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Hi to all the new patreon members!

So, what do we want to see worked on next?

Let me know in the comments 👍🙏



Babysitter, Chromosom swap, Boyfriend with girlfriend swap


Babysitter, Hera, My Little Instagram Star, Boyfriend with girlfriend swap


alternative ending for ballet dad


"The Babysitter", and/or a continuation of "Lucas Cheated"


Babysitter, alternate Ballet Dad... I'm just here for the AR 😅


A story about a middle-aged man who runs a gym and his wife who is a ballet teacher has to give lessons in her husband's gym because of renovation work. Which is very annoying to him and therefore he gets from his deputy a special "fitness drink" in pink and the deputy tells him that he must drink this "fitness drink" to every meal so that its effect can be omitted and it in the sometime, no longer bothered that in his gym little girls laugh and have fun. Because this potion will make him younger and slimmer and someday he will be a sweet little girl himself, taking ballet with his mommy. In the time when he turns more and more into a little girl, it happens that his deputy and his wife have planned it all so and have been in a relationship for several years and since her soon to be ex-husband did not want to have children, they thought they could just turn him into their adorable little daughter. The process should go forward but creeping and his EX-wife / mommy should simply persuade him that nothing is different than before, until the "fitness drink" his behavior always adapts to his new age. The regression should be from his initial age circa 45 to 14 and after that he should gradually become more and more feminine until he is at an age of 2-3 years and only behaves like a little sweet girl and has no memories from his former life. the deputy and his EX-wife/mommy will be his parents. PS: the deputy should gradually run the gym and his EX-wife/mommy will take him to ballet when he slowly becomes feminine, so that he can make more and more friends with the other children. And of course he also gets his own room which has to change in the time again and again.

Adam Penman

I would love to see a story where everyone in the home has to dress and act like some else in home. example : the family goes to see a family therapist and is told they need to each spend a month as some else in the family like son has to dress and act like the mom