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Think I'm suffering from a bit of burnout. Couldn't get motivated to do another story so I've done the next part of Matt's story.

Also... This part is directly followed by jack's story part 3

Matt’s Story Part 7

Sliding my books into my bag, I stand up from my table as the rest of the class gets ready to go home. Although none of Barry’s friends are in this class, I know I can’t wait around. Getting spotted and giving away our little plan was the last thing I want to do.

Sneaking out of the class, I don’t stop to look around to see if I’ve been seen. Head down, I dart between the other kids in the hallway and rush toward the drama department. Lucky for us, this side of the school is kinda empty.

As I approach the large drama department doors, I see Lara waiting outside. Giving a quick look over my shoulders, to check I haven’t been followed, I casually lean against the wall next to her.

“Hey,” I say, giving her a forced smile.

Lara leans against the wall next to me and looks up. “Hiya.”

As we both wait for Nathan and my sister to appear, the silence between me and Lara is uncomfortable, to say the least.

“Matt...?” Lara says softly, breaking the silence.

“Yeah?” I reply as Lara starts fiddling with strands of her long hair.

“I erm….,” Lara blushes and looks down at her feet. “You know I never meant for any of this to happen?”

“What, with Barry?” I question, biting at a fingernail. “That’s not your fault.”

“You don’t think so?” Lara asks, looking up at me with a grin.

“Not at all. It’s not like your dressed up your best friend to seem cool,” I answer flippantly.

“Yeah, true…,” Lara gently laughs, giving me a warm smile. “Still, I want you to know I’m sorry for getting you and Sonya involved in any of this. You’re both so kind and I’ve brought you nothing but problems.”

“Honestly,” I reply, scratching the side of my head. “It has been hard having half the school hate me…but, having the chance to see Nathan so happy dressed as Sonya was something special to me.”


“Oh yeah. Plus, you don’t know how long I’ve dreaded coming out to him. Kinda turned out ok on that front. If we’d not been invited over as a couple, I don’t think I’d have had the courage to kiss him normally.”

“That’s sweet. Still, thank you,” Lara replies in earnest. “I really needed to hear that from you.”

“You did?” I ask.

Tucking hair behind one ear, Lara looks away but smiles. “I think you’re really brave… y’know.”

“Brave?,” I say, acting coy. “Why do you think that?”

“Coming out to your friends takes a lot of courage. You didn’t know Sonya would react so well…did you? So, you’re brave to have done that.”

“I have only come out to Nathan, you, and my sister so far,” I answer anxiously. “ I’m terrified of what my parents are going to think.”

“You told Jade?” Lara scoffs, slouching against the wall. “I know she’s your sister Matt, but she’s got a bad reputation for being a gossip. Doesn’t that make you worried?”

“I am worried about it,” I answer in agreement, slowly nodding my head. “I know what she’s like. I live with her.”

“Let's hope she can stay quiet,” Lara replies, a little too honestly.

Not sure what to say, I look down the now empty corridor hoping Jade or Nath would appear. The silence between me and Lara had started becoming uncomfortable again. I want desperately to question her about Nathan and what they’ve been doing together, but I just can’t bring myself to ask.

I almost feel like it’s so obvious they are getting together, my heart just won’t take hearing it out loud.

“Did it….,” Lara says, breaking the silence. “Feel good when you came out and he accepted you?”

I don’t answer straight away. I just look down at Lara’s face and see her gazing out the window. She almost looks embarrassed to have asked such a question.

“Yeah,” I finally reply. “Felt like the weight of the world had been lifted from my shoulders. It was like at long last, I didn’t need to worry anymore.”

“I’m happy for you,” Lara replies, with a serious-looking expression. “Has Jade told you why we don’t get on?”

I shake my head. “Nope.”

“We used to be friends…,” Lara continues, stressfully rubbing her face and letting out a long breath.

“So….,” I say curiously. “What happened between you then?”

Lara looks up at me and her cheeks are bright red. The stressed look on her face softens as she gives me a smile. Just as she goes to open her mouth, Nathan appears from around the corner.

In an instant, Lara forgets our conversation.

“Hiya,” Lara squeaks, ushering Nathan closer. “I was starting to get worried they’d spotted you!”

Lara embraces Nathan as I stand and endure them hugging. As Lara lets him go, Nath gives me a smile before looking around the empty corridor.

“Where Jade?” He asks, leaning against the wall close to me.

“Not here,” Lara answers, standing opposite us with her arms folded.

Lara then steps closer to Nathan with a cheeky smile and pokes him in the side.

“Looking forward to wearing my uniform?” Lara teases. “I’ve been thinking about you wearing my school skirt all day!”

Nathan gives her a bashful smile and goes all shy.

“Wanna wear my bra too?” Lara continues, touching Nathan’s sides. “I don’t mind if that helps you feel more comfortable.”

