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Chapter 1

When I woke up this morning, I thought it was going to just be another normal, albeit boring day. I knew what the rota looked like and the only saving grace was that I was working with Tom. Not for a second, when I awoke this morning, did I think I would be doing what I am doing right now! Standing at the edge of a hotel room bed, about to have sex, as a man for the first time. The craziest thing is, I am about to fuck a boy, who is currently transformed into a perfect copy of myself! This was my idea! I seriously cannot believe this is happening, but I need his help! Things could not be going better. I cannot tell him what I have planned but I hope he understands. Winning the competition is the first step. I cannot think about that now, I refocus my mind. I did not want things to go this far, on his first day pretending to be me, but I just cannot control these newfound male urges! I would feel bad for Tom, putting him through this, but I cannot help but think, he is enjoying this.

Tom is on all fours with his ass in the air. Waiting for me to start penetrating him, he had already buried his head into the bedsheets. This is a very eye-opening moment as I stood behind my own body, holding a penis, that was not mine, ready to essentially fuck myself. I grab hold of Tom's ass and line myself up. I guide my pork sword into his pussy. Thankfully, I hit the target and we do not have the embarrassment of me having to ask him to help me find the hole. His wet and warm pussy envelops my penis, and It feels amazing. Knowing exactly how Tom would be feeling right now, as he is in my body, I ease myself deep into his pussy. I get most of my shaft in before Tom starts shaking in pleasure.

“Tom,” I say gently. “Are you sure you want this?”

He responds by keeping his head buried into the sheets but nodding his head with vigor. My new male instincts kick in and I start pumping my shaft in and out. The feeling of his pussy around my penis was fantastic. The faster I went, the better it felt. Tom's moans of pleasure made it obvious that I was doing a good job. His moans, did make me feel a little embarrassed, was that what I sounded like when having sex? Spurred on by his moans of pleasure, I grab onto his sides with both hands and start really giving it to him. I could feel the excitement building up down there as I kept fucking him. I could not believe how having sex with him was making me feel. I felt strong and powerful and at the same time, I am loving how much he was enjoying it. With that thought, my body started pulsing downstairs and before I knew it, I was exploding my load inside him. I completely tensed up as the wave of pleasure hit me. I grunted a few times as tom let out high-pitched moans.

“So that’s what it feels like for a guy” I exclaim, as I pull myself out of his pussy and lay down on the bed. Tom does not say anything but remains on all fours with his ass still up in the air.

“How do you feel?” I ask tom, as I lay next to him.

Tom turns his head to look at me. He is bright red but has a big smile on his face.

“That felt amazing!” He responds. “I dare not move though. I feel like it is all running down my leg. Is that normal?” He asks, with a worried look.

“Normal for a young lady who has just had a very good time, yeah,” I say with a smug smile.

I am very smug, knowing that even as a guy, I am still a good shag. He turns even redder as he smiles back at me. Really needing a pee, I get up and go into the bathroom. My semi-erect cock still dripping with cum. I stand at the toilet and try to pee. Thinking to myself, how nice it is to stand for a wee, as I wait for it to come out. Finally, it comes out but, the jet of piss goes all over the place. On the floor, up the wall, and down my legs. I desperately try and control it but to no avail.

“Ha-ha, not easy is it? Now, do you see why sometimes guys have trouble?” Tom says from the toilet door with a justified look on his face. I nod and agree as I start unrolling the toilet paper to clean it up, feeling really embarrassed.

“Come on Sophie!” Tom complains. “I Need to pee and clean myself!”

I leave the room, still embarrassed by my pissing issue. I thought I had got having a penis down. Appears I still have a lot to learn about being a guy. I look at my phone, checking the time. It is now eleven at night. Both I and Tom should change back into our normal bodies soon. That is if I worked out the doses of the body changing formula correctly. Putting back on Tom's boxers, which I guess are my boxers right now, I get into the bed. Laying my head on the pillow. Not realizing just how tired I am, I shut my eyes and instantly fall asleep.

The next thing I know, an alarm is buzzing next to my head. Reaching over to the alarm clock, I hit it to turn it off. Rubbing my eyes and adjusting to the natural light in the room, I try looking around. Memories from last night flash to the front of my mind. I fucked a girl last night! I fucked Tom last night! As I contemplate essentially fucking myself, I realize just how much my head hurts. Holding my head in my hands to comfort myself from my hangover, I realize something is wrong. My chin feels prickly. That is not right! I think to myself. With one swift move, I flap up the covers I look down at my body.

“Shit!” I exclaim.

I am greeted with the sight of my fully erect penis. My body is still male! I am still transformed into Tom. The problem could not have been hammered home more by the throbbing pain caused by my penis. I have no idea what it wants. Do I need to masturbate it to make it go down or am I just desperate for a piss?

“No, no, no,” I mutter as I look over at Tom. He is laying in the bed next to me. He is face down into the pillow, but he is still very much a girl and still very much in my body. Panic sets in.

“What did I do wrong?” I question in a panic, leaping out of the bed and over to the tin that holds all my dad’s notes on his body-transforming formula. I flip through the pages, in a hurry, trying to find something that might explain why we have not changed back to normal. All the noise I am making wakes Tom up.

“Sophie?” He asks, as he sits up and rubs his eyes.

I look over at him with sheer panic in my eyes. He looks back at me and within seconds he understands why I am so frantic. On the plus side, the panic is scaring away my erection. It is now only a semi.

“Erm, Sophie, why do I still have boobs?” He questions while cupping them both his hands.

“I swear to you that I mixed the formula right, Tom!” I franticly reply.

“What are you saying, Sophie?” He asks as he swipes some hair out of his eyes. “Am I stuck like this?”

His question hits me hard. Have I messed both of our lives up? I slump onto the end of the bed and start sobbing.  Tom moves up behind me and puts his hand on my shoulder.

“We can work this out, Sophie. No need to cry!” Tom says.

“But what if I have fucked this all up and we are stuck like this!?” I cry out.

Tom moves in closer and gives me a hug. His naked body presses up against me. I wipe the tears from my face again and turn to hug him back. My still, semi-erect penis, rubs up against his smooth naked body. Tom does recoil a little when he realizes what is rubbing against him. I let out a little laugh.

“You scared of your own penis?” I chuckle.

He pushes away from our hug and looks up at me. “I guess I shouldn’t be. It is still weird for me. I wasn’t expecting that you would still have it this morning.” He says while staring into my eyes. Looking back at him, he is so pretty. Even his bed hair was turning me on. Not knowing how he would react. I lean in for a kiss and to my surprise, he kisses me back. As we passionately kiss, I feel my trouser snake starting to get excited again. Feeling a little embarrassed by my cock’s reaction, I pull away from him and give a smile. Keeping eye contact with him, I watch his face go from one of joy to one of worry.

“Shit Sophie! I am still you!” Tom screeches, as he bolts up from the bed and starts pacing around the hotel room in a panic. I watch him rush around the room. He was still naked from last night, causing his boobs to bounce up and down as he moves.

“What is the matter?” I ask.

“You have work today Sophie!” He responds as he searches through a pile of our clothes on the floor.

“Yes, I have work today,” I say back, with a dumb smile on my face. Tom stops searching and gives me a stern look. His hands move up and down the sides of his body as if he is presenting himself to me. Then it clicks for me.

“Right, you're still me and you’ve got work.” I laugh, as I facepalm myself.

“It’s not funny Soph! The shift starts in twenty minutes and I cannot find my boxers anywhere.”

I give a little chuckle as I spot the black thong, I made him wear last night. “Er Tom,” I say, causing Tom to stop searching. “I think this is what you are looking for”. He stomps over to me as I hold them up to him.

“Pfft” Tom snorts, as he snatches the thong from my fingertips.

Tom pulls the thong up his legs as fast as he can. Then in frustration, as he starts searching around the room again. I cannot help but smile as I watch him. He is really starting to move and act like a woman. The way he is stomping about reminds me of something. Well, I guess it reminds me of me. His actions have caused him to develop a little wardrobe malfunction. He has Camel-toe and I start giggling.

“What?” Tom snaps at me.

“You have Camel-toe,” I say, as I laugh a little.

He gives me a scornful look. “Oh, shut up Sophie!” he moans. “Can you just please help me get ready?”

“Alright sweetheart, calm down!” I say with a jokey manner. “I think my uniform is still in my bag over there.”

Tom grabs hold of my bag and starts opening the zip. “What am I looking for in here?” He questions, still with a frustrated tone of voice.

“Should be a pair of black skinny jeans and a white shirt for you,” I reply.

He pulls the jeans and shirt out of the bag and runs into the toilet as quick as he can. He really does not want me to be late! I also thought he would be more freaked out about still being me at this point, but he seems to be taking it all in his stride. Sitting on the bed, waiting for Tom to finish in the bathroom, I start racking my brain as to why we are both still transformed into one another. I glance at a few of the pages from my dad’s documents but none of it goes in. My head is still spinning from last night, making it real hard to concentrate.

“Why are the buttons on backward?” Tom shouts, from within the bathroom.

