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This is a one off for the Genderplay Quickies series. Let me know if you like this kinda thing.

The Long Walk Home

Stumbling out of the club, Erica and Jason hold each other tight to stop each other from falling. Having both enjoyed one too many, their buzz is high but their walk home is seriously daunting.

Wearing a short sequin dress with glossy black high heels, Erica instantly feels the cold of the mid night air. Even though she’s drunk, hours of dancing have caused her feet to be very sore. She’s very aware of it!

“Erica…,” Jason drunkenly mumbles, holding her as they stumble down the sidewalk. “We should go get fries!”

Her hair long brown hair flapping around in the wind, she swipes it away to look at Jason’s alcohol flushed cheeks. “N-nah…,” she slurs, starting to shiver because of the biting wind.

“Take me home!” she continues, struggling to walk, but pointing forward at the taxi’s in the rank in front of them.

Jason frowns. It was his job to book the taxi’s and he forgot. He starts to drunkenly laugh, knowing he’s in trouble but not really caring.

“I didn’t book one!” he giggles, rubbing his tried face. “Oh dear!”

“What!?” Erica squeals loudly in Jason’s ear. “Fuck sake Jason.”

“SORRY!” Jason laughs hysterically. “My b-bad!”

Erica pulls her arms from his and folds them tight. As she wobbles, trying to walk straight, she flips him off. “You’re such a dick sometimes! I can’t walk home! I’m going to freeze to death and you don’t even care! “

Jason blows a long raspberry and gives her a sarcastic look. “No…you won’t!”

“Are you wearing a dress!?” Erica shouts, stamping one of her heels down on the sidewalk. “NO—No you are not! I’m going to die Jason! You’ve killed me!”

“WHOA…!” Jason reacts dramatically, mocking her. “You shouldn’t have worn that stuff in the winter…should you!”

“Girls wear heels!” Erica replies angrily, giving him a filthy look. “And boy friends should book taxi’s home! Well, we won’t be together much longer when I keel over and die in a ditch!”

Throwing his arms up in exasperation, he knows the nights good times are coming to an end. Starting to sober up, he starts to realise he’s in the doghouse. Erica then slumps onto a sidewalk bench and crosses her legs tight. She won’t even look at him.

“Baby…,” Jason says, trying to suck up to her. “Want me to carry you home?”

“No,” She huffs, turning away as he sits next to her. “This is not the first time you’ve done this. You don’t care about me….do you!?”

“ERIIIIICA!” Jason grumbles, putting his head into his hands. “Let’s not do this now. Don’t ruin what’s be a great night out!”

“Ruin!?” Erica hisses, turning to give him a look of disgust. “I’m ruining it am I? You have no idea how cold I am right now or how sore my feet are!”

Getting frustrated himself, Jason kicks at the ground. “Women…,” he complains.

Erica snaps. She’s so angry at him right now.

“Right!” she commands, pointing at his shoes. “Take those off! You’re wearing my heels home!”

“What?” Jason laughs anxiously, unsure if she’s joking or not.

“Don’t laugh at me Jason,” Erica replies angrier than before. “I know we are the same size. Take them off and wear my heels or I’m leaving you!”

Jason looks down at his sneakers and then back up at Erica’s bright red and irate face. “Fine…,” he says, taking them off. “If this gets you off my back. I’ll walk home in your heels and show you it’s not a big deal!”

Sliding his shoes over to her, Erica slowly slides of her pointy heels. Reaching down to rub her sore feet, she slides the heels over to Jason.

“You think it’s easy wearing those!?” she asks, sliding on his warm and comfortable sneakers. “I can’t wait to see you walking in them!”

“Whatever Erica,” Jason replies without care.

As he reluctantly slides on each heels, he looks at his feet and frowns. “Gross,” he remarks. “These heels are all wet from sweat.”

Erica looks at him in heels and smiles. “Cute,” she says, mocking him. “They’re sweaty because I’ve been dancing all night.”

