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You’d Do That For Me?

May’s Transformation

Parting ways with her husband and soon-to-be wife, May feels a single tear roll down her cheek. Stepping into the procedure room, she soon spots Dr. Kalvin standing at a computer panel franticly working away.

“Ah, Mrs. Robinson,” A nearby Doctor says, reacting to her presence. “Nice to see you again.”

“H-hello again,” May replies, swiftly wiping the tear from her face. “How are you, Doctor Lopez?”

Dropping what he’s doing, Dr. Lopez scurries towards May and points out the two men in suits surrounding Dr. Kalvin as he works.

“Good…good,” Dr. Lopez says quietly with a hint of panic in his voice. “I know your situation has gained a lot of interest from investors. They’ve already been talking about the headlines your husband is going to create, being the first man to give birth naturally.”

“They have?” May replies, whispering back. “Please don’t tell Freddy that. I don’t want to pressure him any more than I already am. I know he’s going to struggle to adjust to his new role.”

“Hmm…,” Dr. Lopez rubs his chin. “I can’t blame him. I know I’d struggle too.”

“Nah…,” May laughs it off, hiding her feelings of worry. “Being a woman isn’t that hard. I think we make it out to be worst than it actually is.”

“Deffo no comment to that,” Dr. Lopez jokes, giving her a wry smile. “You won’t catch me saying that to my wife.”

May giggles to be polite, but wonders if she will fit in with other men once she’s transformed. She’d hasn’t told Freddy, but she spent an entire afternoon looking up dad jokes and men-related comedy.

“AAAHHH….,” Dr. Kalvin cheers, looking up from his panel to catch eye contact with May. “Mrs. Robinson, please join us over here!”

Holding out his arm toward Dr. Kalvin, Dr. Lopez lets May go first.

“No please,” May grins, holding her hand out for Dr. Lopez to go first. “I’ve gotta get used to letting overs go first. I’m sure my hus—wife will appreciate that.”

Nodding and taking the first steps further into the procedure room, Dr. Lopez points out the machinery in the middle of the room. “Impressive…isn’t it?”

Following on behind, May can’t help but agree. She’d had a quick tour before, but the new prototypes are much more impressive in size. It’s been a long journey to get to this point. She knows it’s been years and a long process since she first spoke to Dr. Lopez about the possibility of having their genders reversed.

As they both approach Dr. Kalvin and the two men in suits, May starts feeling a little uncomfortable by all the staring. The two men haven’t taken their eyes off her since she entered the procedure room.

“Mrs. Robinson,” Dr. Kalvin cheers once more, very pleased to see her. “These two gentlemen are very keen to see the results from today's procedures. They are also very keen to follow you and your husband's progress over the next year.”

May nervous smiles as the two very professional men hold out their hands to shake hers. Feeling a little unsure, May shakes both of their hands quickly and without conviction.

“Very nice to meet your Mrs. Robinson,” the taller of the two men says, looking down as May’s handshake falls flat. “Seems you’ll have to work on that handshake of yours. No self-respecting male has such a limp handshake, my dear.”

“Oh…right,” May blushes. “Thanks for the advice.”

“Well!” Dr. Kalvin claps with excitement. “Shall we get this party going?”

“Indeed,” the shorter of the two men replies. “I’m keen to see this all in action.”

“Mrs. Robinson,” Dr. Kalvin steps forward to point at a curtain in the corner of the room. “Please, can you just pop behind the curtain and remove your clothing.”

May looks over at the curtain and agrees. She however doesn’t like the idea of being naked in front of all these men. Walking quickly to the curtain, she looks behind it to see a single chair. Sitting down on the chair, she kicks off her heels and starts to untie the belt around her middle.

As she pulls down her tights and stuffs them into one of her heels, she feels a little emotional knowing she won’t be dressing like this again for well over a year. As she unravels her wrap dress and pulls it over her head, she looks down at the body she’s grown up with.

As she slowly unhooks her bra, she thinks back at the feeling of excitement she felt when they first started growing and how grown up they made her feel.

“Sorry girls….,” she mumbles, dropping the bra to the floor as she gently bounces her chest. “Don’t worry, we will see each other again.”

Reaching down to remove her soft underwear, she gracefully slides them down her smooth legs. “Sorry Florence,” she says secretly to her privates. “We are going boy for a little while. I hope you can forgive me.”

“Mrs. Robinson?” Dr. Lopez enquires from just on the other side of the curtain. “I hate to rush you, but we are ready for you. All systems are up and running.”

Her heart flutters as she covers herself with both arms and steps out from behind the curtain completely naked. As all the eyes stare at her, she can’t help but go completely red in the face.

“Have you been crying?” Dr. Lopez asks as he whisks her briskly towards the center of the room and the bed in the center.

“Just a little overwhelmed right now,” May comments, touching her moist eyes. “I can’t believe what I’m about to do—what my husband is about to do.”

Dr. Lopez’s face drops and he stands dejected. “Do you want to pull out?” he asks carefully.

May clambers onto the bed, trying to hide her naked body the best she can. As she lays down on the bed, she lets her modest chest flop in either direction as she puts her arms by her sides.

“No way,” she nervously smiles. “I’ve come so far with all of this. Took me months to get Freddy to agree and now I think I’m just so excited to start working on our family.”

“Remember that,” Dr. Lopez replies with a serious expression. “Might help you through the difficult days of adjustment. You both need to keep in mind what you are doing it for.”