“Say what?” I reply as I stuff my dad’s research notes back into the tin.

Tom bails out of the bathroom. He has managed to put on my skinny jeans, but they are not fastened. He is struggling with the buttons on my shirt. He signals me over. I cannot help but smile as I start doing the buttons up. Once I have got to the top buttons, I tuck the shirt into his jeans and do them up. Taking a step back I look him up and down.

“Your hair is a mess!” I tell him, as I start stroking some stray hairs down. I turn him around by grabbing his dainty shoulders. An action made so much easier by my size. I do really like being tall. I will miss this feeling of strength I get from being a man when we transform back, I think to myself. Grabbing a hair tie, from my bag, I throw his hair up into a ponytail. He is not going to win beauty contests with hair like it, but it will do for now.

Tom turns to face me and gives a small smile as if he were thanking me for helping him get dressed. He then turns to face the mirror and checks out his appearance. He starts touching his face.

“Do you think I should put on some makeup?” He asks.

“Do you want to put on some makeup?” I reply. He does not reply for a few seconds, he just looks at himself in the mirror. He must really be considering it.

“Nah, I don’t need it. This face of yours is pretty enough” he exclaims, as he turns to me and gives a thumbs up.

“You’re such a cutie,” I remark, as I lean in and give him a kiss on the forehead.

He gives me a bitchy look and pushes me back. “Don’t call me cute! I may look like a young blonde woman, but I am very much still a man”.

“Ok…. Sophie” I sarcastically retort.

Tom continues to give me a bitchy look but soon breaks his gaze as he looks at the time. He swipes his phone from the counter and starts heading towards the door.

“Stop a second,” I say, as I reach for my phone. “Let’s swap the cases so it looks like you are using my phone.”

He agrees and we change swap over the cases on our phones. He does not look overly delighted with his new pink phone case, but he nods in agreement with my idea. He tried putting his phone into his jean pocket, but with no success. I grab my bag from the floor and hand it to him.

“Girl's jeans have small front pockets,” I say as I hand him my bag. “Either stick your phone in your back pocket or keep it in your bag.”

“Oh, for goodness sake!” Tom mutters as he stuffs his phone into my bag. Swinging my bag onto his shoulder, he starts rushing out of the door. Just as he is about to steam down the hotel corridor, he pokes his head back into the room.

“Are you meeting me at the café?” He questions, with a very unnatural hair flick.

“Yes, but in a while. I am going to pop to your house and pick up some clothes first.” I respond, causing Tom to puff out a sigh.

The door swings closed as Tom rushes off. I am alone now. Feels so strange. I know what I need to be doing but I just lay on the bed. I look over at the tin, holding all the documents for the formula, that must contain the answer to why we haven’t changed back. My mind is clouded by the flashes of last night, that keep coming to the front of my mind. How much I enjoyed having sex as a man. How much I enjoyed hearing Tom letting out female screams of pleasure. As I think about last night, my cock starts growing. I reach down and begin stroking it, as I think about Tom on all fours. I then start thinking about him down on his knees, sucking my cock.

“When in Rome,” I say aloud, as I wrap my right hand around my now fully erect cock.

As I lay on the bed, erect cock in hand, I start to slowly move my hand up and down my shaft. As I increase the speed of my movements, I instantly start feeling the good times.

“Mmmm, now I know why boys are always playing with these things! It's so easy!” I say out loud, to the empty room.

I shut my eyes and start thinking about last night. The power I felt, the pleasure from spilling my load, and the feeling of penetrating. Now frantically, masturbating my cock, I think about kissing him. I gasp, as a wave of pleasure hits me, and I start shooting my load up into the air. Cum starts squirting out all over the place. All down my hand and stomach. I continue to pump every last bit of cum out of my cock. I lean forward, to investigate the mess I have made. This was not an image I thought I would ever see. My own cock, covered in my own cum. I know, technically, it is Tom’s cock, but right now it is mine! I bring my right, cum covered hand to my face. I look at the sticky white substance and being to wonder. I wonder what my cum tastes like. I lick some off my hand and swallow it down.

“Huh, that’s what Tom tastes like.”

I move into the bathroom and start washing the cum off my hand and stomach. Looking up at my reflection and give a smile. Tom really is an extremely attractive man; I think to myself. As I admire my masculine features, a guilty feeling rises, like a jack in a box. I have cheated on my boyfriend! I need to break up with him if I want to be with Tom. More guilty feelings creep up on me. How can I break up with him when I am not me? I finish cleaning myself up as I rack my brain on what to do next. I realize that breaking up with the boyfriend is not the number one priority right now. I can just avoid him, or I mean, Tom can just avoid him. My main priority is to find out why we have not reverted to our normal selves. I must get out of this hotel and head to the café. There I can read the notes and find the answer.

Chapter 2

Rushing down the street, as fast as these little legs will take me, I burst into the café. Geoff, the manager, looks over at me stunned, as I tumble through the front door.

“Sophie, are you ok?” He asks as I rush past him into the backroom.

I swing open the backroom door. I throw Sophie’s bag down and swipe an apron from the rack. Quickly tying the apron up around my waist, I rush back through the door and onto the café floor. I was in such a hurry, trying not to be late for work, I didn’t even notice how completely different it felt putting on an apron in Sophie’s body.

“Anything I can help with?” I huff at Geoff, as I start panting.

“Yes. Can you get all the chairs down!” Geoff orders.

I can tell he is annoyed. He is not the tallest of guys, but in Sophie's body, he seems a lot more intimidating. I need to make sure I work hard today and make up for very nearly being late. I shake myself off and try to focus on work. I have done shifts here hundreds of times. What is one more, even if I am doing this shift as a female. As I finish getting all the chairs off the tables, I hear Geoff talking.

“Sophie!? I’m talking to you!” Geoff yells.

I look over at him, wondering what is going on. He is looking at me, with a slightly red face. I think he was asking me a question.

“Have you changed your name or something Sophie?” Geoff moans.

I give him a funny look. My name is Tom, I think to myself. Geoff thrusts a clipboard into my hands. He stuns me out of my own thoughts. Then it hits me. He has been calling out Sophie’s name. Shit! Right now, that’s my name. This is going to be a harder day than I thought! I am going to have to try hard to respond to that name today!

“Can you go a write down the fridge temperatures for me please,” Geoff orders once more.

“Of course!” I respond, as my face turns red with embarrassment. “Sorry Geoff, I not myself today.”

“No, appears you are hungover” Geoff complains. “I know you and Tom went out last night. Just try and stay out of trouble today ok?” His lecturing makes me feel ridiculously small. He must see that I am close to tears as he places a hand on my shoulder and gives me a small smile.

“It's ok. Just take your time.” Geoff says to me softly, as he lightly squeezes my shoulder.

“Thanks,” I managed to squeak while wiping tears from my eyes.

Geoff then gives me some space and we opened the store. Although my emotions were a little bit all over the place, I felt confident I could emulate Sophie and how she interacts with our regulars. As much as I would hate to admit it out loud, I find myself watching her a lot when we are at work. Nothing could prepare me for the difference in how people interacted with me. The first few customers calling me sweetheart and darling did not bother me at first, but after the hundredth time being called a sweetheart, it was starting to grate on me. The male customers keep saying I look tired. I guessed that not wearing makeup, was a mistake. Getting compliments about my appearance was also very awkward. Creepy men, that did not bother me before, but as Sophie, I could feel them staring at my ass as I walked. If I ignored all the comments, I was happy with how it was going. I felt I was doing a rather good Sophie impression. I had even started flicking my hair like her. That was until this I served my next customer.

“Hello, Sophie. How are you doing today?” I strange man asked as he leaned in across the bar with a sinister smile on his face. His dark eyes and dark hair really added to his ominous looking demeanour. The clothes he was wearing also made me a little nervous. His large dark trench coat made him look like he had just fallen out of a 1950’s Noir film.

“I am doing good sir” I answer, with a smile. Trying to seem professional and not at all like this guy is giving me the creeps.

“Sir?” He snorts! “Come on Sophie, you know my name for pity's sake”.

I have no idea who this person is! I have not seen him in this café before, let alone a customer of this café that knows Sophie. His expectant eyes are burning a hole into my soul.

“Sir is more appropriate for this setting”, I answer back, hoping that he will drop the subject and move on. His expression does not change. He just looks at me with the same sinister grin, like he has me trapped and I have no escape.

“Just give me a black coffee to go.” He commands.

With a sigh of relief, I fetch his coffee and take his money. As I pass his change over to him, he leans towards me. The smell of his strong aftershave fills my nose.

“I need to talk with you. Meet me round the back of the café when you close.” He whispers into my ear. Then without a second of hesitation, he swiftly moves away and walks out of the café. Leaving me a little scared and confused. I could feel the adrenaline running through me after that encounter. In this female body, I certainly do not feel as confident in awkward situations as would in my normal body. I know women must be careful when they are out and about, but now I am one I totally understand their worry. As much as I was worried for my own safety, my curiosity was starting to get the better of me. Who was that guy? Should I go meet him after work? What did he want to talk to me about? All I know is that I need to talk to Sophie about him as soon as I can.

