook us some cereal, but I’m not sure where you keep it.”

“Cook me cereal?” Frankie giggles, pushing her body tights against mine. “I’d cook for us, but I’m so awful at it, I can somehow burn water.”

What would Cythina do? That’s the first thought that comes into my mind

Sighing and a little crestfallen, I get out of bed and walk halfway to the bathroom before I remember that I am not wearing anything. Embarrassed beyond belief, I turn and look at Frankie who is similarly dressed and sitting on her bed.

“What?” Frankie asks, reacting to my expression by hiding herself with the covers.

“Oh sorry,” I mumble. “Don’t hide away from me Frankie. I think you’re the most beautiful person I’ve ever met. You made me feel comfortable in my own skin for the first time in as long as I can remember

“It’s very pretty skin,” Frankie says with a blushing smirk.

Feeling my naked body go red, I give her a wide grin. Sharing a moment of complete vulnerability with each other, I slip off to the toilet to relieve myself. Flushing, I catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror. My wig is a complete mess and I didn’t take off my makeup.

“So this is panda eyes,” I remark, touching the smeared makeup around my eyes.

On the way back from the bathroom I pick up my phone from the side table. Frankie’s sitting up in the bed and watches me. There are a couple of messages from Cynthia so I read them out to her.

“Sorry about last night. hope you and Frankie had fun. Wink wink.”

I blush and continue

“I’m at your apartment and you are not so I hope that means you’re with Frankie.”

“It does,” I remark, giving Frankie a smile.

“Didn’t want cereal for breakfast, so I’ve found this cute little café down the road from your apartment. Would you and Frankie like to meet me there? Please respond!”

Looking up from my phone after reading the last message, my stomach rumbles at the idea of food.

“I’m up for food,” Frankie says, pulling on some underwear she’s found at the side of the bed.

“Perfect,” I reply and then look around at the devastation from last night. “What should I wear? I didn’t bring any spare clothes.”

“Errr…,” Frankie responds, throwing on a baggy t-shirt, but no bra. “It depends on who you're going out as. Are you coming as my new girlfriend or as my new boyfriend? Either is fine with me!”

I look at her stunned. Is she really happy for me to go out as Katie?

“Seriously?” I ask, expecting it to have been a joke.

“Yeah,” she replies without looking. “I’ve got clothes you can wear if you don’t feel like being a girl right now. Although you did look fierce as ginger spice last night.”

I look down at the Union Jack dress crumpled on the floor. Then I remember the skimpy bunny outfit I wore at the beginning of the night.

“Do you mind if I borrow the dress until I get home?”

“I’d be honored,” Frankie replies, clapping her hands together.

Smiling, I then point at my face. Frankie instantly understands what I’m referring to.

“Do you wanna borrow some makeup?” she asks as she gathers a pair of baggy jeans from her closet.

“Do you mind?”

“Go for it,” she says, pointing at her vanity desk. “I haven’t worn makeup in months—so at least if you're using it, it wasn’t a complete waste of time.

After some time and a few awkward moments….

Cynthia is waiting patiently at a table as me and Frankie walk in together. Walking hand in hand, Cynthia starts frantically waving in our direction. As we approach, I watch Cynthia’s expression become confused.

“Katie,” she says, pointing at my ginger spice dress. “Is that a spice girl's dress? Wear on earth did you guys get that!?”

I look down at myself barely covered. I know people are looking at me, but honestly, I don’t care.

“It’s Frankies,” I answer, squeezing my new girl's hand tight.

I then turn to Frankie and give her a loving smile. “Frankie,” I say. “Do you remember Cynthia from last night?” I then open my hand out towards Cynthia. “Cynthia, do you remember Frankie?”

Cynthia, looking a bit hung over stands and gives Frankie a hug and a peck on the cheek. “Looking good Frank,” Cynthia remarks with a curt smile. “And Katie, you look….fierce in that dress!”

“That’s what I said!” Frankie laughs.

