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Matt’s Story part 6

Following behind, I look around the lunch courtyard for Nathan. I don’t see him and we always hang out for lunch! Where is he?

“Matt?” Jade says, ushering for me to sit next to her on the bench. “What's wrong—don’t you want to sit with me?”

“I’m worried about Nathan,” I answer, still looking around. “It’s not like him.”

“I’m sure he’s fine,” Jade replies, patting the seat.  “I’m sure I saw him with Lara. Stop worrying and come sit down.”

Settling my dinner tray down next to my sister, I reluctantly join her and her best friend Aya.

Aya sits on the opposite side of me and as I sit down, I see her grinning at me. She’s been Jade’s best friend for as long as I can remember. Bit of a redhead know-it-all, but she’s nice enough.

“So Matt,” she says, pushing her glasses further up her nose. “I’ve heard that Barry is targeting your friend now. I thought yesterday he wanted to beat you up—what on earth is going on between you guys?”

“It’s a long story,” I answer, finally accepting that Nathan isn’t joining us.

“Oh playing it cool….,” Aya smirks. “I’ll just ask Jade later if you don’t tell me,”

Jade lets out a nervous laugh as I turn to look at her with a disapproving expression. She better not say anything!

“Teachers got wind of it yesterday,” I huff, trying to catch Aya up. “He’d been going around telling people how he was going to fight me after school—so I’m not surprised it made it to the principal.”

“Lucky,” Aya remarks, sipping on her strawberry milk.

“Not really,” I huff, scratching my chin. “He’s the lucky one.”

“Oh…so, macho!” Jade giggles, playfully nudging my shoulder. “I’d say it was luckier Nathan was with you this morning.”

“Right…!” Aya grins. “After all that on the way to school, Nathan’s now the boy Barry wants to fight after school!”

“Jade….!” I whine, giving her a sour look. “Did you tell her…?”

“She’s my best friend Matt,” Jade replies, looking at me innocently. “I told her what happened this morning, yeah.”

“What’s the big deal, Matt?” Aya interrupts. “She’s just filling me in on why Barry’s suddenly out for your friend and why you’re sitting with us at lunch. How does it feel having your older sister being your protector?”

“Shut up Aya,” I sneer, then turn to give Jade a filthy look.

Jade better not have told her everything!

Jade sticks her tongue out at me as I stare and as I’m about to react, Someone taps me on the shoulder.

Turning around, expecting it to be one of Barry’s dumb friends trying to wind me up, I see a funny-looking kid who looks completely phased out.

“Yo,” he smiles, scratching his messy hair as he stands over me.

“Hey,” I reply puzzled, trying to work out if I know him or not.

“Names Andrews,” he continues, patting me on the shoulder as he looks down at me vacantly. “Just wanted to thank you.”

“Thank me for?” I ask, seriously confused.

“Making it possible for my dreams to come true,” Andrews answers, looking up into the sky like he’s daydreaming.

“….S-sure,” I stutter, perplexed by the entire situation.

As Andrew shakes off his daydream, he looks at Aya and smiles. “Strawberry milk—nice.”

Then, just like that, he wonders off.

“What was that about?” Aya asks, stopping herself mid-sip.

“Dunno,” Jade laughs, nudging me again. “I have heard you’ve become more popular with some in school thanks to this whole Barry thing Matt. Maybe he’s a secret admirer?”

“He’s not my type,” I sarcastically answer.

Instantly realizing what I’d just said, I shake it off with a big smile and a laugh. “That was a joke!”

Worried I’d let my secret slip, I nervously glance at Aya to see her reaction.

Thankfully, Aya doesn’t seem to be at all interested. She’s just poking at her sandwich. Thank god.

“So….. did you buy that dress in the end?” Aya asks, uninterested in her food as she looks up at Jade.

“Nah,” Jade answers, chewing with her mouth open. “Was too short. I don’t have any shoes that will match either.”

“Do you mind If I get it then?” Aya replies.

Bored by the conversation, I poke at my food and blow a raspberry.

“Problem?” Jade moans.

“No…,” I answer softly, resting my head in my hands. “Just worried about Nathan.”

“I’m sure he’s fine,” Jade says, comforting me by touching my arm. “As I said, I’m sure he’s with Lara.”

“Lara…?” Aya swiftly interrupts. “The same Lara, Jade?”

“Yeah…. that Lara,” Jade sighs.

“Oh, I get it now,” Aya says cheerfully. “She’s been hanging around with that Nathan boy a lot recently. That’s why Barry is so mad. Has she broken up with him to be with Nathan?”

“No,” I grunt in displeasure.

“Are you sure?” Aya asks. “Heather said she saw them kissing yesterday in the hallway.”