Break time could not have come quicker. I am exhausted! Pretending to be someone else was not easy, let alone being of a different gender! I slump down into the office chair as I begin to relax a little, knowing that no one was watching me. I did not have to pretend right now and that was a huge relief. As my body relaxed my mind went into overdrive. I had not even had time to think about the events of yesterday and all the new experiences I had experienced. I started thinking about Sophie. Where is she right now? I wonder how she is dealing with now being me? As I thought about her, I felt my downstairs tingle. All sorts of confusing thoughts then entered my mind. Am I attracted to her as when she is in my body? Am I still attracted to girls? Is this turning me gay? I did not know if I should feel good about us hooking up last night considering the circumstances. Did she want to be with me, or did she just want to shag a girl as a man? As all these thoughts and feelings swirled around in my mind, I felt a tear slide down my cheek. As I bury my head in my hands, the office door swings open.

“Hey,” I hear in a whisper. I quickly wipe the tears from my eyes and turn to face who entered. To my relief, in front of me stands Sophie, with a silly grin on her face. I am taken back a little, she looks exceptionally well dressed. She is wearing Chinos, a shirt, and a black jumper. She has even styled her hair. She makes my body look good.

“What’s the matter?” Sophie asks as she wipes a tear from my face.

I turn away. I was not pleased that she had come bounding into work, looking as good as she does, especially when I feel like I have been pulled through a hedge backward.

“Tom, come on! I know this is hard,” she says with a soft tone. Sophie softly turns me back to face her and looks directly into my eyes. “Please, talk to me.”

I sigh and slouch. “Nothing is really wrong, I guess I just feel very emotional,” I say as I again start to tear up. She picks me up out of the chair, with ease, and gives me a hug. My face buried into her chest. I instantly feel safe, as her warm and strong arms hold onto me. Without hesitation, I hug back.

“Why did you ask me to do this?” I question, my voice muffled by her chest.

She laughs and strokes my hair. “You know why. You will win the competition for me, as me”. I push back against her hug and look directly up at her.

“Should I be flattered that you choose me?” I moan. “Please tell me you have at least found out why we haven’t changed back?”

Sophie moves away from the hug, her expression changes from one of joy to one of a grimace. “No, not yet,” she says quietly while shaking her head. “Please do not worry Tom, I will work this out! I do want my life back at some point you know!” Sophie says with passion. I huff at her and give her a stern look.

“Hey, come on,” Sophie says light-heartedly with a smile. “Please do not make my face look like that! Kiss your new boyfriend instead,” she says while leaning in.

I put my hand on her face and gently push her away. “Not right now!” I bark. “This body I am in still technically has a boyfriend. Maybe we should clear that up before eating each other’s faces in public!”

“Wow!” She exclaims as she takes my hand off her face. “What has got your panties in a bunch?”

“Ah some guy came in earlier, he knows you. He was extremely creepy towards me and I guess I feel pretty pissed off about it,” I explain to her as I again start tearing up.

“He did not touch you or anything did he?” Sophie questions with a tone of rage.

“No nothing like that,” I respond with haste, to calm Sophie down. “I guess I was not prepared for how a creep like that would make me feel. All my life I have been the guy that sticks up for the girl when guys are being creeps. Now I am the girl, and suddenly I do not feel like I can look after myself anymore. Worst of it, this guy wants me to meet with him tonight.”

“I see,” Sophie responds while putting a comforting arm around me. “I know the person you are talking about. His name is Ryan. He sent me a text message after he had been in here, telling me where to meet him. I think we are going to have to both see what he wants. There is no way I am letting you go alone!”

A shiver goes down my spine at the thought of meeting this man again, but if Sophie thinks we should meet him, I guess I can’t say no. What this guy has to say might be important to her. Seeing as I am her right now, I guess I must be there.

“You think we should meet him, then we will go meet him. What time did he say he wanted this to happen and where?” I Ask, while I check how long I have left on my break.

“Umm, tonight. I think he said around eight tonight. I know the place he wants to meet.” Sophie responds as she checks her phone. “Finish your shift today and I will meet you out front. Then we will head back to my place. That sounds like a plan?”

I find myself getting a little bit nervous. “You want me to go back to your place? Are you sure that is a good idea!? What if I do something stupid in front of the people you know?”

Sophie looks up from her phone and gives me a silly smile. She then grabs my hand and gives it a squeeze. “Tom, you have nothing to worry about. So far you have exceeded my expectations. You have taken to being me extremely well! I mean for god sake, you let me fuck you last night. Most men wouldn’t have been able to deal with that at all!”

My face goes red. That experience has not really sunk in yet. It still feels like a dream to me. “Well, if you are sure. Sorry in advance if I ruin any of your relationships with people you know.” I say with a hint of sarcasm.

“Right then, it is settled! Well, you did not really have a choice either way. We need to get you some more clothes from my place so I will see you later today Tom.” Sophie then pauses, “No, that name is not right anymore. Let me try that again. I will see you later Sophie.”

“Ok, Tom.” I joke as she leaves the room.

The rest of the shift went by in a flash. I even found myself starting to flirt back with the guys who were trying to hit on me. From being a man and doing all the chasing to now being the one who is chased, it is kind of nice. I do not even really have to try now to get attention, and everyone likes getting attention, even if it is from men. As me and Geoff locked up the store, Sophie was waiting around the corner for me. As I made my way over to her, I could see her smile get wider. Once in front of her, I looked around the streets to make sure no one could see us. Once I was sure we were alone I push my entire body up against her, ensuring that my breasts pushed up into her.

“Hi!” I say seductively.

Sophie looks down at me and smiles as she puts her arms around me. “Hi, are you feeling better now?” She asks.

“I do,” I chirp. I push up onto my tiptoes and pucker my lips to kiss her. We kiss several times. I start getting a warm feeling below, as I move away from the kiss. Sophie then pulls away from the hug, looking very embarrassed. I give her a funny look as she goes bright red.

“You ok?” I ask, with a confused look.

“Yup” she responds quickly while turning away from me a little.

I did not want to point it out and make her feel even more uncomfortable, but I knew what was happening. She has gotten a stiffy from kissing me.

“Nothing to be embarrassed about,” I snigger.

“Huh?” she remarks, as she starts adjusting her trousers.

“Oh, nothing!” I giggle. “When you are ready, let's head back to your place!”

“You mean your place, Sophie,” She says, putting a real emphasis on the fact she has started calling me Sophie.

“Which way then Tom,” I respond sarcastically.

“This way sugar tits,” She says, in a belittling tone, as she grabs my hand and pulls me in a direction.

I laugh, as she pulls me. “You’re not going to get a boner if we hold hands, are you?”

Chapter 3

Walking alongside Sophie, whilst she is me, was difficult. I did not realize how long my strides are, when walking, until now. Trying to keep up with her with my new smaller frame was hard work! We ended up down a dank and rundown street. The sort of street that the city tries its best to ignore exists. The houses, although a nice size, all look like they are rotting from the ground up. It is obvious that some of the residents in the area try their best to make it look nicer, with flowers and stuff, but the graffiti everywhere just sets the tone for the area. I don’t usually get nervous walking down streets like this when I am my normal self, but as this pretty blonde, I do feel a little out of sorts. Thank god Sophie knows the area.

“Erm Tom,” I ask nervously. “Does your family live around here? Looks a bit rough around here.”

Turning her head to look at me, she gives me a reassuring smile. She then grabs my hand to ensure I stay close to her. We get to a crossroad and stop waiting for a car to pass.

“Well, to be honest with you, I don’t exactly live with my family.” She tells me, as we wait at the crossing.

“What do you mean you don’t live with your family?” I ask as Sophie pulls me across the road. She pulled so fast I almost stumble over. My breasts started bouncing as regain balance, causing me to get a little embarrassed.

“I live with my flatmate Jody,” Sophie says, as she helps steady me. “Come on, the flat is just a little further”.

“Wait what? Does she know about our situation?” I enquire, as we turn a corner.

“What situation do you mean?” Sophie says with a silly grin. At this point, she stops in front of this old townhouse. It wasn’t the worst-looking house on the street but wasn’t the best either. The garden gate was rusty and hanging from one hinge. Sophie put her hand on the gate and paused to look at me. I look up at her with a slightly annoyed expression. If I was going to have to pretend to be her at her own place, she could have at least told me a little bit about her flatmate, I thought to myself.

“Does this Jody know that we’ve swapped lives?” I ask with a whisper.

“No, why would she?” Sophie replies with a quizzical expression.

“I don’t know, do I! You could have at least told me about her. That way, me and her wouldn’t be complete strangers when I am supposed to have been living with her.”

Sophie gives me another silly grin. “Trust me, Jody will be more interested in you coming home with a Boy.” She then opens the gate and signals for me to go first down the garden path. As we approach the door, I look back at her for reassurance. Sophie points to my handbag and mouths the word keys at me. Getting the picture, I start rummaging through the bag. This was Sophie’s handbag, which I hand yet dared to look in. Pushing past all the tampons, makeup, and other bits, I did not yet understand, I pull a key out. Seeing the tampons in the bag gave me a little shock. I hope I am back to my normal self before that time of the month even occurs for me in this female body. Shaking off that thought, I put the key in the door and let us into the flat. I am greeted by a lovely-looking hallway. The rooms look beautifully decorated, unlike the exterior of the place.

