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Months on from the last part. Let me know what you think of this story so far team :)

You’d Do That For Me?

May’s Dilemma

Tired, stressed, and feeling the weight of the world on his shoulders, Dr. Kalvin knocks on Freddy’s door. To Dr. Kalvin’s surprise, May, already inside, politely tells him to come in.

Pushing the door to Freddy’s recovery room open, Dr. Kalvin nervously greets May’s cheerful smile. He searches the room looking for Freddy, but he can’t see her.

“Is Freddy not with you?” Dr. Kalvin asks, shifting his stance.

“She’s just freshening up,” May answers playfully, giving Dr. Kalvin a cheeky wink.

“So early in the morning?” Dr. Kalvin smirks, understanding what May is trying to tell him. “So, I take it the last session with Dr. Brown went well?”

“We’ve really turned a corner this past month!” May replies cheerfully, glowing with positivity.

“Extremely happy to hear that! I was worried in that first week after your procedures that Freddy was going to have problems adjusting.”

“You were?”

“Yeah,” Dr. Kalvin replies, looking at his watch. “Erm…., I don’t mean to be rude, but I really need to talk to Freddy and yourself privately. Do you think she’s going to be long?”

May looks over at the door and frowns. “Not sure. I don’t know if I’m just doing something wrong during our love making…but she says she doesn’t feel well this morning.”

“I’m not a Doctor of medicine” Dr. Kalvin is quick to respond, turning on his toes to exit the room. “Want me to call Emilia or one of the other nurses in?”

“No—no,” May chuckles, dismissing his suggestion with a warm smile. “I’m sure she’s fine.”

Dr. Kalvin smiles, but his face cracks with worry as he looks again at his watch. “I really need to talk to you both right now.”

May’s face drops as he sees the worry plastered across Dr. Kalvin’s face. He walks over to the bathroom door and taps gently. “Freddy, are you ok?”

“FINE!” Freddy squeals back through the closed door. “Don’t come in here!”

May looks over at Dr. Kalvin and he rolls his eyes. “Women,” he jokes in a whisper. “I don’t wanna poke the bear this morning…. I think she’s feeling a little hormonal again.”

Dr. Kalvin doesn’t react to May’s attempts to bond man to man, he just looks down again at his watch. Stressfully rubbing his face, Dr. Kalvin points to the bed.

“I’ve only got a few more minutes before I have to leave,” Dr. Kalvin stresses. “My life’s work is on the line, and I wanted to tell you both the news in person.”

May’s face drops again as he senses the tone in Dr. Kalvin’s voice. Perching himself on the end of the bed, he waits silently for Dr. Kalvin to speak.

“Argh…,” Dr. Kalvin huffs, rubbing his face again. “Firstly, I just wanted to thank you both for putting your faith in me and my project. Also, thank you for attending the investor meetings and answering any of their frankly rude and stupid questions.”

“That’s ok,” May replies, looking at Dr. Kalvin’s bloodshot eyes.

“I’m extremely pleased with how well you have both copped with your gender rehabilitation,” Dr. Kalvin continues, forcing a smile. “Dr. Brown was very complimentary with how you’ve both supported each other in getting to grips with your new gender roles. I’m sorry we couldn’t afford him to continue supporting you both.”

“I did wonder why he said his contract ended,” May replies, raising an eyebrow. “It’s ok though, me and my new wife are really hitting it off. She even said things are starting to feel normal again last night.”

“Freddy is a keeper,” Dr. Kalvin responds with an uncharacteristic heartfelt moment. “You should be very proud of her. I dare say she will continue to need your guidance in the future.”

“No doubt!” May laughs. “She still can’t hook up her own bras.”

Dr. Kalvin again sighs and rubs his face. May is now really starting to worry that something is wrong.

“Dr. Kalvin?” May says. “You seem extremely tense and worried right now. Please, if there’s something wrong with Freddy, just come out and tell me. We’ve had our fair share of bad news from doctors and I’d rather you didn’t skirt around the subject.”

“Nothing wrong with Freddy,” Dr. Kalvin answers instantly, looking past May’s looks of concern. “She should be able to get pregnant with no concerns.”

“Great,” May replies. “So, is there something wrong with me? I can’t believe I’m asking you this, but do my swimmers swim backward?”

