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Father Knows Best

I knocked twice and called out, “Brian” before I opened the door to my son’s room. Within I found my son Brian and his best friend Jun Lee sitting on Brian’s bed. It was not odd to see Jun here. What was odd was that Brian was holding Jun, who seemed to be crying. “Is Jun, OK?” I asked moving closer to the young men.

“No Dad,” Brian looked up, “He’s not.”

Jun at that moment looked up and saw me. Jun’s eyes went wide as he took in my floral dress, long hair, and makeup. This was a little bit of a shock for Jun as he had never seen me dressed as my alter ego, Jill. He had only ever seen me as Brian’s dad, Bill.

My parenting instincts kicked in. I often times thought of Jun as my other son. I crossed the room and sat next to him and asked, “OH, sweetie, what’s wrong?”

Jun turned into me and hugged my midsection barring his face in my side. He let out a series of noises that were somewhere between a poorly tuned violin and a dying animal. I looked over at Brian and said, “Translation please.”

“He says his life is over,” Brian interpreted.

Jun let out another series of noises.

“Jun heard a rumor that Trent Poke was on HRT,” Brian explained, “Jun is curious about HRT and so he asked Trent about it. Turns out the rumor was started by Mason Miller…”

“It was a trap?” I said thinking out loud.

“Yep,” Brian began to rub Jun’s back, “And Admiral Akbar here fell right into it.”

“Brian.” I immediately chastised my son for his insensitivity.

“Sorry,” apologized Brian looking sheepish.

Jun finally let go of my midsection and pulled his head up. “No Mr. Mead, Brian’s right. It’s all my fault.”

Jun renewed his crying. I pulled him up so we were eye to eye. “No Jun, if anything this is kind of my fault.”

The two boys looked at me and said in unison, “your fault.”

“Yes, my fault,” I said to Brian then turned to Jun, “as you can see Jun. I’m a crossdresser.” I turned back to Brian, “If I had told you about Jill sooner, then you could have told Jun and he could have come to me and asked his questions about cross-dressing.” I turned back to Jun, “I’m so sorry sweetie.”

Jun smiled for the first time, “That’s OK” He had to think, “Mr. Mead.”

I smiled back at Jun “Jill, sweetie. You can call me Jill.”

“OK,” Jun hesitated for a moment, “Jill.”

“And if you have any questions about anything, please know that you can always come to Pam or me, OK.”

Jun sniffled, “OK.”

“So, that’s great going forward,” said Brian, drawing our attention back to him, “But what about Mason?”

“Well, that depends on Jun,” I stood and pulled him up with me. “What would you like to do about Mason?”

“I don’t know,” Jun answered looking a little confused, “What can we do?”

“Before I answer that question let me ask you one.” I looked deep into Jun’s eyes, “Do you want to be a woman?”

The room was silent as we waited for Jun’s answer. “Yes,” he finally blurted out.

Brain and I both let out the breaths we had been holding. “OK,” I said taking a deep breath to recover, “Then this may turn out to be a blessing in disguise.”

“How?” Jun asked looking more confused than ever.

“Because if you want to be a woman,” I said to Jun, “then we are going to make you a woman.”

“Really?” Jun asked not sure he had heard me correctly.

“Yes,” I took both of Jun’s hands again, “and you are going to be so lovely.” I put my hands on her shoulders. “Your bone structure is perfect. I have a number of things that should fit you and I am pretty sure that if I don’t, some of Lily’s old clothes should work.”

Jun’s beamed. “Jun why don’t you go downstairs and ask Pam where we put all of Lily’s old clothes and ask if she will help you bring them to my room.”

Jun hugged me again and then went skipping out of the room. As Brian passed, I grabbed his arm to stop him. I waited until I heard Jun going down the stairs and asked Brian, “Does he know?”

“Does he know what?” asked Brian, Anxiety clear on his face.

“Does he know you like him?” I asked calmly.

Brian opened his mouth and then closed it. He hung his head, “No.”

“It’s your choice,” I walked to the door, then looked back at Brian, “Just don’t wait too long, or you may regret it.”

I sent a message to Lily asking if it was OK for us to donate some of her old clothes and possibly use her room. She said yes to both. I relayed this information to both Pam and Jun as they came up the stairs carrying some boxes and a couple of small bags. “Change of plan, dear, we’re going to Lily’s room,” Pam said to Jun, who did an about-face and came walked back.

I opened the door to my daughter’s room for Jun and she went in. Still holding the boxes Pam said, “I had Jun call home and ask if it was ok to spend the night. Mrs. Lee said she didn’t care.”

“Boy, who does that sound like,” I said grumpily.

Pam tapped me on the shoulder with the box she was holding, “don’t you dare spoil the fun.”

Pam then walked into the room and upended the box she was holding dumping its contents onto the floor. Pam then said to Jun, “Start sorting those and I will be right back.”

“Yes, Mrs. Mead.” Jun answered, “I mean Pam.”

Jun began to look over the clothes as though they were made of pure silver or gold. Pam closed the door behind her and started down the hall a few steps. I followed. “How can I help?” I asked.

Pam patted my chest, “by going down to the living room and leaving me and Jun alone.”

“What?” I said real disappointment creeping into my voice, “I want to help.”

“She’s mine,” Pam said possessively, “Lily hasn’t needed help with fashion for years and I never get to dress you up anymore.” Pam shook her hands in front of me as though she was suffering from Delirium Tremens, “I need this, I need it bad.”

“OK,” I kissed Pam on the forehead, “She’s all yours.”

Brian and I went down to the living room and tried to watch something on TV but before long we started talking about relationships and how I had known Pam was the one for me. “I just knew,” I said to Brian, “It was like I couldn’t breathe when I was not around her.”

“But how did…” was all Brian got out before we heard Pam clear her throat loudly.

We both looked over and when Pam knew she had our full attention she announced in her best master of ceremonies voice, “may I present, Miss Jina Lee?”

Our eyes locked on the stunning young woman that slowly descended the stairs. Pam had given JIna a bob hairstyle with air bangs. They had used makeup to smooth out Jina’s skin tones and accent her jawline and her lips were painted a subtle shade of rosebud pink.

She was wearing a black and pink tracksuit jacket over a plain white shirt with a huge pink sports emblem across the chest. Jina had tucked the shirt into a black and pink pleated skirt, that matched the jacket. Her hairless legs were mostly covered by white knee-high socks that had pink stripes at the top.

“Oh my. Don’t you look…” I started to say.

“Gorgeous,” Brain cut me off as he walked over to Jina.

Brian took her hands and the two locked eyes. Pam came over to stand next to me. I took her hand. “Feel better now that you got your fix?” I asked out of the side of my mouth.

“Oh yeah,” Pam said letting out a long sigh of delight.

“Do you really think I look pretty?” Asked Jina, her voice thick with anxiety.

“Y-yes,” Brian responded his voice cracking a little, “I mean I always thought you were cute…”

“You did?” Jina asked beaming.

“Yes,” Brian confessed, “I didn’t tell because I was afraid…”

“I like you too.” Jina cut him off.

I squeezed Pam’s hand and she squeezed mine back.

“You do?” Brian asked.

Jina nodded yes, coly.

The tension built as the two of them just stared into each other’s eyes for what seemed like hours. Finally, Pam couldn’t take it any longer and shouted, “Kiss her already.”

Always the obedient son Brian kissed Jina.



I like it.it was different and felt fresh (to me at least)


Cuteness overload


How could it not touch your heart