“Shout out to Jody that you are home,” Sophie whispers in my ear. I turn to face her, and she is giving me encouragement to do so. In agreement, I nod my head.

“Jody!” I call out in a high pitch screech. “I am home!”

“Hey Phee. I am in here!” yells a voice, coming from the end of the hallway. Phee must be a nickname for Sophie I think to myself. Then before I know it, Sophie is taking my bag off my shoulder and pushing me towards the room that Jody is in. I walk towards what must be the front room. My heart starts racing as I go to say hello to my flatmate, who I have never met before. Slowly I walk into the room and see Jody sitting on the sofa watching TV. The living room is also nicely decorated. A little girly for my tastes, but the TV was a good size. I walk into Jody’s view and she turns to look at me.

“Hiya Phee. You had a nice day?” She asks me with a wide beaming smile. Jody looks to be a similar age to both me and Sophie. She is beautiful! Jody has mixed race coloured skin with very frizzy curly shoulder-length brown hair. Her striking big green eyes are one of the first things I notice about her. Her figure also looks amazing in the skinny jeans and strap top she is wearing. Clocking her boobs, I start mentally comparing them to mine. I think hers are slightly bigger than mine, well I guess, slightly bigger than Sophies really.

“Hey” I respond with a tense crack in my voice.

At this point, Sophie walks in behind me. I can see the look of surprise on Jody’s face appear as Sophie enters the room.

“Hiya” Sophie beams as stands behind me. Jody switches her gaze directly at me, with one of astonishment. If this were a cartoon, I think her jaw would have hit the floor.

“Phee!” Jody screeches. “Are you not going to introduce me to your friend?”

“Erm,” I stutter. “Erm, this is Tom. Yes, this is Tom from work.” I turn around to face Sophie, who has another silly grin on her face. “Erm, Tom,” I say with an awkward pause, due to referring to Sophie with my name. “This is Jody.”

Jody stands up to come and greet us. She is just a bit taller than I am or I mean, slightly taller than Sophie.

“Hi Tom,” Jody says while stretching out her arm for a handshake.

Sophie grabs her hand and holds it up. She then plants a small kiss on the back of her hand while looking at her. A Casanova-type introduction. Something I would never do.

“Hello Jo,” Sophie says in a suave voice. “You are even more beautiful than Sophie had described.”

I shake my head in disbelief. What on earth is Sophie doing! Is she trying to make me seem a complete creep? Did she also just call her Jo? I glare at her as she lets go of Jody’s hand.

“Oh ok, nice to meet you,” Jody says, with a little bit of embarrassment.

Sophie smiles at us both, but I do think she can see that I am a little bit mad. “Do you lovely ladies mind if I step out into the back garden here and have a quick smoke?” Asks Sophie, as my disbelief at her behaviour has me almost speechless. Just as I am about to question Sophie about the smoking, she has already opened the back door and stepped into the garden. Jody then swiftly grabs my hand and starts pulling me out of the room. I try a little to resist but she is not letting go. She guides me back through the hallway and into the kitchen. Without out saying a word to me, she lets go of my hand and twirls around to face me.

“Phee, who is this guy!?” She asks with excitement. As I try to answer the question, she puts her finger up, suggesting she has an idea. She turns around, just as quickly as before, and opens a kitchen cupboard. She pulls out a bottle of white wine and two glasses.

“That’s erm, that’s Tom from work” I respond, as Jody rapidly pours two glasses of wine out. She thrusts one of the glasses at me, almost spilling it down Sophie’s work stuff that I still had on. I grab the glass as she has an expectant look on her face.

“The one that has a mad crush on you?” Jody asks as she takes a small sip of wine.

I start getting a little bit embarrassed. Was I that obvious with my affection for Sophie? Felling very awkward at the situation I found myself in, I look at the glass of wine in my hand and pull a disgusted face. I do not like white and never have. I place the wine glass on a nearby counter. As I turn back round to answer Jody’s question, she gives me a very confused look.

“Are you feeling ok?” She asks as she gestures towards the glass of wine, I placed on the counter.

“Yup, I am ok” I answer back, still feeling extremely uncomfortable, wishing that Sophie would finish whatever the hell she was doing. Jody gives me a sideways glance as she takes another sip of wine.

“So, is this guy the fancies the pants off you? What would Alan say if he saw you both here?” Jody questions again.

“I don’t think he fancies me,” I say back, with no real conviction as I know that what I am saying is a lie. I really do have the hots for Sophie. I am a little bit annoyed I have been so obvious. I had also completely forgotten that Sophie’s current boyfriend, Alan, was a thing. God, I hope he doesn’t come round! Jody places a hand on her hip and gives me a sassy look as I start losing myself in thought.

“Come on girl, from what you’ve to told me, this Tom guy has had the hots for you for a while. Why have you brought him back here?” Jody questions, as she gives a quick glance towards the door to make sure we are both alone.

“Erm,” I answer nervously. I avoid making any eye contact with her as I try to think up a good enough excuse for my body being here. “He needed a place to stay,” I say with a smile, looking directly at Jody, trying to sound as convincing as possible. Jody rolls her eyes and takes another sip of wine.

“You are full of shit Phee!” Jody whispers as she leans towards me. “Are you going to tell him?”

“Tell him what Jody?” I ask before I had even had time to think about what I was saying. Jody’s face turns to one of real confusion. She takes a step back from me and leans against the kitchen counter. She starts looking me up and down, with that same look of confusion.

“Phee, are you sure you’re ok?” she says with a serious look on her face.

In that second, before I can answer, I feel a hand rest upon my shoulder. Sophie has come back from whatever she was doing in the garden. I look at her with wide eyes of panic, trying to signal to her that I need help. She smiles and gives my shoulder a reassuring squeeze.

“She’s fine Jo” Sophie blurts out. “She’s had a hard day, haven’t you Sophie?” She declares as she looks back at me. Jody is still pulling a puzzled face.

“I guess” I respond. feeling rather uncomfortable with this situation I start rubbing my arm.  Sophie takes her hand off my shoulder and reaches over to the glass of wine I placed down earlier. She starts taking sips from the glass as both myself and Jody look at her in amazement. I give her a quick nudge to try and remind her of whose appearance she currently has.

“Right, you two!” Jody booms. “What the hell is going on here?” she questions while pointing at us both. She then turns her attention to me, which causes me to go bright red.

“You” she yells, as she points at me. “Not drinking your favourite wine, referring to me with my full name, acting as I’ve never met you before and what’s with the John Wayne impression? You walk and stand like you’ve got meat and two veg downstairs.”

As both me and Sophie look at each other in panic, Jody points her finger at Sophie and moves closer to her.

“Tom is it?” she says sarcastically. “Why are you acting like we have known each other for years? You’re also talking and walking like you are pretending to be Sophie!” Jody then takes a step back from both of us and assumes her lean on the kitchen counter. Grabbing her wine glass, she takes a big gulp, before looking at us both with complete bemusement.

“What is the deal?” Jody asks, in a surprisingly calm tone.

“Sophie has been put forward for the Barista Championships and I’ve come round to help,” Sophie says with confidence, while I try and hide behind the hair that has fallen in front of my eyes. As soon as I hear that explanation, I curse my brain for not thinking of that before. It was so obvious. I smile at Sophie, thinking that she has saved the situation, but Jody rolls her eyes once again.

“Will one of you please tell me the truth” Jody pleas as she takes another gulp of wine.

Sophie huffs and leans up next to Jody. “I guess it would be easier to tell her?” Sophie asks me, causing me to feel like a dear in headlights. I shrug in response.

“This may be hard to believe Jo,” Sophie says, as she grabs Jody’s wine glass from her and places it onto the counter. “Tom and I have swapped lives.”

An awkward silence fills the room as I wish the ground would swallow me up. I am supposed to be making people believe that I am Sophie! The championship finals are only a week away and I need to feel confident that I can be her! This situation is not going to help my confidence in pretending to be a woman.

Breaking the silence Jody lets out a loud laugh. “You are shitting me! So, this guy standing next to me here is my best friend Sophie?” She questions with a hint of disbelief. Still not knowing what to say I just watch Jody looks Sophie up and down. She then turns her attention to me.

“So, you are not my friend Sophie, but a guy called Tom yes?” Jody enquires, as she inspects me. Happy with her inspection of me, she returns to leaning up against the kitchen counter. I give a wide-eyed panicked look at Sophie. I do not know this girl. Can we trust her? Sophie however seems to as cool as a cucumber. Not worried about this situation at all. I guess I need to trust Sophie, she knows her much better than I do.

“If you are really my Phee, tell me this then. How many sexual partners have I had?” Jody queries.

“All of them?” Sophie enquires with a confident smile. “You’ve been with three guys and two girls.”