Nathan’s face lights up. “You sure?” He asks.

Just as I start to feel mighty uncomfortable with how Lara and Nathan are together, Jade comes rushing around the same corner clutching her bag as she walks.

“Guys…,” she says, almost in a panicked state. “Sorry, I’m a little late. I had to make my excuses and slip away unseen.”

“Shall we go inside then?” Nathan smirks. “I’ve always wanted to borrow stuff from here. I’ve seen the pretty dresses they keep.”

As Jade stops in front of me and flicks back her hair, she looks at me with concern. Gently touching my arm, she raises an eyebrow.

“You ok?” Jade asks. “You look grumpy”

“Y-yeah,” I reluctantly reply, not wanting to show how jealous Lara is making me.

Shrugging her shoulder Jade smiles and turns to Nathan.

“So he’s waiting out at the front gates!” Jade shrieks, but then playfully laughs. “He’s got a whole gang together! They are going to look soooo foolish when we walk past as a group of girls..!”

Lara points at me. “Group of girls…and Matt.”

All looking at me, I go a little red. “Yeah, and me.”

“You wanna wear my uniform?” Jade asks, giving me a silly grin. “Then we’d really be a group of girls!”

“I’d never fit,” I scoff, looking away. “I’m far too big to wear your stuff and you’d drown wearing mine.”

“I’ve…. seen Matt in a dress!” Nathan interrupts with a mischievous giggle. “It was super cute!”

“Shut up Nath,” I whine.

“Yeah!?” Jade answers, poking me in the side. “You wore a dress, Matt?”

Feeling the heat of embarrassment on my cheeks, I fold my arms.

“Yeah,” I answer sternly. “So what?”

“Oh, nothing!” Jade chuckles, sarcastically rolling her eyes. “Just would have liked to have seen that!”

“I did it to make Nathan feel more comfortable when I caught him wearing one of Kayleigh’s dresses!” I blurt out, feeling like I need to defend myself. “OKAY!”

“Y-you….,” Nathan speaks, as Jade continues to giggle at my expense. “Did that for me?”

“Well…yeah,” I answer softly, giving him a warm smile. “You looked so terrified when I caught you. It was the only thing I could think to do to make the situation less awkward. I certainly didn’t look cute! I looked like a troll wearing Kayleigh’s dress—I probably stretched it all out too.”

“Yeah…,” Nathan nervously laughs. “She did question me about that. The dress was kinda ruined so I told her I dared you to wear it.”

“You two are so cute,” Jade remarks, putting one hand on her heart. “Wish I’d have someone to do things like that for me.”

“Kayleigh?” Lara asks with concern, changing the subject and making us all look at her. “Is that you’re sister, Sonya?”

Nathan nods. “Yeah.”

“Pretty girl with curly dark hair and blue eyes?” Lara asks.

“I wouldn’t call my sister pretty,” Nathan jokes. “Why?”

“Oh, it’s probably nothing. Just I think she’s been lurking around Barry recently. Like she’s trying to get in with him.”

“Seriously?” I gasp. “Well, that’s this whole idea out the window then!”

“WHY?” Lara and Jade say, both frowning at me.

“Kayleigh will be able to tell it’s Nathan,” I franticly reply with the two girls staring daggers at me.

“No way!” Nathan whines. “She’d never know it was me. I’ve never dressed around her so how would she?”

“Yeah Matt,” Jade scolds. “Stop being such a Debby downer on my great idea!”

Expecting Jade to continue moaning at me, she stops and looks at Lara with that same expression she makes when she’s onto something juicy.

“So wait!” Jade says passionately. “Do you Kaylieghs trying to get with Barry? That’s scandalous!”

“I’m not sure,” Lara answers, shaking her head. “Barry probably only letting her hang around with him to get to Sonya—That I’m pretty sure about.”

“Should we be worried about my sister?” Nathan asks, nervously biting his nails. “I know what that boys like. I’d hate for Kayleigh to get hurt.”

“Let's just get you home first,” Lara orders, pointing at the drama department door. “Go on, let's go swap uniforms and see about borrowing a wig.”

“I’m not so sure about this now,” I worry, pushing open the doors the drama department doors.

“It'll be fine!” Jade claps with excitement following in behind me.

As we all step into the dark, dusty room, a crack of light can be seen coming from the costume room.

“Is someone still here?” Nathan asks, pointing at the light.

Spooked, I start worrying that we aren’t alone. “Shall we just go, guys! This plan was never going to work.”

“No…..!” Jade and Lara answer in unison. “Let's go check it out!”



Ouf, that's a lot going on there. Definitely will be hard to wait for the ending when everything will be out in the open! (I'm down for the "everyone gets dressed up" ending though!) Also, don't feel too bad about not starting a new story just yet. There is no shame in taking time to make something awesome. :)