I blush, but feel good about myself. None of this makes me wanna hide away in my room for the rest of my days. In fact, it makes me realize just how much I’m going to miss Cynthia when she leaves.

Cynthia then looks around the place and comments on the place she’s invited us to. “This place looks nice right?” she says. “I heard someone earlier refer to it as ‘Spoons’”

I look at Frankie and we both want to laugh. Spoons isn’t exactly the Ritz.

“Blooming Yanks,” Frankie giggles, pushing me into a seat to join Cynthia

Cynthia looks at us both giggling and frowns. “Did I say something stupid?” she asks, getting a little offended.

“A little,” I reply, squidging up next to her.

Cynthia huffs and opens her menu. “Limeys,” she says under her breath.

After showing Cynthia how to download the app and order from the table, I proudly take Frankie’s hand Cynthia drums her fingers on the table not really sure what to do, but then, she leans over and produces my purse and keys out of her rolling rucksack, and slides them across the table to me. “Sorry about that,” she says with a sheepish grin. “I must have, accidentally, got your purse too when I got mine from the cloakroom.”

“Accidentally?” I ask staring daggers at her.

“Yes,” she responds looking hurt. “You’re not implying I…”

“Well, I for one am grateful for the mix-up,” says Frankie cutting Cynthia off and squeezing my hand. “It meant I got to play knight in shining armor.”

I squeezed Frankie’s hand back as my heart began to beat faster.

“Oh, I bet you would look great in armor,” Cynthia says just as the waitress arrives with our order.

“But enough about us,” Frankie says handing me a set of silverware. “How did you Oliver and Ken, get on?”

“Oh, wow,” Cynthia started taking in a deep breath signaling to us that this was going to be a long story. “The cab ride over to their apartment was fun. Ken thought Oliver was going to throw up every time we stopped. That boy cannot hold his licker.”

“Funny that considering how drunk you were…?” Frankie hums suspiciously. “It appears you Americans can really drink!”

I brace for a Cynthia, Frankie shouting match to break out but to my surprise, Cynthia simply nodded her head as if to say ‘touché,’

“Anyway,” Cynthia goes on, “So, we get back to Ken and Oliver’s apartment and I help get Oliver into his room. Ken is so upset about the whole evening and keeps giving me the dirtiest looks. I offered to help Ken get Oliver undressed and into bed but Ken insisted he can take care of it. He told me the guest room was the third door down the hall and curtly bid me, ‘good night.’”

“Wow,” I say swallowing a bite of eggs. “That was a little cold, but I also guess kinda my fault.”

“I see that Frankie was a much better host,” Cynthia says playfully, giving me a nudge. “Maybe I should have gone home with her and sent you home with them. Ken was your date after all.”

“Ken was just the guy that brought me to the party,” I say moving closer to Frankie surprising Cynthia and ermining a smile from Frankie. “I went home with Frankie therefore she was my true date.”

“And it was a good thing you did,” says Cynthia looking like a proud mother. “Ken was so not right for you.”

“Really?” I ask a little curious, feeling a little less guilty that I’d just abandoned him. “And what makes you say that?”

“Frankie for one,” Cynthia answers causing both of us on that side of the booth to blush. “Besides Ken’s love is but for another.”

“What?” I ask, dumbfounded. “Are you serious?”

“Who?” Frankie asks.

Cynthia motions us all to lean in and she drops her tone to a conspiratorial level. “About three AM I hear this sound coming from Oliver’s room. A moaning sound. I was afraid that maybe Oliver was throwing up and so I went to check on him. I crept down the hall and as I turned the knob to Oliver’s room.”

Cynthia pauses for dramatic effect. She looked at me. She looked at Frankie. I looked at Frankie. Frankie grips her fork until her knuckles turn white.

“AND,” I finally demanded almost shouting.

Cynthia sits back grinning like the cat that just ate the canary. “Oliver was bent over all right, and Ken was with him, but he was not throwing up and Ken definitely didn’t need or want my help.”