Jody throws her head back and laughs. “Phee could have easily told you that! Ok, how many times have me and Phee slept together?” She questions with a mischievous grin.

I give out an unconscious gasp at what she just asked Sophie. Have they really slept together? My mind starts getting all excited as I imagine the two of them together.

“Tom!” Sophie moans. “Wipe that dirty look off your face. Jody and I have never slept together. She then turns to Jody and gives her a friendly smile. “I have however had my pussy eaten by her.” They both give each other a naughty wink, leaving me a little uncomfortable and slightly aroused.

“I mean I still have my doubts but, that lines up with the weird shit you both have been doing. How the hell is this even possible?” Jody asks as she gives Sophie a friendly hug. Sophie pulls away from the hug, places her hands upon Jody’s shoulders, and holds Jody at arm’s length.

“Jody, you know I would tell you anything and I do tell you a lot! This time I cannot tell you for your own safety” Sophie tells Jody with an incredibly serious tone of voice. “I have my reasons for asking Tom to trade lives with me and I trust him completely with it. Just believe me when I tell you that this is what I want and what I need to do.” Jody looks speechless as she just listens to what Sophie is saying. Slowly her face of confusion and worry turns to a small smile.

“This is so weird! My Best friend is now a guy!” Jody laughs, as she and Sophie embrace. As I watch them hug, I start wondering if Sophie is going to get an erection from their cuddle. She would be so embarrassed; I think to myself and chuckle.

Noticing my chuckle Jody looks at me. “So, you are ok with all this are you Tom or did Phee not give you any choice?”

“Nope, she didn’t give me a choice,” I reply as I shake my head, causing my hair to cover my eyes completely.

“Hey! I gave you a choice Tom” Sophie complains as both she and Jody stop hugging. I roll my eyes at her comment. Little does Jody know that I was meant to change back to my normal self like 12 hours ago but, here I am, still very much a girl.

Jody finishes off her glass of wine and starts pouring another. Taking another large gulp, she starts blatantly glaring at Sophie's crotch and pulls an inquisitive expression. “What is it like having a penis Phee?” she questions.

Sophie looks at me and smirks. I think she realizes that this conversation is going to make me extremely uncomfortable. “Please don’t discuss my cock in front of me guys” I complain. My complaints fall on death ears as Sophie starts making gestures to Jody about the size of my cock. They both giggle like schoolgirls. A surreal moment for me, watching my own body giggling like that.

“I have to say it is super weird having something down there” Sophie explains, as they stop giggling. “The first time I sat down like I usual, I swear I almost cut it all off. I can see why guys are constantly adjusting down there.” Finishing off her glass of wine, Sophie continues. “The first thing is the body hair! It is all over and it makes me feel so dirty. I just want to shave all it all off!”

Clearly a little disgusted, Jody pulls a face of a grimace. “You could always shave Phee” Jody responds. Sophie just nods in agreement. “I’d love to know how you feel about now being a short blonde lady, especially as your now a lot shorter too. Do you also miss your little fella?” Jody inquires, as she looks me up and down.

I look down at myself as Jody examines me. Still feeling dirty from work and still wearing my Sophie’s work stuff I find myself pondering the question. “I think I’d liken it to when I was twelve” I reply.

“You what Tom!? You liken now being female to when you were twelve?” questions Sophie in bewilderment.

“Yeah, that’s right” I laugh. Sophie and Jody both look at me like I am crazy. I stretch out, pushing out my breasts as much as I can, to emphasize them. “Well look,” I say, as I start to explain what I mean. “My body is much now much smaller and thinner, my voice is high pitched, my balls are not hanging down, and my body is hairless. It reminds me of when I was a prepubescent boy.”

They look at each other and both start laughing, as what I just said sinks in. “Did twelve-year-old you need to wear a bra?” Jody retorts.

“Have you played with your pussy yet?” Jody asks with a cheeky grin.

“You do not have to answer that Tom!” Sophie interrupts.

“So why are you both doing this?” Jody asks, while still laughing at her cheeky question, causing me huge embarrassment.

“I was entered into the Barista Championship finals wasn’t it?” Sophie responds, taking the words out of my mouth. “Tom here is a fantastic Barista, and he is going to win it for me.”

Jody nods her head then takes another sip of wine. “So, he is going to win the prize money for you?” Jody’s questions, making Sophie look psychically uncomfortable. I look at Sophie in confusion. She did not mention anything about prize money to me, I think to myself. Before I can even question Sophie, she grabs my hand and starts pulling me out of the kitchen.

“We are going to my room now Jody. From what you’ve said, it seems we need to practice walking styles” Sophie shouts to Jody, as we start making our way upstairs. Sophie pulls on me so hard I almost fall on the stairs. She really needs to start realizing how much bigger and stronger she is in my body. I’m pretty sure, if she keeps this up, she will pull my bloody arm off! Still guiding me, she pulls me towards the door at the end of the hallway. She pushes the door open and tugs me inside. “This is your bedroom huh?” I remark while looking around. Her room certainly not what I was expecting. A single mattress, without a bed, is stuff into one corner. A stack of books and a small lamp litter the floor near the head of the bed. There is truly little actual furniture in her room. A tired-looking cupboard off to the side of the bed and an old office chair sitting in front of a dusty full-length mirror.

“I know it is not much Tom,” Sophie says, as she lets go of me. She then stands in the middle of the room, looking extremely dejected. Like she assumes I am judging her. I stand and investigate the room further as she waits for my response.

“Do you rent this room?” I ask, not wanting to be rude about the emptiness of her room.

“Yeah. Jody is currently the only other person living here currently. Her room is the one next to mine.” Sophie replies sheepishly. I nod my head in acknowledgment as I move over to the mattress on the floor. I throw myself down on the mattress and spread myself out. Surprisingly, it was wonderfully comfortable.

“Comfy isn’t it” Sophie utters, as she sits crossed-legged on the floor next to the bed. I sit up and again nod in agreement. Moments pass as I lose myself in thought. I know she said she has moved a lot in her life, but I didn’t think she would be living like this, I think to myself. It is almost like she has the minimum amount of possession so she can clear off at a moment’s notice. I also start to wonder, if this is a rented space, who else lives here other than Jody and Sophie? Still, without saying anything I start taking off my shoes. Quickly undoing the laces to my Converse, I slip them off and throw them too onside. I assume that if I am stuck as Sophie for the time being, this is now my bed, so I didn’t want to get it dirty.

“Does anyone else live in this house, other than you and Jody?” I ask.

“No” She responds. “There was one other when I moved in like a year ago, but since then it has just been me and Jody.”

“Oh,” I reply, as I start removing my socks. I ball them up and throw them across the room.

“Dirty boy” Sophie scoffs, as she stands up. “The toilet is the first door across from the stairs if you want to use it. I don’t mind if you go shower Tom, you haven’t had time to wash since last night, have you?”

“Are you sure?” I ask, not wanting to be rude.

“Very much so” she replies. “We had sex last night, you should at least give my pussy a clean.” On hearing that, I turn bright red. The thought of still having dried cum on me from last night started running through my mind.

“Don’t remind me” I retort, as I stand up.

“There are towels in the bathroom and I will pick something out for you to wear when you get back,” Sophie tells me, as she moves over to the cupboard. I again just nod and start making my way over to the bedroom door.

“Did you enjoy last night Tom?” Sophie asks very anxiously, just as I go to open the door. She hangs her head before I can respond. “I’m sorry if that was all too fast for you.” I give her a reassuring smile, then open the bedroom door and make my way into the hallway. Making the way to the bathroom, flashes from last night run through my head. The Memory of me, moaning into a pillow as I got fucked by my own penis, made me feel very strange. Almost like I had been taken advantage of. At the same time, I feel like Sophie would have stopped if I had asked, but I did not ask her to stop. In fact, it felt so amazing I would do it again. Walking into the bathroom I hold myself up over the sink and stare into the mirror. Sophie’s face looking back at me was something I don’t think I will ever get used to. I pull off my hair tie and allow my hair to fall to my shoulders. As the golden blonde locks cover my eyes, I instinctively tuck it behind both ears. I start inspecting all the little features of Sophie’s face that I had never noticed before, like the slight gap in her front teeth or the little scar on her forehead.

Pulling myself away from the face in the mirror, I turn the taps on and start running the bath. I quickly undress, starting with my work shirt and skinny jeans, until I find myself standing in just my bra and panties. I couldn’t wait to take off the bra, which was not a thought I would ever have in life! Awkwardly reaching behind myself to release the bra catch, it falls to the floor and my tits droop. Sophie's tits felt massive with her smaller hands, as I cup them both. A minute or two passes as I play with and enjoy the feeling of having tits, allowing them to sway and bounce, as I move, was a surreal experience. Suddenly noticing the bathwater level, I turn the taps off and pull down my panties. Pulling my underwear down and not having my penis makes me feel rather depressed. What is the saying? You don’t know what you have until it's gone! That couldn’t have been more relevant, as I look down at the pussy between my legs. A thought then hits me like a freight train. I bet Sophie was not happy with me describing being in this body like being a twelve-year-old boy.