“What!?” Jade asks, almost knocking over her soda.

My heart sinks.

“Yeah! I was surprised too.” Aya giggles. “He’s a little weedy—not the sorta guy I’d go for, but Nathan must be thrilled. He’s getting with one of the prettiest girls in the school.”

“He’s not going out with her,” I whine, shifting nervously. “Your friend is lying!”

“Wow, Matt,” Aya responds, stunned by my reaction. “Jealous you’re friends getting a girlfriend? You’re his best friend—shouldn’t that make you happy for him?

My face goes bright red and I grit my teeth.

I don’t believe it for one second! He kissed me this morning!

“I’ll go ask Heather about it later,” Jade says, touching my arm again. “I’ll find out all the gossip.”

“Is that wise?” Aya asks Jade. “You remember what happened last time you gossiped about Lara.”

“I know,” Jade answers, waving away Aya’s concerns. “I’m not the same silly girl I was last year. I’m not looking to cause issue—I just think it be best we find out all the facts before jumping to conclusions…don’t you think Matt?”

“Sure,” I scoff, trying to hide my fear of rejection.

“Talking about it,” Aya whispers. “I’ve not seen Lara this happy for like…. forever. Since she stopped hanging around with all of us girls and got with Barry—I swear she’s been depressed.”

“That makes me feel awful,” Jade gasps. “But go on—what have you heard?”

Aya suspiciously looks around and then leans in.

“Well, I heard that Lara was just going out with Barry to remain popular—since she dropped us and now doesn’t have any friends.”

Aya reaches across the table and touches Jade’s hand. “Don’t gossip about this, because I don’t want you to upset her again Jade.”

“I won’t,” Jade answers with a whisper.

Aya looks left, then looks right to ensure no one is listening. “I heard she’s been so depressed—she’s been planning to take her own life.”

“What?” I say loudly, causing both Aya and Jade to look around in fear.

“Quiet Matt,” Aya scolds.

“You’re talking rubbish,” I continue. “Lara seems absolutely fine to me.”

“Yeah maybe now,” Aya replies, giving me a wry smile. “I think Nathan might be helping her feel better—but I wonder how long that will last if Barry finds out they are a couple. He’s already mad at Nathan…right?”

“Is that really true?” Jade asks, still whispering. “Was she really going to do that?”

“That’s what I heard.”

Jade lowers her head into her hands and starts shaking. I look at her puzzled—my sister and Lara aren’t close at all so why is she getting upset?.

“That makes me feel fucking awful!” Jade whimpers through her fingers.

“Ah…. don’t be, sweety,” Aya replies, comforting Jade. “We all know you tried to make it better with her. It’s not your fault she didn’t want to talk with you anymore.”

As Jade lowers her hands and gives Aya a small smile, I’m surprised to see tears in her eyes.

“Erm…,” I interrupt, pointing at Jade’s tears. “You guys going to tell me what happened between you and Lara… or….?”

“None your business…,” Aya scoffs.

Jade, however, gives me a soft smile. “Let’s just say I’m not proud of how I dealt with a very sensitive situation…ok?”

“What… did you share nudes of her or something?” I teasingly reply.

“No Mathew!” Jade grumbles. “Don’t be such a boy!”

“Does he really have to hang around with us, Jade?” Aya complains, also glaring at me. “I totally understand why you think he’s a dork.”

“I’m not a dork!” I shout, “Stop telling me that!”

Shouting out, all the kids around us start looking over in our direction. I feel my cheeks burning as I hide in my seat.

“Dork,” Jade mumbles, taking a bite of her food.

“Yeah, dork,” Aya says, trying to reinforce her point.

Feeling pretty silly, I concentrate on my food—rather than all the kids staring. Reaching for a potato chip, I realize I’ve not touched my food at all.

“Matthew,” Jade says softly. “Please don’t mention any of this to Lara later.”

“Sure,” I reply, eating with my mouth open.

“No…seriously Matt.”

“I heard you!”

“Wait…?” Aya whispers secretly. “Are you meeting up with Lara later?”

“I can’t tell you,” Jade protests.

“You will…,” Aya confidently smirks. “We’ve got class all afternoon. I can tell you’ve got juicy gossip, Jade. I’m your best friend—I know you!”

“Nope,” Jade replies, mimicking a zip across her lips. “We’ve got a plan and I’m going to help!”

“A Plan?” Aya claps,

I roll my eyes. Jade really can’t help herself!

“Stop asking Aya,” I say. “It’s nothing to do with you!”

Aya gives me a dirty look. “I was asking you sister, you….. dork.”



I can't tell what the new person was or if they are even going to be a thing, but am completely hooked on this so much and loving it!