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Thank you so much for being a top-tier supporter! I hope you enjoy what I've written!

So we've already done a part 2. This story is kinda part 1.5 which takes place before part 2. I hope you all enjoy it!

Jack's Story Part 2 (1.5)

The day is finished and I rush for the school gate. Andrew will be annoyed I didn’t wait for him, but after the day I’ve had, all I wanted to do was get home!

Walking as quickly as my short little legs can take me, I’m soon out of sight of the other kids. That’s exactly what I want. All I’d been hearing this afternoon is about Barry and his potential fight with that Matt kid.

I hope Matt kicks his ass!

My phone vibrates in my pocket as I approach the driveway of my home. It’s probably Andrew.

Reaching into my pocket, I pull out my phone and look at the caller ID.

“Mom…?” I question in confusion as I answer the phone.

I swipe to answer, wondering why she’s calling me when I’m literally right outside our front door.

“Helloo…?” I say, answering her call.

“Jacky…,” she replies cheerfully. “Bad news sweety.”

“What's wrong?” I ask, approaching our front door. “I’m just outside the house.”

“Nothing is wrong, sweety,” mom answers. “I’m just calling to tell you I’m stuck at work. I won’t be home until much later tonight.”

“Oh…,” I reply, pushing open the front door. Throwing my bag down onto the floor, I walk into the kitchen. “What am I doing for dinner then?”

“There’s a pizza in the freezer,” mom answers. “Sorry, my little Jacky. You know mommy doesn’t like to leave you at home alone.”

I grit my teeth. I’m not twelve—she doesn’t have to worry!

“Okay, mom!” I reply, trying not to seem annoyed at her. “I will be fine!”

“Okay my little Jacky,” she chirps. “Mommy be home as soon as I can…ok!”

“Yes mom,” I abruptly reply, getting frustrated at her treating me like a kid. “Do you need me to do any laundry for you?”

“If you could,” she answers pleased. “I’ll see you later!”


Locking my phone, I stand in our empty kitchen and a wide grin draws itself across my face. I’m actually home alone! So many possibilities!

“YES!” I yell, clapping my hands and jumping on the spot. “This is sooo perfect!”

Mom never really leaves me in the house on my own! This is a perfect chance for me to wear those outfits I brought off the internet. I got the chance to ask her if she needs laundry done too! That’s my very sneaky way of explaining why her clothes might be all moved around!

Not even bothering with the snack I was about to pull out of the fridge, I rush upstairs and into my room. Getting to my knees I pull out my secret hiding box beneath the bed.

Since that time I got caught wearing mom's panties, I’d been saving up my allowance to buy my own stuff. So far I’d secretly bought some basic outfits I like. Just enough for me to keep hidden from her!

As I open the box and pull out my plaid skirt, my heart starts thumping like mad. It’s like the best rush—knowing I shouldn’t be wearing these garments. I’m getting so excited just thinking about myself in this stuff!

I’ve gotta be quick though! I need to do my makeup and everything and leave enough time to clean up!

Almost ripping my school uniform off, I throw it all into a pile in the corner. Standing in just my mom's underwear I’d borrowed this morning, I rush into her room to find the matching bra.

I don’t know if this is a good thing or not, but I find the bra in her drawers straight away. Putting my arms through each strap, I reach around and struggle to do up the clasps

“Damit,” I grumble, only managing to get one of the little clips right.

Knowing I’m pushed for time and so desperate to try on my new girly clothes, I instantly give up with a shrug of my shoulders.

It doesn’t matter if it’s not perfect. I don’t have anything to fill the cups with anyways.

Catching sight of myself in my mom's full-length mirror as stand at her vanity desk, I glare at my chest and legs.

Lighty stroking at my chest with my fingertips, I move down to do the same with my legs.

“Hmmm,” I say, wondering if I have time to shave closer.

Deciding I don’t, I sit at the vanity desk and look in awe at everything surrounding me that’s going to complete my transformation.

Reaching for a small pale jar, I know I have to apply some foundation first. So that’s what I do. Loading up my fingers with the cool liquid, I spread it evenly across my face.

Once finished, I smile at my reflection as the skin on my face looks flawless.

Eyeshadow and eyeliner are next and that makes me nervous. The last time I tried doing my own makeup, I poked myself in the eye several times. My eyes were so red and mom kept asking me if I had pink eye.

So embarrassing, but to hide what I’d done, I just went along with it

Gosh, I’m such a weird person. I’ve gotta be the only boy in the world that is like this! No way other people do such things.

That wasn’t going to stop me. I’ve been watching so many tutorials recently and I think I’m going to give a smokey-eye look at go.

