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October 11th

Fumbling with the TV remote in his hands, Owen drops it to the floor.

“Argh,” he grunts, getting frustrated with the long nails Lucy attached to him the night before.

“What’s the matter?” Lucy asks, looking up from the book she’s reading quietly in the chair.

“These darn nails!” Owen replies, struggling to pick up the remote due to how long they are. “Please let me take them off now Lu!”

Lucy smiles as she shakes her head from side to side. “Nope.”

Still struggling to get the remote from the floor, Owen gets upset and throws a small tantrum. Sitting up on the bed with a face of thunder, he folds his arms tight.

“I feel like you’re doing this on purpose!” Owen protests, gitting his teeth

“Doing what on purpose?” Lucy sighs, lowering her book again.

“This!?” Owen spits, splaying open his hand to show her his long feminine nails.

“Oh Owen,” Lucy huffs in ridicule. “Of course I’m doing it on purpose. We’ve gotta pass the time somehow.”

“It’s not fair!” Owen replies with increasing irritation. “I’m the one doing all the embarrassing stuff!”

“No one’s here to see it but me, baby,” Lucy answers, turning her attention back to her book. “Relax a little and enjoy having pretty fingernails for once without the worry of people judging you.”

His blood now boiling, Owen’s face goes bright red.

“I don’t want pretty nails!” Owen shouts, glaring in Lucy’s direction. “This is not fucking fair!”

Owen’s outburst makes Lucy jump a little, but when she looks over at Owen pointing at her with long pointed feminine nails, she can’t help but smile.

“Not fair?” Lucy asks calmly.

“No!” Owen screeches in frustration. “No, it’s fucking not!”

Slowly closing her book without dropping eye contact, Lucy lingers for a moment before answering. She can tell her silence is winding him up by how heavily he’s breathing.

“Not fair?” Lucy asks again, wagging a single finger.

“No!” Owen repeats

“Let’s make it fair then!” Lucy insists, getting up sharply from her seat. Stomping over to their suitcase, she throws it open and starts chucking clothes about the place.

“How about this!” she says spitefully, pulling out a pair of Owen’s boxer shorts. “How about it wear your underwear for the rest of this fucking isolation! Would that then be fair!?”

Owen’s mouth falls open in confusion. He watches his girlfriend rip off her jeans and thong in frenzied anger.

“W-why?” he asks, as Lucy pulls his boxers up her legs.

Not answering, Lucy finishes getting herself snug into his boxers. Standing up to look around at her backside in his underwear, she quickly turns her attention back to Owen laying on the bed.

“Take them off!” she commands, pointing at his pants.

Owen looks down at the jeans he’s got on then looks back up at her perplexed. Lucy’s expression remains stern and aggressive.

“W-why?” he asks, unable to look her directly in the eyes.

“Take…them….off,” Lucy repeats in a domineering tone.

“L-lucy…?” Owen says, concerned by her behavior.

“Now Owen!” Lucy commands. “That off your pants!”

Worried his girlfriend is about to blow her top, he unbuttons his jeans and starts pulling them down. Lucy, however, is impatient. She leans over him and grabs at not only the top of his jeans but his boxers underneath.

A little struggle happens between the two. Owen doesn’t want her to pull down his boxers down too, but with all the workouts she’s been doing, she’s stronger than usual.

“No, Lucy!” Owen protests, as Lucy starts winning the battle.

Focused solely on removing his clothes, Lucy confidently whips them from his body. This leaves Owen completely red-faced and embarrassed as his locked-away cock sits out in the open.

Triumphant, Lucy quickly puts on Owen’s jeans and zips them up. Looking back at him with a smug grin, Owen is left extremely concerned.

“W-why…?” he says, almost worried to ask.

“Cos you’re a little bitch,” Lucy replies, getting comfortable in Owen’s jeans.

“Lucy!?” Owen protests, a little upset with how she’s behaving

“You’ve been acting like a little bitch all week Owen!” Lucy replies sarcastically. “Since your acting like such a little bitch, it’s only fitting that I wear the pants from now on!”

Owen’s face goes as white as a ghost. He can’t believe what he’s hearing. Not sure how to respond, he just watches Lucy pick up the red thong she took off moments ago. Danging it in front of his face with a single finger, she looks down at him.

“These are yours now,” she smiles, dropping them into his lap. “If you're going to act like a bitch, I think a sexy little thong is more fitting!”

“Y-you can’t be serious!” Owen argues back, picking up the still-warm thong. “I’m not wearing your underwear, Lucy!”

Unimpressed, Lucy glares down at him with folded arms. “Your underwear,” she jeers.

“You’re serious about this….aren’t you?” Owen asks a little scared of the answer.

“Put them on right now or I’m flushing the key for your cage down the toilet!” Lucy replies in a threatening tone.

“Okay okay!” Owen replies, reluctantly sliding the lacey underwear up each leg.

As the thin underwear rides up his ass crack, he nestles his cage into the small underwear. Trying not to show Lucy how much he hates it, he gets up from the bed.

“That’s better,” Lucy laughs, seeing Owen in her thong for the first time. “You look cute with thong in your ass.”

Owen rolls his eyes at her. Then seeing another pair of his pants on the floor, he reaches for them to cover his shame.

“What are you doing?” Lucy asks, standing over him as he reaches to pick the pants up from the floor.

“Erm…,” Own mutters, looking up at her. “Putting on some different pants.”

“Not a chance!” Lucy says, pulling the pants clean away from him. “I just literally told you that I wear the pants now!”

“Well…w-what…..?” Owen mumbles, unable to process what's happening. “What am I going to wear!? I can’t walk around in just you’re underwear, Lucy!?”

Taking a single step back from him, Lucy reaches down to the floor and picks up the skinny jeans she had on earlier. She holds up the pair of very tight black jeans toward Owen and looks him confidently in the eyes.

“These,” she says, allowing a smile to creep across her face. “You wear mine from now on.”

Owen looks at her confused.

“I can’t…,” he replies, then stops to look at her feminine jeans. “Wear those!”

Only answering with a dirty look, she thursts the black skinny jeans into his hands. Pointing at his legs, she glares at him. “Put these on now!”

“Ok fine!” Owen huffs, taking them from her. “I’ll put them on.”


Brett Schuhkraft

I would have lasted a day or two and if she didn't unlock me I'd call down for a set of bolt cutters and I'd tell them why I needed them and that I may need to file charges against my girlfriend for locking me up

Brett Schuhkraft

I'd call the concierge to get some when I demanded for the police and a new room just for me as I wouldn't have a girlfriend anymore


Oh no no no. This is giving men a chance to see what's like to see what women go through. Perhaps give them a new perspective on how to treat a woman.


Instead of seeing them as objects for their own desires.


Wish i could read part 1...