I looked at both of them in confusion. “I told you,” Frankie says, patting me on the knee.

“Told me what?” I ask still not on the same page of the script as them.

“I told you last night that I thought Ken’s in love with Oliver,” Frankie shrugs, shoveling a mouthful of eggs into her mouth.

“Nothing wrong with your gay-dar, Frankie,” Cynthia says with a snicker. “They were still in bed together when I exited stage left this morning.”

“I work with them,” Frankie replies with her mouthful. “They're like Ross and Rachel from Friends. Always skirting around the issue with me in between.”

Nodding in agreement, Cynthia tucks into her pancakes. “Well, seems last night has worked out well for everyone I’ve met on my trip.”

Cynthia’s tone of voice as me a little worried. Even though she has a smile on her face, I think I can see a sense of sadness behind her eyes. Maybe she misses home and her partner?

Watching her eat, I wait to see if she’s going to tell us anything else. She looks up and see’s me looking at her. Without Frankie noticing, she glances at her and then gives me a thumbs up in approval.

Gleefully, I just smile back

“So,” Cynthia says, causing Frankie to stop shoveling bacon into her mouth. “What did you guys get up to after you left?

Before I could make something, up Frankie blurted out, “We went back to my place got dressed up, sang some songs, had lots of sex, slept a little, and then had more sex.”

I wanted to shrink into the cushion of the bench. Especially because a waitress chose that exact moment to walk past our table. To her credit, she barely batted an eyelash before simply kept walking seemingly unfazed. I guess it is Spoons after all.

“I’m so proud of you,” she says taking our hands. “I love it when a plan comes together,” she boasts.

“You didn’t plan this?” I reply, giving her a cynical look.

Cynthia makes a heart with her hands and then rested her chin on the top of the heart. “I sure did,” is all she says.

“You were as drunk as a skunk?” I retort, dubious of her claims

“Nope,” Cynthia says with a sneer.

“You’re lying,” I say, putting my fork down with a little extra mustard source, causing the silverware to rattle and everyone to look in our direction.

“Katie!?” Frankie says, confused by my seemingly unprovoked outburst.

“I assume you think I’m lying?” Cynthia asks, lowering her voice. “I knew that neither of the guys was for you. Given, I didn’t know Ken was that into Oliver, but I know he wasn’t right for you. I also knew that Frankie was into you as soon as I saw you both dancing. It was pretty obvious. I knew I had to do something to make sure Ken or Oliver didn’t ruin your blossoming relationship. Getting Oliver tipsy seemed the best way to do that. How was I to know that you and Frankie would be gone for so long and that Oliver would go from tipsy to completely plastered in only three shots.”

Before I can even say anything, Frankie leans forward. “Thanks,” she says. “You’ve done me a solid Cynthia. I can see why Katie invited you over.”

I smile, but roll my eyes at the comment. I didn’t invite Cynthia over, she invited herself. Once she’d booked the tickets, I didn’t feel like I could say no!

Cynthia smirks and chuckles, but she looks away. Again, I see that sadness in her eyes.

Finishing her plate of bacon and pancakes, Cynthia rustles in her bag for a moment and then pulls out her phone. Her face is plain, and not at all happy like she usually is. After a few seconds of scrolling, she looks up at me.

“There’s a plan back home from Heathrow.” She says.

I smile, but it confuses me. She’s supposed to be here a few more days.

“If I leave now,” Cynthia says, standing up from the table. “I’ll be able to catch it.”

Frankie looks up with a polite smile and waves. “Bye. Nice to have met you”

Throwing her bag onto her shoulder, Cythnia flicks back her hair and straightens her skirt. “Bye.” She replies.

Moving towards the exit, Cynthia touches my shoulder as she moves past me. She gives me another wink and then I watch her walking away. I can’t help but watch her ass wiggle as she walks. She taught me to do the same!