Many slow and delicate minutes pass as I borrow mom's brushes and makeup palate. Thankfully mom is fully stocked with makeup wipes. That made it very easy to clean up my mistakes with the eyeliner.

“Wow,” I say at my reflection, turning my face from side to side to study the work I’d done around my eyes. “I’m getting good at this!”

Next is my favorite part—Mascara!

Such a small little thing makes such a difference to my face. Even if it does little to change my appearance. The more feminine-looking eyes change my whole mindset. It’s almost like I see a girl looking back at me.

Holding the small little brush near my eyes, I blink several times to coat my lashes in the mascara’s black goop. Giving my lashes one final go over, I stare wide-eyed at my reflection.

“So pretty!” I cheer, blinking my eyelashes like I see the pretty girls do in the movies

I’d always hated how small I am compared to the other boys. Not only am I well below the average height of the other boys, but I’m also super slender with small feet and hands.

It’s moments like this when I’m able to be feminine, that I’m actually really pleased! I have the perfect size feet to fit into my mom's shoes. I’m the perfect size to wear her clothing without stretching them too!

It’s easy for me to look very feminine. I have to remember how lucky that makes me!

Next is lipstick. Not my favorite.

I do like how bright and vibrant it makes my face look, but I don’t like that waxy feeling. Plus, I’ve left it on before and mom caught me. I’ve told her so many lies at this point. I got away with that by telling her my girlfriend put it on me.

I don’t have a girlfriend by the way. That’s another lie and now mom keeps asking to meet her.

Carefully running the waxy bright red lipstick across my lips, I then blot the remaining off on a tissue.

I look so cute.

My hair is getting really long now and actually, it really helps make me look more female. I’m so—so pleased moms letting me grow it out!

She’s happy for me to have long hair as long as I keep it clean. I don’t wanna be like most boys and have greasy hair. Does make me feel kinda good when I use moms shampoo. My hair smells like apples most of the time!

I know that’s not very manly, but it’s something I can at least do every day to feel more me.

Reaching for my mother's brush, I start the task of shaping my hair how I want it. I just try and comb my bangs out and brush down so it’s straighter and less puffy.

Not wasting too much time on that, I rush back into my room.

Digging out the tights I’d brought, I sit on the edge of the bed and start balling them up.

Now, this was another lesson learned and another lie to my mom. I’d experimented with wearing hers before and laddered them something fierce. She was not pleased.

I told her it was because I was going for a part in the school play.

Running the tights up my legs carefully, I feel accomplished at a job well done.

Tights feel so different from anything men usually wear. I love how tight they cling to my legs.

Time for my plaid skirt, I reach over to grab it.

I never know just how high to wear a skirt. Part of me wants to have it low on my hips, but I think you’re supposed to wear them higher. Like around belly button height.

That's where I bring the skirt up too. Please with the height, I zip up the back.

This is the first time I’m wearing this skirt and it's actually really really heavy. It’s quite a thick material and it’s got belts and buckles and stuff. Kinda gothic. I have the perfect cute t-shirt to go with it too.

Pulling it over my head, being extra careful not to touch my makeup, I guide the t-shirt over my bra and down onto my body

The women's cut makes it tight fitting around my arms and torso. I do like how my belly is out to see and how the tight cut curves around the cups of the bra I’m wearing.

Makes it seem like I’ve got a small but budding feminine chest.

A few more touches to my outfit and I’m going to take so many pictures!

Rushing back into my mom's room, I find her pair of black Chelsea boots. Y’know… those heeled boots with chunky heels. Perfect for this outfit!

Sliding them on, I stand tall, but slightly awkwardly.

Taking a moment to walk slowly in my mom's shoes, I soon get used to my new height.

Catching another glimpse of myself in the full-length mirror, I’m stunned at how good I look. The boots, tights, and skirt make my legs look like they go on forever!

“Hey sexy legs,” I say to my reflection, playfully joking.

Carefully walking back into my room and chanting heel toe, heel toe, I grab my phone and start the camera.

The first pose is me with my hands on my hips, jitting my hip out as far as I could.

The second pose was a cute one making a peace sign with my fingers.

Photo after photo, pose after pose, I lose track of the time.

I’m having so much fun! I never get the chance to see myself like this! I’m ecstatic at how girly I look! Not even Andrew would know it’s me!

Maybe he’d even stop lusting after Lara if he saw me like this!

Wafting my heavy skirt from side to side, I playfully curtsey into the mirror. My face looks so bright, pleased, and beautiful.

