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So, I'd taken a little bit of break from writing. Here's the next installment of Mittens.

For those who are keeping along with the story, this is a bit of recap/new information.

Hopefully i can continue to be motivated. Several stories now are converging into single point in time within this universe.

Mittens Part 9

It’s been several days since the party and my introduction to Lars, Lorelei, and Yibixus. I haven’t been able to look at Mom the same since I found out she’s not really a human, but some Grimalkin queen.

Not something you ever expect from your own parents.

My Mom certainly doesn’t seem like a cat queen—nor does she seem like the sort of person to lead an entire civilization. I guess that’s not the weirdest thing that’s happened to me recently. I certainly wasn’t expecting to be a girl at any point in my life.

Put it this way—I’ve been avoiding all the mirrors in the house in an effort to forget I’m a cat girl now. So far so good when it comes to avoiding looking at what I’ve become, but that doesn’t stop the sledgehammer of a reminder of when I have to visit the bathroom.

It’s not so bad I suppose. Having to sit down every time does give me a few moments to think. Usually, I’m pondering every little detail that I’ve been told about the Grimalkins and my Queen Grimalkin mother.

Lars assures me that he’s telling me the truth about her, but she won’t talk about it with me at all. In all honesty—maybe that’s a good thing. I do kinda feel like I’m still dreaming.

So far this is what I understand.

The Grimalkins had possession of an orb of immense power. Said orb was used to power the civilization and gave birth to a bread of Grimalkins called Formadors. Formadors are unique among Grimalkins for their abilities to modify matter.

Lorelei is a Formador, and she transformed me into Mitzy, my cat girl alter ego.

From what I’ve been told, it’s really important, for me of all people, to be a hybrid Grimalkin. I guess they mean a human/grimalkin mix. I’m really not sure as to why though. Maybe they just want me to look adorable!

My adorability aside, I think they’ve got a plan to get this orb back, but Lars is keeping it very close to his furry little chest. Now, Lars, he’s been my guide these last few days. He keeps telling me that I need to train in traditional Grimalkin combat.

Stupid really—I feel like I’ve got no upper-body strength. I don’t know if I’m even going to be able to hold up any weapon.

Anyways, they all keep talking about this ‘Green’ person—who I can only imagine to look like the green man on traffic light signals. Mom almost shivers at the sound of its name. I don’t know who or what it is, but everyone around me that knows about it is terrified.

That doesn’t fill me with any confidence at all. I can’t help but think they are expecting me to fight it. ME of all people!? I’m a skinny girl with cat ears and a tail—what do they think I’m going to do!

From the small amount of information I’ve managed to get out of Lars or our mother, I gather that Green stole the orb and it gives them power. However, the orb itself has been damaged in some way and parts of it are scattered. I assume that Green wants to make the orb whole again, but no one is telling me why.

I can only assume that it’s bad news. Maybe it could lead to Earth becoming like Yibixus? If that’s even remotely the case—I need to do what I can to stop it.

I’m happy to help, but I really wish Lars would stop calling me princess! I think he’s doing it to get back at me. Well, I did push him into the bath the other night and he has been a little short with me since.

He didn’t like that—but he really needed to wash, the smelly little guy.

Oh, they keep talking about this ‘Prince’ too. Apparently, they’ve reemerged after being in hiding. At first, I wasn’t worried about it, but I overheard Lars talking to one of his ‘cat spies’ the other night. This Prince is not related to me, assuming I really am a princess. That’s good, we don’t have some random brother we knew nothing about.

So this Prince is from another royal Grimalkin family. What has me worried is I get the impression they’d like for me and this prince to rebuild the Grimalkin royal family. No chance in heck that’s happening. As soon as I can—I’m changing back into a boy.

They also keep talking about a ‘Commander of the Royal Guard’. I’m not sure who this person is, but they don’t hold her in high regard.

My Mother and Lars don’t agree on anything, so it’s very interesting to me that they both agree on that. I wonder what this ‘commander’ did for them to dislike her so much. I’d say from their facial expression, when they talk about her, something pretty bad.

That reminds me of Lars’s and Mom’s disagreements. I gather that the Grimalkins unable to transform into humans have been left to fend for themselves in our world. It does lead me to wonder how man ‘cats’ are actually Grimalkins.

Don’t trust any cats. That’s what I’d say.