“No,” Dr. Kalvin answers bluntly, looking again at his watch. “The program is being terminated.”

Stunned, stares at Dr. Kalvin as he fidgets nervously on the spot.

“I’m sor-“

“What do you mean?” May interrupts, getting up from the bed to pace around the room. “Did the investors decide against picking up your research?”

Dr. Kalvin’s head drops, and he doesn’t say anything.

“How can that be!?” May continues, angrily. “Look what it’s done for me and my wife! We’re about to try for the baby I was told I could never have! How is that not worthy of investment!?”

May paces around the room some more, before looking over at the bathroom door. Stepping towards it, May taps gently on the door. “Are you ok Hunny?”

“Y-yeah….,” Freddy answers, retching.

May leans closer to the door. “Can you hear what we are talking about out here?”

“N-no….,” Freddy retches and groans.

“Want me to get you anything sweety?”

“NO!” Freddy groans, coughing.

Looking up from the bathroom door, May glares in Dr. Kalvin’s direction. Rushing over to him, May stands close.

“So, what does that mean?” she whispers to Dr. Kalvin,

“Well….,” Dr. Kalvin begins to reply, rubbing his arm.

“Whisper,” May scolds, pointing at the toilet. “I don’t want the wife to hear. It will only worry her.”

“Fine,” Dr. Kalvin sighs, looking at his watch again. “To keep a long story short, the research hasn’t been picked up. The investor group cited that we are running an extremely clever scam and that no proof can be shown of actual gender transformations.”

“That’s a fucking joke,” May grits her teeth. “I’m literally a guy now. You have before and after photos! How can’t that be evidence of my gender swap!?”

“I agree,” Dr. Kalvin nods. “I think they might be more to it though. Politics within the science and health-care community.”

“Some of them watched the procedure!” May growls. “How can they think it’s fake!?”

Dr. Kalvin lowers his head. “Again, they think it was a clever trick. I-I….just don’t know what else I can say!”

“So, what does that mean for us?” May whispers, hoping Freddy doesn’t hear.”

“Well…...,” Dr. Kalvin sighs, lowering his head. “We’ve got time to reverse the procedures for you both before the funding dries up. Dr. Lopez is ready in the procedure room now. That does mean reversing everything we’ve done to put you back to normal years earlier than planned. Unfortunately, that means you Freddy won’t have time to get pregnant and you will have to look to start a family another way.”

May’s eyes go red, and tears form behind them. “N-no……” he gasps then whimpers.

“We should tell Freddy,” Dr. Kalvin says, stepping closer to the bathroom door.

May swiftly stands in his way and holds him back with one arm. “Wait wait…”

“I don’t have time Mr. Robinson,” Dr. Kalvin says impatiently, trying to push past.

“Will you get funding again in the future?” May asks desperately. “We could stay like this until you have funding again, right? Why go back on all the hard work you’ve done so far!?”

“I think we should discuss this with your wife present,” Dr. Kalvin responds plainly.

“Wait wait…,” May plea’s still standing in his way. “Look, you know how much I want this. How far I’ve been willing to go to have a family, Doctor. Do you not remember me breaking down into tears in your office when first discussing this idea? Me and my new wife are so close, I think it would break both of our hearts if we just gave up now and reversed back to our assigned genders.”

Dr. Kalvin looks expressionless as May as he talks.

“You must have seen how happy Freddy has been recently!” May plea’s. “I’ve seen her grow with such feminine confidence this last month! Our marriage has never been stronger! I will forever forget that first night you allowed us to be alone together…. It was like finding my long-lost love!”

Dr. Kalvin frowns and looks down at his watch. “Look…,” he huffs. “I’ve really gotta go! This meeting is make or break for me! Promise me you will discuss this with your HUSBAND. I’m sure HE has a right to decide if he wants to remain female or not.”

“Sure,” May answers with a wry smile, lowering her arm that is holding Dr. Kalvin back. “I will tell her everything.”

“Good,” Dr. Kalvin says, stepping back towards the door. “Look, hopefully, it doesn’t come to that. I hope I can win them over with this last meeting.”

Dr. Kalvin moves swiftly over to the recovering room door. Opening it, he stands in the doorway and looks back. “Wish me luck.”