I feel beautiful for once in my life. I feel…. Happy.

That’s when the happiness instantly fades. My heart beats like crazy as I hear the door open downstairs.

Blood pumping adrenaline around my system, I begin to shake and panic

Is she home already!? She can't be! Oh my… It’s dark outside!

Crap! Crap! Crap! She’s going to catch me!

I’m toast! I’m screwed! I’m dead!

“Jacky!” mom calls out from downstairs. “I’m home!”

Flapping in sheer desperation, I rip her boots from my feet and chuck them to the floor. Being chunky, they make one hell of a racket as they hit the floor.

“Jacky!?” she calls out again, reacting to the noise. “Are you ok!?”

“Y-y-es,” I squeak, bolting from her room towards mine, knowing I have to get out of these clothes.

Hearing her coming up the stairs, I basically freeze on the spot in terror. I’ve got a face of makeup and I’ve not tidied anything away! She’s going to disown me!

That’s when an idea comes to mind that might just save me!

“J-just about to take shower,” I stutter, stuffing and kicking any clothing under my bed without care.

My heart racing, I almost dive into the bathroom and lock the door behind me.

Pushing my hot sweaty body against the closed door, I look down at my skirt. I’ve gotta take this off and hide it all.

She can’t find me wearing her underwear! Not again! Not after last time!

“Jacky…?” she questions, tapping on the clothes bathroom door. “Are you ok? Seems a little messy up here.”

“Y-yeah…,” I reply, wheezing as I pull off my tights without care. “I’m fine.”

Stuffing the tights into the corner of the room, I see my saving grace hanging from the door.

A bathroom robe!

“Can I come in before you shower?” mom asks, tapping on the door again. “I’m worried about you. Doesn’t look like you’ve had any dinner and my room is a mess for some reason.”

“S-sure mom..,” I anxiously answer, throwing on the rob to cover my outfit. Tieing up the belt as tight as I could, I unlock the door.

Mom pulls down the handle and fear strikes my soul

CRAP! I’ve not removed my makeup!

“Sweety…?” mom says, pushing open the door to find me standing bashfully in her bathroom robe.

“Y-yeah…?” I mumble, looking away and avoiding eye contact.

I feel her glaring at me. The situation is so tense, the air feels like it weighs a tone!

“Sweety…?” she says again, reaching out to touch my face. “Why… do you have makeup on?”

Unable to look her in the eyes, I shrug.

“My girlfriend did it,” I lie in reply.

Still touching my cheek, mom makes me look her in the eyes. It’s awful! I can see her judging me! Well, at least she can’t see the outfit I have on under this robe!

“Oh…,” she answers with a raise of her eyebrows. “I see.”


“Is she still here?”

“I-is who still here?”

“Your girlfriend, Jacky.”

“Oh..!” I reply, wanting to smack my own forehead. “No, she’s gone. She said this would be fun but now I’d like to get in the shower and take it all off.”

Mom continues to stare down at me puzzled. I could feel my entire body shaking with nerves.

Please buy it! Please please, please!

“She’s done a wonderful job,” mom eventually, says, letting go of my face. “You’re actually very cute Jacky with a face of makeup.”

Seriously!? That’s amazing! That makes me feel like a million bucks!

Still, I can’t show mom that’s how I’m feeling!

“T-thanks,” I dismissively reply. “Can I shower now?”

“Oh sorry,” mom answers. “

As she turns to leave the bathroom, I can’t help but wonder if she actually believes me or not! I’ve told her so many lies!

“Hey Jacky,” she turns to look at me with a wide smile. “Why don’t you apply to do the female parts in the plays at school.”


“Just a thought,” she says, giving me a big and wide smile. “You shower and I’ll make dinner.”



I love it!

Thomas Ebel

Very great story. Very surprising and intriguing 😍😍😍


How long have had this novel in your head. I couldn't help but notice all the stories are linked some how. I've been trying to figure out how you're going to do it. honestly I can't. Which makes what you're doing even more fasinating. I like cd audio books. if you ever to decide make a series on cd audio I would defenitly buy it.

GenderPlay Books

I'm thinking of putting stuff on Spotify 👍 hopefully I can pull the story off. But no, I've just been rather creative recently


I'm am horrible when it comes to technology. I don't know what Spotify is. please be gentle with me. I absulutely love your writing. When I can I plan to upgrade my membership. I still have to think about my surgeries that Need to be me.

GenderPlay Books

I hope you're ok first!☺️ Spotify is a streaming platform. You can use it for free. See, issue with putting stuff on a cd.. someone has to make it And distribut it. Well beyond my simple means ☺️