“What an idiot!” I say aloud as I Step into the bath. I allow all the very new sensations of female body parts being warmed by the water, to wash over me as I look around at all the potions and lotions on offer in a girl’s bathroom. Laying back into the bath to soak myself felt great. For the first time in a long time, I could lay in the bath without having to stick my legs out over the sides. I could feel the weight of my hair lift as the water envelopes my head, causing it all to float. Lying still, with my head half-submerged in the water, I start reflecting on yesterday.

I know Sophie really wants to win.the barista championship but was us trading lives really the best idea she had? Also, if this formula is dangerous to use and could get her family in trouble, it really doesn’t seem a such a good idea? Come to think of her family, where are they and why does she not live with them? Thinking more about that, she never really talks about them. Only recently has she told me about her father and what he does. Also, him being the person who invented the body-transforming formula, he could work out why we didn’t change back. If that being the case, why doesn’t she ask him to come and help us?

Sitting up in the bath, allowing the water to run down my face, I start worrying about what she is not telling me. Who is this Ryan person we are meeting tonight? As I keep my eyes closed, water dripping from my wet hair, a worrying thought shoots to the front of my mind. Does she even want to be with me or is she just using me? We had sex, but is she pretending because she wants me to play ball and win the championship for her? Does she even fancy me, or does she just love herself that much she wants to fuck herself?

I let out a huge sigh and flick all the wet hair, that has fallen in front of my eyes, out of my face. Sophie’s long blonde hair, now all wet from the bath, is sticking to me. A very unusual feeling for someone who is used to having truly short hair. I hold my hands over my face and let out another sigh. I am full of doubt about all this, but I must trust her. If I don’t trust her, I won’t be able to go back to being me! Removing my hands from my face, the first thing I see is a bottle of shampoo. Picking up the bottle, I decided that I need to distract myself from thinking too much. If I start thinking too deeply, into my current situation, it might drive me completely mad. I mean, how does anyone deal with being transformed into a fully grown woman? It is not like I can read the quick start guide to using your new vagina. Squirting half the bottle over my head, I start washing my hair, which seems like a huge chore. Rising all the shampoo out of my hair, I again flick the hair in my eyes away. Letting out another sigh in annoyance for even having to wash these golden locks. A knock on the bathroom door then makes me jump.

“Make sure you shave your legs and armpits!” Sophie says from the other side of the door.

“Your joking?” I whine loudly, as I wring excess water out of my hair.

“No, I am not joking! While you are me, I want you to keep up my appearances,” Sophie demands. “My razor is the purple one, and you might want to moisturize afterward too. I have also left you a change of clothes in my room. I will be downstairs if you need me.”

“Thanks,” I respond sarcastically, as I pick up the purple razor from the bath edge.

“You’re welcome, cutie!” Sophie answers with high pitched voice.

Letting out another sigh, I start rubbing my chin. Missing the stubble that I would be shaving, only to find my skin as smooth as a baby’s bottom. Lying slightly back and pointing one of my legs up towards the ceiling, I run my hand down and feel for the stubble. Using the razor, I start shaving off what little stubble I feel. Once id finished both legs, I moved onto shaving my armpits. I start getting a little empathy with the female kind. This is not all that fun! Once finished, I inspect both my legs and armpits with my hands, and as I admire my handy work I look down at my pussy.

“I think it's best I don’t shave you yet, my little axe wound. We are both not ready for that,” I whisper humorously to myself.

Putting the razor to one side, I decide to feel my pussy for any stubble. It was indeed a little stubbly but the other feelings I was getting from it made me curious. I start investigating by moving my fingers around the edges slowly. Then with my index and middle fingers, I slowly push into the flaps and sandwich my clit between them.

“Hello!” I exclaim with excitement “Wow, that’s what that feels like.”

For obvious reasons, I didn’t have any experience in masturbating as a woman, but I had a general idea of what to do. Having slept with a couple of women, I knew that drawing the alphabet on the clit, with my fingers, went down somewhat well during fourplay Continuing to gently massage my clit between my fingers, I could feel the sensations getting my intense. The urge to stick something up my pussy was getting more powerful as I rubbed myself faster and faster. My breathing started becoming heavy and laboured as the sensual feelings got stronger and stronger. The fact that I am masturbating Sophie’s pussy felt extremely naughty and a massive turn on, I start rubbing my clit and pussy with all my fingers. Rubbing myself faster and faster, I could feel the intense feelings building up in my body. I start letting out little moans of pleasure, causing me to feel a little embarrassed, which in turn made it even more naughty and even more pleasurable. I find myself unable to believe the extremely strong urge to be filled! As a man, all I want is to fill, not to be filled. Then the pleasure wave hits me with an enormous release. My pussy squirts out a little cum as my body tingles with pleasure.

“Totally worth the effort,” I whisper to myself between my heavy breathing.

Allowing myself to calm down, I suppress the urge to keep masturbating. My male body would have been done and happy with one quick wank, but this female body was ready for more! I quickly wipe my pussy up and down with my hand, to clean it, trying not to excite myself too much! Jumping out of the bath, causing my boobs to spring all over the place, I grab a nearby towel and wrap it around myself. Surprisingly, without thinking I wrap the towel around my boobs, like a woman. I give a little smirk as I tuck the edge of the towel in to keep it from falling. Having seen it many times at home and in the movies, I wanted to give the very female ‘towel on the head’ trick with my hair. Grabbing another towel then peeling my wet hair from my body and back, I flick my head down towards the floor, causing the mass of my hair to dangle over my head. Wrapping my hair into the towel I then flick my head back and twist the towel to sit on my head. Looking into the mirror, at the mass of towel and hair upon my head, and I am pleased at my first attempt. Still feeling a little naughty for playing with myself, I give myself a cheeky grin.

Feeling very self-conscious about my wet and scarcely covered female body, I open the door to the bathroom very quietly. I tip-toe from one end of the hallway to Sophie’s room and gently shut the door behind me. I turn the lock on the door, so I can be in private as I get dressed. Looking around the room, wondering what to do next, I see a pile of clothes left on the chair in the room. I carefully move over to the chair, ensuring that my towel does not fall, to look at the clothes that Sophie has left me to wear. They are all mostly black in colour, which at first look I am happy about. No overly girly pink frilly dresses. The top item of clothing appears to be some sort of bra. This is not like the one I had been wearing but more like a tank top. There is no clasp at the back, I guess it must be a sports bra. Putting that to one side, I pick up the next item.

“Pfft,” I moan. “Not another thong Sophie!” I complain as I pick up the dainty underwear and dangle it from my fingertips in front of my face.

Setting that aside, along with the sports bra, I continue looking at what she is making me wear. The last two items are on the same lines as the sports bra. A pair of black, high waist, activewear leggings, and a woman’s black zip-up workout hoody. Both garments feel extremely soft to the touch. I had mixed feelings about the Thong but the whole outfit could have been worse. If the leggings are anything like the tights I wore, when we went out to the restaurant yesterday, then I should feel wonderfully comfortable in them. Only I had an issue with this outfit, that was the fact these garments look like they would be very tight and are meant to highlight a woman’s figure. Do I really want to accentuate my figure? Sophie’s figure is fantastic, with perky tits and a plump bum, but I don’t want to be the one flaunting these assets. The image of dirty old men perving at the sight of ass in these leggings gives me the shivers!

“Here we go again,” I mumble, as I unwrap the towel that is around me. I let the towel fall to the floor and kick it to a corner of the room. “What do I put on first,” I say to myself as I clap my hands together in anticipation.

I start by running the thong up my legs and allowing it to sit snugly over my pussy and up my bum crack. I am starting to enjoy the feeling of the materials these panties are made from. Much nicer than the rough boxers I usually wear. I still have the towel on my head, so I grab the leggings and begin to pull them up. The waist on these leggings looks far too narrow for me to squeeze into, but to my surprise, they pull up and over the bum and fit perfectly around my feminine waist. The leggings hug my bottom half extremely tight, really showing off Sophie’s curves.

“Nice Curves Sophie,” I say aloud as pull some silly poses in the mirror.

I giggle to myself after making Sophie’s body do funny poses in the mirror, I unravel the towel on my head, allowing my still very moist hair out. Not really knowing what to do with all this long hair, it just flops all in my face and sticks to my back and neck. I part the mess of hair in front of my face and tuck it behind my ears. Looking in the mirror, my hair looks like a bloody bird’s nest.

“What do I do with this?” I moan while holding up two large clumps of hair on either side of my head. Still holding up my hair, like horns, I start pretending to be a moose in the mirror.

