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A massive thank you to Michael, who's been sharing this one with us. Enjoy this last part :)

Grandma calls me Ruth Part 5 (Finale)

My eye was drawn by a flash of light. I looked to my left to see one of the other girls standing by the main curtain looking out into the playhouse’s crowd. I walked over as silent as an assassin. I followed the girl’s gaze out into the crowd. Her eyes were locked on a very attractive blonde and a handsome guy sitting in the front row. I leaned down and whispered close to the girl’s ear, “How’s the crowd?”

The girl let out a squeak and jumped. I tried not to take any satisfaction from the girl’s surprise but failed miserably. “Sorry,” I whispered. “Your mom and dad?”

The girl looked confused for a minute. She then must have figured out that I was asking about the couple sitting in the audience as she answered, “Yes.”

“Nervous?” I asked.

“A little,” she confessed.

“Don’t worry Tabitha,” I said putting my hands on her shoulders, “You’re going to do great.”

Tabitha smiled at my reassurance and goes skipping off. As I watched her go Amber Eaganhouse, my best friend, walked up beside me and tapped me on the shoulder. I had heard her coming so I was not surprised. “She nervous?”

“A little,” I answered, “as are we all.”

“Yep,” admitted Amber taking a deep breath, “What happened to that sister of hers?”

I had to think before I answered truthfully, “I don’t know.”

Amber shrugged. “Well, I don’t want to make you more anxious but I am pretty sure Grandma brought Brian.”

I hate it when people start a conversation with, ‘I don’t want to,’ or ‘I hope this won’t.’ That is a huge warning flag that they are, in fact, about to do whatever it is that they are about to say they don’t want to do. In this case, my anxiety skyrocketed. I had met Brian, only a month ago but had developed quite a crush on him.

I looked through the same seem in the curtain that Tabitha had been using only moments ago and looked out into the crowd. Sure enough, as I feared, Brian sat right next to Amber’s Grandmother Grace. “Crap,” I said moving away from the curtain as though it were the doorway to outer space.

“I’m so sorry,” Amber said. “Maybe I shouldn’t have said anything.”

You think, screamed my brain. “No, no, no,” I comfort her. “Better for me to be surprised now than in the middle of the recital.”

Amber nods but still looked sheepish. Madam Monet called us over for final instructions. “OK, everyone ready?” she asked but didn’t wait for our response before going on. “Good. Remember your steps, hit your marks, and remember, flow with the music.”

We all moved to our marks. The orchestra began. The curtain went up and the lights came on as we danced out. I felt like I was going to throw up.

I didn’t throw up. I focus on my steps instead. I moved to the music and I willed myself to not look into the audience. That worked for about the first ten minutes but then I had to look.

I scanned the audience and easily found Grace and Brian as I knew exactly where they were sitting. I’m not going to lie, Brain looked bored. Then he saw I was looking at him and he perked up. My heart started to beat faster and so I looked down the row. Grace sat next to Brian. Brian sat next to Gram.

I moved onto the next face down the row expecting to see a stranger which I hoped would help to slow my heart. Instead, my eyes came to rest on a very familiar form. I nearly missed a step. Thank goodness I was supposed to pause at that point in the production or I would have anyway. There sitting next to Gram was my mom.

The rest of the show for me went by in a blur. Thanks to Madam Monet’s drilling, my body was able to just take over once my mind cut out. All I could think about was that my mom was here. She had come. She was right here.

After the show Amber and I came running out together to find our families. It didn’t take us long as they were all standing together waiting for us. Brian gave Amber a half-hearted, Grandma is making me hug you, embrace. Then he turned to me and he paused not sure what to do. Finally, he decided to be bold, he gave me a hug and a quick peck on the cheek. I turned red and he stared at the floor. Grace gave Amber a hug and not to be outdone by Grace, Gram did the same to me.

“You girls were wonderful,” Grace exclaimed.

“Marvelous,” added Gram, with a flourish of her arm.