“Right, come on!” Jason says confidently, having to balance himself as she stands taller in her heels. As he steadies himself, he gives Erica a cheeky smile.

Erica is secretly annoyed at just how well he’s standing. Looking at the confident look on his face, she knows she has to take this further. Starting to shiver, she comes up with an idea.

“We aren’t done yet,” she replies, allowing a cheeky grin to spread across her face. “I want you to understand why I need a taxi. You need to experience being me.”

Looking down at his feet as she takes a few steps in Erica’s heels, Jason looks up confused. “What the hell are you on about?”

Erica points at his pants and giggles. “Take them down. You’re wearing my dress home!”

Jason looks at Erica’s posh and very skimpy dress. Being a similar height, it’s not unreasonable that he’d fit into it. Still, he doesn’t want to wear it.

“No,” he answers plainly.

“Pants off boy!” Erica growls, standing up from the bench. “Or I scream out that you’re attacking me. Do you want everyone over here right now!?”

Jason looks around at the other people spilling out of the club. Many are drunk and some of the dude bros are much larger than him. How would he explain to them what’s going on right now. That thought worries him.

“Fine,” he complains again, unbuttoning his pants. “Can we go home once I’m wearing your dress!?”

“Yes,” Erica smiles, reaching to the side to unzip her dress. “I hope this teaches you a lesson!”

As Jason pulls off his trousers, the biting cold hits his bare legs. He holds them out towards Erica and sarcastically smirks. “I’ve learned a lesson alright. My girlfriends mental.”

Pulling off her dress, Erica teeth start to chatter as her slender body is exposed. Standing in her just bra and panties, she holds out the dress to Jason.

After a few minutes, Erica soon has Jason’s button shirt on, and she’s finished pulling up his pants. They are a little baggy on her, but his clothes are still warm, and they make her feel a hundred times better.

“Help me,” Jason grumbles, struggling to find the right hole to put his head through. Arms up and flailing around, he’s really struggling to get the dress on.

Laughing, Erica reaches up and helps Jason into her dress. As she pulls it down past his chest and flat stomach, it’s barely long enough to cover his boxer shorts.

“SO CUTE!” she laughs, poking at his chest wear a bra would be on a girl.

“Happy?” Jason asks, trying to cover himself with his arms.

“Very!” Erica answers, slapping him hard on the backside. “How does it feel to be in such a pretty dress and heels?”

“I feel stupid and exposed,” Jason answers honestly.

“Good,” Erica snorts.

Erica takes a step forward and she turns back to hold her hand out for Jason. “I’m not carrying you,” she says. “But I will hold your hand for stability. Once you’re used to those heels though, you’re on your own.”

Jason gratefully reaches out for his girlfriend’s hand. Taking small and careful steps, he wobbles over to her.

“Don’t let go!” Jason squeaks, scared he’s going to fall over.

“I won’t!” Erica laughs. “My little princess!”

“Don’t call me that!” Jason protests, starting shiver as a gust of midnight air cuts straight through the thin dress he’s been made to wear.

Sniggering as Jason walks past her, Erica checks him out. She looks at his backside and she’s impressed. It’s plump and kinda feminine for a guy. She’s a little jealous.

“Jason!” she says playfully, grabbing one of his ass cheeks with her hand. “You’ve got such a nice ass in my dress. I’m so impressed!”

“Funny,” Jason replies sarcastically, concentrating on his walking.

“Hmmm….,” Erica smiles. “I wonder if you’d look good some of my other stuff?”

“Erica!” Jason squeals, getting mad at her. “Can we get going already. I’m so cold, I think it’s going back up inside me! At this rate I really won’t be a guy anymore.”

Putting her hand in front of her mouth, Erica laughs out loud at how quickly the tables have turned.

“Women….!” Erica playfully says, mimicking his earlier complaint. “Can’t live with them, can’t live without.”

“I’m not a woman!” Jason protests, looking back at her as she continues to check out his ass in her dress.

“Who’s wearing the dress…Huh…. Jasona!?” Erica retorts, confidently mocking him.


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