Once I had finished amusing myself with moose impressions, which was very funny for me to see sophies body and face do that in the mirror, I grab the sports bra and start putting it over my head. I struggle to get it over my boobs at first but once I get it on, I find it to be amazingly comfortable and give a lot of support. Looking back in the mirror, this sight of Sophie’s body in sportswear, with her perfect figure and bare mid-drift on show, would have totally given me an erection. These clothes are comfortable, but I do feel very exposed, with half my up body not covered, I quickly grab for the hoody. Throwing my arms in doing up the zip, the tight hoody clings to my figure. I do the zip right up to the neckline, hiding away my chest. This makes me feel a little less self-conscious and more normal. I still need some socks, so I head to the cupboard and open one of the draws on it. Lucky for me I found the sock draw at first attempt so Sophie cannot claim I went snooping in her panty draws. As I reach down to put the sock on, I feel my hair get pulled back as it was trapped in my hoody. Letting out an annoyed grunt, I pull the hair out.

“I’m going to chop all this hair off,” I groan.

Satisfied that I have successfully got myself dressed I headed towards the stairs. As I started walking down to the ground floor, I could hear giggling from within the front room. As I walked into the room Jody was hanging from one of Sophie’s flexed arms.

“See I told you he is strong,” Sophie says triumphantly to Jody, as she hangs from her arms.

“Totally!” Jody replies as she remains hanging.

“Er, what is going on here?” I question with a confused tone. They both stop and look at me, almost like a hungry predator that has just spotted some prey. Smiles both appear on their faces as they look at me.

“You look nice,” Sophie says, as she gently puts Jody down, back onto her feet.

“Yeah, I do like you in your sportswear Phee, you look super cute!” Jody quickly adds as she lets go of Sophie’s arm and looks me up and down. I go a little red out of the awkwardness of being called cute. Sophie comes closer and starts inspecting my hair and face. She holds up a small clump of my hair and lets out a little groan.

“We need to go and meet Ryan soon Tom and you haven’t brushed your hair or put any makeup on,” Sophie says, looking rather annoyed at me. Still feeling super awkward by the whole situation, I start nervously rubbing my hands together.

“Phee,” Jody interrupts. “Why don’t you just put his hair up in a bun. It’s still wet, so later it will go beautifully curly when he lets it down.” Sophie, still looking at me, starts smiling and grabs my shoulders, and spins me around on the spot. She starts gathering all my hair into a ponytail behind me. She is a little rough with me, tugging on my head quite hard. Being a girl, I would think she knows how to be a little gentler, I think to myself.

“We should really brush your hair first, but we don’t have time” Sophie complains as she pulls the ponytail tight. “do you have some hair ties, Jody?” Not being able to see Jody, I hear her move around as Sophie holds onto my hair. Sophie, still not being gentle with my hair, puts a hairband on me to hold the ponytail in place.

“Is that too tight?” She asks but gives no time for me to respond, as she starts twisting the rest of my hair around my ponytail. After a few more squeaks of pain from me as she pulls on my hair and she completes the bun and puts a hair tie around it to hold it in place. Now I know what it must be like for young girls whose mothers are rough with them when doing their hair. Not in my wildest dreams, did I think I was ever going to be able to comprehend what it must be like being a little girl, but here I am being treated like one. I get a small sense of relief when Sophie says she is finished. I can feel the weight from my bun on the back of my head however, it is nice to not have to keep clearing hair out of my face.

“We really need to get going, Tom. I don’t want to keep him waiting!” Sophie whines as she passes me a pair of light pink coloured sneakers. Slipping the sneakers on, I chuckle a little bit on the inside due to how small my feet are.

“I haven’t worn size six shoes since I was 12,” I reveal with a chuckle. Sophie glares at me as she puts on my pair of shoes. Seeing as she has got my dress shoes on, I assume she must have gone through my cupboards at my home. Not sure why she wouldn’t just wear sneakers, but the shoes did go with the outfit she had decided to put on my body.

“Well think yourself lucky you don’t have these clown feet!” She responds as she finishes doing her laces up.

“You know what they say about boys with big feet don’t you Tom?” Jody asks while leaning against the wall with her arms folded.

Knowing what she meant I could feel myself going a little red. Strangely It appears even Sophie felt a little embarrassment from it too as she was clearly going red too. That must be an unusual feeling for her, I think to myself. Someone is commenting on the size of her penis. I guess that’s why she is embarrassed. Sophie opens the front door of the house and we both step outside.

“A big penis is nothing to be embarrassed about,” I whisper at Sophie as we walk down the front path. She smiles and gives me a playful nudge.

“See you guys later!” Shouts Jody from the front door.

Walking as fast as I can to keep up with Sophie, I start wondering who this Ryan guy is and what does he want. She seems keen on this meeting, so I guess I have to trust her. Still, I need to check with her, are we telling him about our current situation? She wasn’t exactly subtle with Jody. She came out with it pretty much straight away. I thought this whole thing was top secret and could get us both into trouble?

“Sophie?” I query as pull on her hand to slow her. “Are we pretending to be each other in front of this Ryan guy or are we going to be upfront with him?”

Not slowing down, she continues walking at pace but does turn to give me a smile. “At first yes. Let's just hear what he has to say before we show our cards,” she answers.

Chapter 4

By the time we reached the meeting point, the sun had started to set, causing everything to have a slight golden tinge. The meeting point was a quiet but not completely empty car park in front of a warehouse. Sophie has clearly met this guy before, as she knew exactly where she was going. This is not the sort of place I’d expect her to be hanging around normally. In the middle of the car park was a single lamp post. As we headed towards it, I could feel my breathing getting a little heavy. I was starting to get a little nervous! In this female form, I just feel so much more vulnerable and that makes me feel a little scared. Reaching the lamp post we stand underneath it and start to wait. Looking over at Sophie I noticed that her face is one of complete focus.

“I feel really vulnerable in this body Sophie” I admit to her, causing her focus to be broken.

“What, why?” She asks.

“Well, I’m used to being tall or strong and I’m no longer that!” I answer.

Sophie rolls her eyes. “You think because you’re a girl you can’t be strong or fight back, don’t you?

“I guess so, yeah” I answer guiltily.

“Well maybe being a woman for a little while will teach you a little something about women. Just because you’re not tall or manly, doesn’t mean you’re not strong. You will do well to remember that while you’re in my body,” Sophie responds with irritation in her voice.

Not really knowing what to say back to that, I just hand my head, like a naughty child. As I fix my gaze at the floor, I hear a car approaching us. Looking up, I notice a black saloon car pulling into a car parking space in front of us. The car flashes us several times.

“He’s here,” Sophie claims as she starts making her way to the car. I start following behind her. This guy, for some reason, really gives me the freaks. It was causing my heartbeat to like mad. It felt like it was going to beat right out of my chest! Trying my best to calm myself with deep breathes, Ryan signals for us both to get in the back of the car. Sophie gets in behind the front passenger seat and I take the seat behind Ryan. As we both close our doors, the central locking on the car fires. The thought of being locked in this car makes me glance at Sophie in a blind panic. I’m quickly calmed down by the fact she doesn’t seem worried at all! She looks as cold as ice!

“Who is this guy, Sophie!?” Ryan growls making me nearly jump out of my skin.

Still looking over at Sophie, I see her face crease up in frustration. “My name is Tom, and I work with Sophie at the café,” she barks back at him.

Ryan bellows out an almost sinister laugh as she turns in his seat to face us both. “I know who you are Thomas Clegg,” he exclaims.

How did he know my full name? My mind started racing. “How do you know that?” I question as my mouth moves faster than my brain can think. Ryan raises his eyebrow at my question, and it causes Sophie to glare at me. It was clearly a stupid thing for me to say.

“Sophie, you know why,” Ryan answers as he pulls a pack of cigarettes from his jacket pocket. Pulling out a single cigarette from the pack he places it between his lips. He lights it up and takes a long drag. Puffing out the smoke to the side he then stares at me again. “Very interesting,” he says raising his right eyebrow. He takes another long drag out his cigarette. “Any self-respecting journalist would investigate the people in and around my story piece,” He continues as he puffs another cloud of smoke.

“Why did you want to see us?” Sophie demands.

“Us?” He replies with a smile. “I only wanted to see young Sophie here,” He continues as he reaches over and places a hand on my knee. In disgust, I recoil away, Moving my leg as far away as possible. My reaction causes him to grin, almost like he now knew he was right about something.

“Right, well I didn’t see you stopping me from getting in the car!” Sophie exclaims, clearly getting a little impatient. I was happy she was trying to get him to the point as he makes was making me feel so uncomfortable.

“Just tell us what you needed to say!” Sophie continues as she leans forward in her chair, getting in his face, trying to intimidate him. Her actions left me a little shocked. I had never seen her like that. I did wonder whether being in my body was making her feel formidable. After our conversation about me being scared before, I wanted to try harder and back her up.

“Yes Ryan, tell us what you have to say!?” I shrieked surprising myself with how high pitched my voice went.

“Pfft” Ryan moans as he slumps back into the driver's seat and stubs out the remaining of his cigarette. “You two need to calm the fuck down! I just want to ask a simple question.” He adjusts the rear-view mirror so he can see me. His stare through the mirror makes me look immediately away. I didn’t want to meet his gaze again, so I fix my gaze at my legs. Bad news for Sophie! I still wasn’t sitting like a lady. My legs were spread wide, just like I would have done if my cock and balls were there.

“Oh, why so shy all of a sudden Sophie?” Ryan questions.