“You were really good,” agreed Brian, bashfully.

“Indeed,” said my mom speaking for the first time.

Sensing the sensitivity of the situation Grace began to shepherd her grandchildren away. “OK, you two, let’s go,” said Grace. “I have energy drinks and chocolate bars in the car. You both have to have two before I return you to your parents.”

I assume she was kidding but to be honest I wasn’t entirely sure.

“Night Grace,” called out Gram.

“Night Dorothy,” responded Grace.

“On second thought, Grace,” said Gram seeing a way to give mom and I, some space. “I think I will walk out with you.”

Mom and I just stood there and stared at each other for several moments. “You were so good,” Mom said breaking the silence.

Tears began to fall from my eyes. “You really think so,” I asked.

“Yes, sweetie I do,” she answered pulling me into another hug. “Oh gosh, you were great.”

“Thanks,” I responded burying my face in her hair. “It means so much to me that you were here.”

“One good thing about all the driving I’ve been doing is that it gives a person time to think,” Mom explained pulling me tighter and starting to rock me back and forth. “It gave me time to figure out that I needed to be here a lot more than I needed to be there.”

Mom let go of me and I looked up into her face. Her eyes were already moist. “So, I told my boss I was taking some time off. My family comes first.”

“Oh Mom,” I said beginning to tear up myself.

She held me for a second but then pushed me away. She put her finger on the side of her chin and walked around me. I was more than a little worried about what she was thinking. I froze on the spot barely breathing.

“What?” I asked as she completed her third orbit.

“I just can’t believe you’re my Roger,” Answered mom.

“That’s probably because I’m not,” I said a little more defensively than I meant to. “Gram calls me Ruth.”

“Ruth huh?” My mom asked cocking one eyebrow. “That fits.” Mom smiles, “This is going to take some getting used to. You’re so lovely.”

“You really think so?”

“Yes,” said Mom taking my hands in hers. “I mean I thought you would look like me when I was your age, but hell you look way prettier than I ever did.”

I blushed.

“And I am fairly sure Brian,” adds Mom looking towards the front doors of the playhouse, “thinks so too.”

My face blush became a full-body blush.

“Does he know?” asked Mom a look of concern on her face.

“That I’m ADHD,” I smiled knowing full well that was not what she was asking.

“You have been spending way too much time with your grandmother,” Mom commended.

“Yes, I have and yes he knows I am not 100% girl,” I said. “I had a sleepover at Amber’s house and he walked into the kitchen as I was telling Amber.”

“And he is OK with that? With you?” asked Mom looking like she didn’t really want to hear the answer.

“I’m pretty sure he is,” I grind. “He asked me over to watch Sailor Moon the next day and we hang out almost as much as Amber and I.”

“Oh, sweetie. Your first crush.” my mom exclaimed and hugged me again. “I’m so happy for you.”

Mom and I walked out hand in hand like old friends. We found Gram by the car waiting for us. That afternoon, Mom admitted she needed help and asked Gram if we could move in with her. Gram agreed, but with the condition that mom had to find a way to better balance her home and work life. The result was everyone was so much happier. Mom was less stressed and Gram was less lonely.

Gram found a doctor for me and WE, Gram, Mom, and I all when to see her. We, now have a five-year plan for my transformation that includes hormone replacement therapy and a few surgeries if I desire them. I wish it would go faster but understand it’s a marathon, not a sprint. I know it will be worth it when I cross the finish line.

I had to change schools but that was totally fine. I didn’t really like my old school anyway. Besides, now I get to go to school with my best friend Amber and my boyfriend Brian. And do you want to know the best part?

Now everyone calls me Ruth.



Gram calls me Ruth #5. That was a very sweet ending.

Stephen Dollahan

A great ending to a very sweet story (Grandma calls me Ruth). As I understand it, this was written by someone else, and they have done a wonderful job. I always enjoy what you post, regardless of who wrote, or who or what produced the art, and wait anxiously for the next installments. Make sure to take time for yourself and protect your health,