Dr. Lopez then starts adjusting and preparing the anesthesia machine next to the head of the bed. Holding the anesthesia mask above May’s face, he looks up at Dr. Kalvin. “Are we ready?”

Dr. Kalvin gives the thumbs up and the machines all gradually hum with life. The air in the room becomes thick with static and the ceiling lights flicker.

“Thank you,” May whimpers, looking up at Dr. Lopez, overwhelmed with the emotion of it all.

“Don’t thank me yet,” Dr. Lopez grins, lowering the anesthesia mask over her mouth. “Thank me when I’m helping your husband give birth to your first child.”

May takes a few sharp breaths and feels the feeling in her fingers go numb.

“Power is optimum,” Dr. Kalvin calls out.

May’s eyes start to feel heavy and she watches Dr. Lopez back away as they close.

“Clear the floor!” Dr. Kalvin commands as the room begins to creak with the immense power of the machines hanging above May. “Dimensional rift stable! Target pinpointed!”

The next thing May knows is the rhythmic beeping of a heart monitor beside her. Instantly opening her eyes, she stares up at the ceiling above her, and her heart begins to race.

Unable to move, she starts to panic as the machine beside her whurs into warning sirens. May can sense the frantic movement around her as people rush into the room to come to her aid. Still unable to control any of her movements, she sees the nurse from the waiting room appear above her face.

“May,” the nurse says calmly, touching May's forehead with her hand. “You’re safe. Everything went well. You are in the recovery room!”

Feeling her chest tighten, May focuses intently on the nurse's face. Little by little she starts to relax and she becomes aware of intense alien feelings all over her body.

“You’re safe,” The nurse repeats, touching May’s hand. “You’re just a little shocked right now. I’m sure it’s a lot to take in.”

“Fre,” May mutters, her voice cracking as she speaks with a deep voice.

“Freddy?” the nurse asks. “Yes, her procedure also went well and she’s recovering in the room next door.”

“Can….I-I see?” May asks, struggling to comprehend the deep internal vibrations of her male voice.

The nurse looks around at the people in the room with her and her expression turns sour.

“No sorry,” the nurse answers. “She’s not awake yet.”

“Please nurse,” May responds in desperation, struggling to engage her muscles to lean forward in the bed.

“My name is Emilia,” the nurse quickly replies, stopping May from hurting herself. “Please understand you are not ready to walk yet. Your brain needs time to adjust and settle.”

“My rings,” May coughs, admitting defeat and laying flat.

“We have them,” Emilia confirms, checking the connections of the pads attached to May’s chest.

“Please,” May mumbles, having to concentrate hard on speaking as the feelings of her new body flood her mind. “Give my rings to Freddy. I want him to have them.”

“I will,” Emilia instantly answers. “Please, don’t worry! Everything is under control.”

“My d-dress…,” May continues, staring into Emilia’s eyes. “Please, wash it for my husband. I want him to wear it when we leave.”

“Okay!” Emilia grins. “I’m she your wife will be pleased your thinking so much of her.”

Still looking into the bright eyes of the nurse standing over her, she takes a moment to think about what Emilia has just said.

“Wife?” May smiles wide, understanding that Freddy is now a woman and therefore May’s new wife.

“Yes wife,” Emilia smirks. “She’s very pretty too. I’m a little jealous.”

“Y-yeah?” May asks, her eyes lighting up with joy. “What about me? W-what do I look like?”

Emilia leans back and starts nodding as she checks out May’s body. “Yeah…,” she blushes. “Extremely handsome. Some of the girls on the unit think you look like Chris Hemsworth.”

May tries to sit up again but her body doesn’t respond how she wants. Wheezing and whining, she stops and lets out a long sigh.

“Do I…..,” she wheezes, pausing to contemplate the answer in her mind. “Do I have a working penis?”

Emilia smirks and looks in the direction of Emilia’s privates. “Yup, you sure do. I’m surprised you can’t feel it,” she jokes, gesturing that it’s long.

“Is that what that feeling is between my legs!?” May laughs, rolling her eyes. “I didn’t think anything of it until just now. Jesus…this is weird.”

“How does it feel?” Emilia asks, leaning down to be closer to May. “Like…you’re a man now. Does it feel strange?”

May take a moment to think. “Erm….,” she ponders. “Can I see myself first?”

“Oh sure,” Emilia replies, spiring to life. “Hold still I will raise your bed.”

As the bed rises and sits May up, Emilia moves over to the other side of the room and wheels over a mirror. Placing it at the foot of the bed, May glares into the reflection looking back at her.

“Holy moly!” May gasps, stunned by what she sees. “Is that me!?”

Emilia stands beside the mirror and nods. “Yes sir. Very handsome right?”

“Right!?” May replies, unable to take her eyes off the mirror for even a second. “Look at all the hair on my face! I look like my dad!”

“Oh right!” Emilia smiles, leaning on the end of the bed. “Do you want us to shave you?”

“Kinda yeah,” May grins awkwardly. “I look so…unclean.”

“No problem sir!” Emilia jokes, saluting May.

“I do need to look good for the wife!” May jokes, snorting as she laughs out loud.


Thomas Ebel

Love this story so far. Can’t wait for what’s next


Ok, this is great I appreciate the views of the transformers played against the transformed. I don't know how far you're going to chase this story, but it sure looks like a winner.