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Matt has an awkward conversation with Lara as they wait for Nathan. Matt is soon very worried about the plan - Kayleigh, Nathan's sister, could cause issues.


Matt' s Story part 7

Matt has an awkward conversation with Lara while they wait for Nathan and Jade. Matt is soon worried about the plan after finding out Barry is with Nathan's sister



Team Lara


I've been thinking about the special tier. I'm worried about your copy rights. One thing I would like to ask is about streaming a full story with out stop. Sonyas stories is 10 chapters long. I don't know the expenses you have with voice actors, publishing, editing etc. Maybe possibly some things your supporters see as a connection with your different stories. If some of my thoughts are'nt fessible that's fine. this is just some thoughts. Personally I see a possible novel. Thank you for your time. My goal is for you to do this professionally.

GenderPlay Books

Streaming Sonya's story is something I've thought about alot. Maybe on Spotify or as a live stream on YouTube/twitch Porblem is..that take a little time to set up and I have limited time to work on such projects. Hopefully more time will be available on the future, but right now it's a back burner project for the future. I'm just (at the moment) trying to get all the connected stories to a place were a single story (containing all the characters) can begin