I haven’t been told as much, but I’d say Lars is fighting for the Grimalkins left behind. He’s fighting for those who couldn’t afford to transform into humans using a Formardor or these infamous shards of the orb.

Mom must have been one of those lucky enough to escape that fate. I guess being the Queen—that makes sense. Still, that’s a massive injustice for a species whose home world has been ravaged. I can see why Lars and Lorelei want to rebuild Yibixus. It’s giving them the chance to be themselves again.

Now that I can understand! I’ve not felt like ‘me’ for days now being stuck as a girl. Just looking at my body gives me dysphoria. I’m clinging to any hope that I can be changed back—and I guess Lars is the same.

Sorry, I had to put this in a letter Kerry. I’m also sorry that they sent you away. I can’t remember the last time we spent more than a day or two away from each other and ironically—I feel like I need you more than ever.

I’ve got so many questions about being female that I’m too scared to even bring up with Mom! I know you’d be here fighting my corner too. You should see the outfits they’ve got me wearing. Today I’m wearing ‘traditional Grimalkin armor’.

Mom was hiding it in the back of her closet and it stinks of dust and old. It’s also super tight around my thighs. As much as I tell them it’s not comfortable, they just shrug. I need to wear it for my combat training. “It’s the utmost of importance” Lars keeps telling me.

I hope you are safe. I hope to see you soo…………

“Mitzy!” Lars interrupts my writing, rubbing his body against my leg like cats do. “It’s time to start training now,” he purrs.

Slowly lowering my pen as I look at the letter I’ve written to Kerry, I sigh. “I don’t understand why you think I’m going to be good at combat, Lars. I’ve never swung a sword and I’m not strong either.”

“It’s not about strength,” Lars replies, swiftly jumping onto the table.

Sitting on top of my letter, Lars looks up at me with a knowing smile. I’m intrigued as to what wisdom he’s about to depart to me. I’m due a good laugh.

“You saw that portal I made in Yibixus?” Lars asks frankly, licking at his paw.

“Yea….,” I answer, adjusting my cat tail to swing free as I lean back in my chair. “That was pretty cool. Can all Grimalkins do that?”

“They can,” Lars replies, lowering his paw. “It’s something all Grimalkins are born with. We believe it has something to do with the composition of our planet. Probably the reason we become the dominant species on Yibixus.”

Looking him in the eyes, I wonder why he’s telling me that “Lars…..,” I say, rolling my eyes. “Are you trying to tell me I can open those portals too?”

“Yes!” Lars grins, nodding his head passionately. “It’s of the utmost importance that you learn.”

“Utmost…,” I smirk, mocking him with a shrug of my shoulders. “You say that about everything.”

“Ah, but it’s true!”

“Why though?” I ask seriously. “If you can do it, why do you need me at all? All I can think is you don’t want to put yourself in danger.”

Lars looks down at his paws as he sits on my letter. It makes me think he really Is just using me.

“I don’t know the human species well,” he starts to explain, slowly looking up at me. “I’ve only been told things about you humans. Things that our scientists discovered when we first came across your world.”

“Get to the point, Lars,” I huff impatiently. “You keep telling me we don’t have much time to train, so I’d prefer if you didn’t give me a lecture.”

“Do you know what makes a human special?”

“Our ability to ruin everything we are given?” I sarcastically reply, hiding some bitter truths behind my joke.

“Humans aren’t the strongest, fastest, nor do you possess abilities like us.” Lars continues, ignoring my comments. “I’m told humans aren’t even the smartest species we’ve come across.”


“Grimalkins are fast like lightning. Strong like a tiger and fierce in combat.”

“Good for you,” I comment flippantly. “Least humans have opposable thumbs.”

“Mitzy!” Lars scolds, whipping his tail in frustration. “Will you just listen? I’m trying to tell you why you are special and why it must be you.”

Leaning back enough on my chair, so two legs leave the ground, I give Lars a smug smile. “Please, I’d love to hear why I’m special enough to have had my gender stolen.”

“Still not happy about that…huh?” Lars replies with a guilty tone. “Grimalkin females are stronger and have a natural affinity to creating portals.”

“Sure…,” I roll my eyes. “So why not my sister then?”

Lars shakes his head. “You know that’s for yours and your sister’s own protection. I’ve told you that.”

He furrows his brow and looks me deep in the eyes.