Then the events of the last few days really start to sink in. She’s just appeared in my life and turned it upside down. All the time with a big smile on her face.

Thinking about everything that’s changed, then touching the forms still on my chest, I look at Frankie with worry.

“Are you ok?” Frankie asks, tilting her head.

I Look back in Cynthia’s direction, but she’s gone. Am I ok? I’ll talk to her over the Internet really soon, so why am I feeling like something isn’t right.

“Do you think it’s a bit weird that she’s leaving so soon?” I ask Frankie, trying to think back to last night wondering if I’d offended her somehow.

Frankie shakes her head. “Not sure. Are you worried about her?”

I straighten out my dress as I sit back down. Crossing my legs, I pick up my fork to resume eating my breakfast. Then a memory flashes into my mind from when we were getting ready and I was starting to freak out about coming out as Katie.

“Her girlfriend?” I say, thinking out loud.

“Huh?” Frankie replies, gawking with her mouth open. “What?”

“She looked sad, right?” I ask, pointing at the seat she was sitting in. “At points this morning, she looked sad.”

“I guess so,” Frankie, replies. “I assume she was just feeling a little hungover, but now you mention it, she said she didn’t drink that much.”

I give Frankie a serious look like I’m a detective and I’ve just solved the mystery. “I saw her give that look only once before the party,” I start to explain. “I mentioned her girlfriend and she looked sad.”

I look down at the table in thought. “I don’t think she hopped on a plane and crossed the pond just to give me the confidence I needed to let Katie out!”

“You needed confidence?” Frankie asks, reaching across to playfully poke me in the side. “I already see you as more of a girly girl than me and you're telling me you needed confidence!?”

“She just got on a plane and came over here, Frankie,” I continue, getting a little worked up. “That’s not normal. Maybe it’s a cry for help!”

“A cry for help?” Frankie doubts.

Excusing myself, I stand up from the table. “Frankie, I’ve gotta go find her.”

Still eating her food, Frankie just smile. “Sure, I’ll wait here.”

Turning on the spot, I’m glad I decided against the heels and borrowed a pair of Frankie’s hightops. Starting with a brisk walk, I pull up my skirt and start running towards the exit. Throwing open the doors I pace out onto the street and look in every direction.

“Taxi,” I say to myself in thought, holding onto my breast forms to stop them from bouncing.

I look in the direction of the taxi rank I know is nearby. At the risk of looking completely insane, I start running in that direction in my Union Jack dress.

My heart skips a beat as I see her leaning up against a wall, waiting for another one to become available.

“Cynthia!” I screech, my voice sounding more masculine than I’d like.

Cynthia looks my way and see’s me running. Her expression is mixed as I approach—I think he’s unsure whether to be annoyed or laugh at how I’m running.

“Katie….,” she says uncharacteristically, like I’m making things worse between us. “What are you doing?”

I huff and pant as I stop next to her. Having to pull down my dress, I look around to see people staring at me. I don’t care about that, I only care for my friend.

“Y-your…,” I huff and gather my thoughts. “Girlfriend.”

Cynthia doesn’t smile. She doesn’t even look at me. “What about her?” she asks, clearly unhappy I’d brought her up.

I touch her on the shoulder. “What's going on?” I ask plainly. “Tell me why you're sad.”

Cynthia forces herself not to look at me. She rubs her face and shakes her head. “N-nothing going on,” she replies. “Shouldn’t you go back to Frankie? You two are so cute together.”

“What's happening Cynthia?” I press her again, not wanting to leave knowing something might be wrong.

“N-nothing, Katie. Just drop it.”

“Did something happen with your partner?”

Cynthia’s eyes well up. Something is deffo wrong!

“N-no,” she replies, wiping tears from her eyes before they run.

“I’m here for you,” I state, stepping closer. “You’ve done so much for me—please let me do something for you.”

“Katie,” she says sternly. “Stop.”

Cynthia again wipes tears from her eyes.