Wishing him good luck, May watches Dr. Kalvin hastily rush off. Trying to reflect on the dilemma presented to him May scratches the back of his head and stares vacantly at the floor.

“Morning!” Emilia chirps, entering the room, having seen the door left open by Dr. Kalvin.

May looks up and forces a smile. “Hello.”

Like two buses coming at once, Freddy then appears from out of the toilet, looking very sorry for herself. May feels the stress building up in her chest

“Oh, morning Emilia!” Freddy smiles, allowing her long hair to fall around her shoulders.

“Morning Freddy,” Emilia replies, still standing at the doorway. “Do you too need a minute to discuss Dr. Kalvin’s news?”

Freddy raises an eyebrow and May shakes her head.

“No,” May panics. “No, we don’t. He’s made it very clear.”

Not knowing what’s happening, Freddy moves closer to May wanting to cuddle. As May opens her arms and embraces his wife, he looks down and smiles. “How are you feeling?”

“Better,” Freddy answers, nestling herself into May’s chest. “I think I’ve eaten something bad. I was sick yesterday morning too… wasn’t I?”

“Yeah sweety,” May kisses the top of her head. “You look better now.”

Emilia steps further into the room and starts to tidy the bedding. “So, I gotta ask, what did you decide to do after finding out?”

Freddy moves away from May’s embrace and looks at them both confused. “What did we decide?”

“Yeah…. I can’t believe it’s over,” Emilia replies, shaking her head.

“I know…,” May interrupts before Freddy can ask another question. “Means we are going home, Freddy!”

“Seriously?” Freddy asks, giving May the biggest smile. “We are good to come home now!?”

Emilia looks up at Freddy’s happy smile “So you’ve decided to…...?”

“Yes,” May interrupts again, stopping Emilia before she can finish her sentence. “We’ve decided to go home. We are both happy now, aren’t we—my beautiful wife?”

“Happy?” Freddy questions, smirking in May's direction. “Totally…once I found out what multiple orgasms is like… if you catch my drift!”

“Freddy!” May groans, shaking her head.

“Good for you!” Emilia laughs. “Spoken like a true woman! I’m so happy that it’s worked out for you both!”

Freddy blushes.

“No seriously though…,” Emilia continues. “Good for you both. I really didn’t know what you’d both do once you found out. Make me extremely happy knowing you're still going ahead with the plan.”

“Thanks, Emilia,” May replies confidently, stopping Freddy from talking. “We couldn’t have done it without you.”

Freddy steps over to Emilia and throws her arms out to embrace her. “My husband is right, I really couldn’t have!”

As Emilia and Freddy hug, Freddy begins to cry. “Thank y-you so much for teaching me about m-my body. Teaching me about my femininity!”

“M-my pleasure!” Emilia sobs. “Don’t be a stranger!”

“I won’t!” Freddy whimpers. “Let’s go on that girl not out you promised!

“Deal!” Emilia sobs, embracing Freddy tighter.

Letting go of each other, the two hold hands and stare into each other’s red eyes. Freddy looks away and smiles.

“You guys are amazing!” Emilia blurts out, “Even after finding out it’s over, you are both fighting for what you want. Especially you Freddy, your positivity glowing as a woman. Who’d think a month ago you were a man!?”

“It’s what we’ve dreamt about,” May says, putting an arm around his wife’s side. “We are excited to start out family so why would we be sad about it being over and being allowed to go home?”

Emilia tucks her hair behind one ear and nods. “Okay then, I shall let Dr. Lopez know that it’s not going ahead.” she grins. “Let’s get you both home!”


Michael Cantwell

Is Freddie? Is May so desirous? Very compelling story. I love your story telling, you find way more interesting emotions in your characters.

Thomas Ebel

Good story hopefully they will work it out


I agree with Michael. Though I am trying to figure out how I would react being either character. Both pro and con. Not really sure. I can see both sides. I'm envious on how you can write your feelings and imaginations on a story line.


I'm greatful for your talent.

GenderPlay Books

Your going to make me blush ☺️ I'm happy your enjoying it. I am having fun writing it. (Some of my stories have been really forced of recent)


loving the story so far keep up the great work.