“You never answered my question, Mitzy,” Lars continues, laying down with his paws in front of him. “Why are humans special?”

Rolling my lips, I can’t think of an answer.

“Maybe I should rephrase that?” Lars says, impatient for my answer. “What is it you humans evolved to do?”

“I don’t know!” I huff again, bringing my chair legs back down to the floor. “I’m not a biologist.”

“Stamina,” Lars explains. “Humans have incredible stamina.”

Expecting him to tell me some profound, his answer doesn’t blow me away. “Stamina?” I ask, unimpressed. “Wonderful stuff.”

“Let me explain,” Lars smiles. “Humans can do things us Grimalkins could only dream off. You Humans just keep going and going. It’s incredible to watch. Marathons are a particular interest of mine.”

“Lars…,” I complain. “You’re waffling again. Get to the point.”

“Princes…,” Lars continues, lifting a paw to point at my ears. “You are both Human and Grimalkin. You possess our speed and strength but also possess your natural stamina.”

“I don’t feel strong, Lars.” I retort, touching my skinny feminine arms.

“Grimalkin strength and speed are not bound by your muscles,” Lars answers. “This is why a Grimalkin can only be in combat for a few minutes at a time. It’s extremely taxing on our bodies.”

Lars rubs one ear and purrs as he continues to talk.

“Cheeta’s,” he explains. “They can run extremely fast, but only for short periods. Humans can’t run as fast, but they can run extremely long distances. Imagine you put those two traits together. Extreme speed for long periods.”

Lars smiles. “Would be quiet the predator—don’t you think?”

Instantly my thoughts turn to the character on the Cheeto’s packet. Terrifying.

“Mitzy,” Lars grumbles at my daydreaming. “Are you understanding me?”

“I think so,” I say politely. “So you're telling me I’m that cheeta?”

“Yes!” he grins confidently. “You will have unmatched speed, strength, and stamina. You will be the ultimate version of yourself.”

“That you and Lorelei forced upon me,” I reply sarcastically with a telling look.

“Well… yes…,” Lars anxiously coughs.

Looking deep in thought, Lars rubs his other ear with his paw. “My father, Elm,” he says, his voice tainted with pain. “Told me of a warrior in the Grimalkin army that allowed us to do and go to extraordinary places, previously beyond our reach.”

Lars looks up and his face is somewhat worried.

“Grimalkins, with the help of this warrior, could go to other worlds without worry. This warrior was so immense, it made the Grimalkin army something to fear.”

There’s still so much I don’t know about Grimalkins, so I let Lars continue talking.

“That warrior was a half Human half Grimalkin, Mitzy,” Lars says poignantly. “I’m no historian, but I understand this world was known of by our people. Usually, species from other planets we….discovered…can’t come through the portals. So, from what I’ve been told—it was a massive surprise for our kind to find a human that has mysteriously appeared in our world.”

“A human went to Yibixus before it collapsed?” I say before my mind even thinks of it.


“How? I thought you said they couldn’t”

“I don’t know.,” Lar admits, getting to his feet. “I was very young at the time. I remember that the human was found in a critical state. A nearby Formador saved them from certain death by transforming them into something similar to what you are now.”

“A cat girl?” I ask, looking down at myself.

“Yes,” Lars nods. “That’s how we know that hybrids have extreme potential for combat. This is what we need to teach you. We need you to discover what that means and we need you to discover it fast!”

“Green,” I blurt out, trying to juggle all the thoughts in my mind.

“Sorry?” Lars responds, giving me a curious look.

“Green was the human found in Yibixus—wasn’t he?”

“Yes,” Lars nods. “I think so. I, however, don’t actually know. Remember, when Yibixus fell… I was very young and scared. I didn’t really know what was happening and then I had to deal with transforming into this cat when we fled to this world.”

Without warning, Lars jumps up from the table. “Come on, we’ve gotta go train you,” he says, prowling away from me with purpose. My spies have found us a perfect place in the forest to train—away from prying eyes.”



Good recap. Really liked the Training montage


Mittens part 9. I agree. I'm happy for you to take a break. Everyone needs to take some time to play and relax. All work and no play makes a stressed out writer.

Stephen Dollahan

Fantastic chapter. Its great to hear more about Yibixus society, and why Mitzy is so important to them. I can't wait for all the different parts of this saga to start coming together, as each story is great in its own right.