“I can’t let you leave like this!” I tell her, stamping my foot.

Cynthia grits her teeth and finally looks at me. Tears streaming from her eyes, she looks more angry than upset.

“She left me,” Cynthia shouts. “Ok! She left me.”

I take a step back as Cynthia raises her voice at me. She looks away again and starts to sob.

“Why didn’t you tell me?” I ask.

Cynthia flaps her arms down by her sides. She cuts a dejected figure. “I don’t know,” she whines. “I just didn’t want to think about it. I needed a break from all that.”

Turning again to look at me, she’s inconsolable. “S-she took everything from me.”

Touched by her sadness, I feel tears forming behind my eyes too.

“Katie,” she bulbs, covering her face with her hand. “She kicked me out of my home. All because I came out as Cynthia. I’ve got nothing left. My family hates me. My friends avoid me and my job has become untenable.”

My face drops and look at her confused. “W-what?”

“Please stop asking,” she sobs but forces a smile in my direction. “Thank you for letting me stay with you. Thank you for reminding me that good people still exist in this world.”

Extremely poor timing, a taxi pulls up at the side of the road and Cynthia waves her hand to garner the driver's attention.

Picking up her bag, she wipes her eyes and smartens herself. “Sorry, I just turned up as I did. I should have been less pushy with you.”

I'm speechless as I watch her talk to the taxi driver. What can I say or do? We need to talk more so I can understand what's happening!

Opening the car door, Cynthia stands behind it and looks in my direction. She’s still crying, but she’s forcing a smile. “Frankie’s a good one,” she says, blowing me a kiss. “I’ll be back for the wedding. I’m head bridesmaid….right?”

She chuckles for a second and then starts to lower herself into the car.

“Wait,” I screech, bursting to life. “Stay here!”

Cynthia freezes on the spot. She doesn’t look at me, but I know I should help her as she’s helped me. “I’ll only get in the way,” she mumbles. “Eventually you won’t want me hanging around.

No way In hell that would ever be true!

“Stay here, Cynthia,” I repeat moving closer to the taxi door. “I can’t let your leave like this. You can stay at my place for as long as you need.”

She looks up at me but her signature smile is nowhere to be seen. Her eyes are just red and tears stream down her cheeks.

“S-stay here?” she asks, whimpering.

“Abso-bloody-lutley,” I answer, grinning as wide as the Cheshire cat. “I don’t want you to go. I don’t want to remember this as when Cynthia visited. I want to remember this as the time I met my best friend for life!”

“B-best friend?” Cynthia asks, cracking a smile. “Are you sure?”

I give her a stupid look. “Girl,” I say sarcastically. “If you don’t get out of that taxi right now, I’m going chase you all the way back to Illinois.

“I knew I was going to like Katie,” Cynthia grins, getting out of the car. “I’m glad you’ve let her be free!”

“Are you staying?” I ask, hoping the answer is yes.

Cynthia throws her arms around me and embraces me tight. Burying her head deep into my shoulder, she bulbs into my ear. “Yes! Yes. Yes. Thank you.”

We hug for what seems like hours. I didn’t want to let her go, but eventually, Cynthia pulls away and wipes her sore eyes.

She looks at my Union Jack dress and laughs off the tears. “If I’m staying, I ain’t dressing like one of the Spice Girls,” she giggles, grabbing her bag and putting it over her shoulder.

“My house,” I giggle, playfully nudging her. “My rules,” I wink.

And just like that, Cynthia’s visit became Cynthia’s journey home. Oh and if you're wondering….she did look killer in her bridesmaid’s dress. Really upstaged staged me in my wedding dress. Still, my husband, Frank, thought it was kinda fitting—seeing as she was the reason we met in the first place!

The End



That was a wonderful and toughing story. Brought tears to my eyes. Thank you I needed that.


Sorry. Cynthia's visit (ending)

Annah Rourke

Thank you. This was wonderfully sweet! If only the world old be this way