“Don’t pick on him!” Sophie complains.

“Him?” Ryan quickly responds.

Shit! I think to myself as a rush of adrenaline races across my body. Looking up in shock, at Sophie, I see she has gone bright red. I see the fear in her eyes as she realizes her mistake.

“Her! Don’t pick on her” Sophie corrects herself. Her voice gives out a little nervous crack as she tries to cover her mistake. Ryan starts chuckling to himself in the front seat. I and Sophie both look at each other, both as white as ghosts, not knowing what to say or do. Ryan leans back to face us.

“Right then, Tom and Sophie,” He says putting a real emphasis on our names like he doesn’t believe those names are ours. “Who is Amy?” he asks very softly as he reaches for a notebook.

“I don’t know an Amy” Sophie responds in annoyance.

“Interesting,” he chuckles as he lights up again. “I wasn’t really asking you, Thomas.” He says sarcastically. He turns to look at me and puffs out a cloud of smoke in my direction. I meet his steely gaze and waft the smoke out of my face. “Who is Amy, Sophie?”

My mind starts racing! What do I say? Is he on to us? How did he even know about Amy? I was only being Sophie’s twin while we were at the restaurant. Did he follow us? Was he at the restaurant last night? All this time I was thinking, his gaze was fixated on me.

“Well? I saw you in that restaurant with a girl who looked exactly like you Sophie. The waiter told me her name was Amy. Who is this Amy?” he asks again, causing me to snap out of my thoughts.

“My twin,” I answer avoiding his stare to look at my still wide apart legs.

“Interesting,” Ryan responds as he sits back in the driver's seat. “You don’t have a twin thought do you, Sophie?” He asks. I look over at Sophie, trying to get her to help me but she just looks annoyed. She was holding her head in her hands like she knew she had messed up.

“What do you want now Ryan?” Sophie questions in frustration, still with her head in her hands. “I’m not giving it to you,” Sophie continues as she lifts her head up.

“I want to know what the hell you both are playing at!” He shouts as he bangs his hands on the steering wheel. He takes a couple of deep breathes and stubs out his cigarette again to calm down, then turns to face us again. “You used the formula didn’t you!?” He asks angrily. To my surprise, his facial expression didn’t match his tone of voice. He looked more concerned than angry.

“Sophie?” He asks as he points at her. Sophie huffs like a schoolgirl and folds her arms in irritation at being found out. Was an extremely odd sight for me to see coming from my body. Ryan grunts at Sophie’s reaction and turns his attention to me.

“You must be Tom,” He asks with a smile. His somewhat friendly smile turns sour as he looks again at Sophie. “Why now? You know how dangerous this is so why aren’t you being more careful!?

Sophie looks out the window, like a naughty child, trying to ignore the situation. “I have my reasons,” she retorts.

“She needs me to win the Barista Championship for her!” I say with pride as I try to steer his attention away from Sophie, who seems very pissed off.

“Why?” He questions with genuine confusion. “Why couldn’t you win it on your own. Sophie?

Sophie just lets out another childish huff in response. Her lack of defence of our plan did hurt me a little. I was under the impression she desperately needed me to help her win, but this guy is scolding her for that decision, Sophie seemed just annoyed we’d been found out. I found myself starting to get really confused with this whole situation. It seemed really simple when she first transformed me into a girl. Sophie was going to let me be a girl for twenty-four hours, then I could choose if I wanted to take her place or not. That didn’t happen! I’m still a girl and Sophie hasn’t given me a reason as to why and doesn’t seem at all worried about it. What is she not telling me?

“Look at me girl!” Ryan demands at Sophie, causing me to lose my train of thought. “You both need to transform back to normal before someone notices!”

“No!” Sophie fires back at him with fire in her belly. Her answer caused Ryan’s face to go red with anger.

“Why?” I ask as I face Sophie, desperate for her to explain herself. “Why can’t we change back Sophie!? You told me I’d only be like this for a day!” I plea. Leaning towards her, I was keen to know the reason as I’d trusted her blindly up until this point and I would do anything for her.

“For fuck sake, I have my reasons!” She shouts in a fit of rage. Kicking the car door open, causing it to clatter and almost come off its hinge. She gets out and slams the door behind her, causing a loud metallic clatter before she storms off at pace. My reaction was one of shock as I saw her leaving me in the car, alone. I straight away reached for the door handle to get out and case after her but soon found I couldn’t get out. Sheer panic set in. I started fumbling around my body, looking for my phone. The leggings I was wearing didn’t have any pockets and neither did my jacket. I didn’t have it! I must have left it at Sophie’s house!

“Let me out!” I scream in desperation as I start hitting the car door window. Tears start streaming down my face as I strike the door again and again to no avail.

“Calm down, Tom, Sophie, or whatever you prefer being called!” Ryan yells as he starts the car and pulls away. Really starting to panic, as he drives off with me locked in the back, I start striking the back of his chair as hard as I could.

“Let me the fuck out!” I screech as loud as I can.

“Stop it you stupid bitch! Sit down, shut up, and be a good girl!” He screams and slams the steering wheel with a massive thud. His anger makes me freeze in absolute fear as I sit back and start wondering what's going to happen to me. My imagination starts going into overdrive as thoughts of what he wants with me cross my mind. I’m a young girl stuck in a car with a guy I don’t know and nobody knows I’m here, other than Sophie, and she’s left me!

“Just let me out,” I squeak as tears run down my cheeks.

“No sweetie,” Ryan replies smiling at me through the rear-view mirror. I hated the way he was looking at me like he had all the control. I had no idea where he was taking me or what he wanted. My heart started beating like crazy as the thought of being raped entered my mind. No way this was happening to me, I thought to myself No way was I going to let him near me! I would bite his dick off If he put it any near my mouth. I wipe tears off my face as I start wondering why Sophie ditched me like that. Was it that she’d forgotten that I was the girl in this situation when she stormed off in a rage? I absolutely couldn’t believe she’d left me with him. I trusted her!

“What’s it like not having your dick anymore?” Ryan asks with a snicker, snapping me out of my own panicked thoughts. I squirm at the thought of not having it anymore. I’d started getting used to its absence, but right now, I really wish I didn’t have a pussy.

“Don’t wanna talk about it huh?” He laughs. “I wouldn’t wanna talk about losing mine either.”

I sit in the seat, fidgeting with anxiety, but I build up the courage to talk. “What do you want with me? I say nervously, fearing the answer. He glances at me, through the mirror again.

“You look scared sweetie,” he comments. “I’m not going to hurt you; I just want to ask you a few questions. Do you think we can do that?

“Yes,” I respond with a small sense of relief. I could feel the fear slipping away as the idea of him attempting to rape me passed. I whip more tears from my face as I await his questions.

“Has Sophie told you why she needs the money?” he asks.

I take a second to think about my response. She’d told me she needed the money to open her own café, but no I’m wondering if that was a complete lie! “To open her own café,” I tell him. On hearing my response, he laughs out loud. His laugh seems to go on forever, much to my frustration. It appears my assumption about the café was correct. It was a lie. It made me wonder what else she had been lying about and why in Hell's name I believed it. I felt so stupid!

“Do you know where she is keeping the tin with the formula?” He asks, still laughing.

“No,” I answer back, still feeling like the biggest idiot, for just allowing for this all to happen. I mean who, in their right mind, would just allow someone to transform them into someone else. I certainly found myself questioning why I even liked the girl in the first place. I was starting to really resent being her. I was beginning to hate hearing her voice as I spoke and the feel of these feminine clothes on my body. Worst of all, the fact I’d let her fuck me last night. It made me feel dirty and violated, almost like someone had broken into my house, wrecked the place, and left.

“You need to get her to give that tin to me, do you understand?” He demands. “Get her to transform you back into yourself, then take the tin and give it to me. It’s what’s best for everyone.”

Although I was angry at Sophie, his demands didn’t sit right with me. Why did he want it? I thought to myself as I tried to understand his position. Sophie said lots of people are looking for her and that formula, was he planning to sell it to the highest bidder? Then I remembered he said he was a journalist. Still thinking to myself, I concluded that he must want the exclusive scoop on what would be a massive story. No one would believe him unless he could prove it, hence why he needed the tin! That can be the only explanation to why he wants it, as he can see that it works from mine and Sophie’s transformation, that’s why he was so desperate to see us!

“You want it so you can sell your story to the highest bidder, don’t you?” I answer him back in derision.

Ryan laughs off my ridicule and pulls up at the side of the road. Looking out the window, I realize that I’m in familiar surroundings. This was the street Sophie’s house is on! I peer through the window and that was indeed true! We’d pulled up outside Sophie’s front-drive. I felt a massive sense of joy and relief, knowing that this ordeal was potentially coming to an end.

“Fine! If you’re not going to do what’s right for both you and Sophie, then let me give you some advice,” Ryan says as he leans back to look me eye to eye. “Do not trust anyone! You have no idea what that formula is worth or what pain it has caused!”

His words worry me but before I can even start thinking about it, I hear the central locking of the car open. I franticly find the door handle and race to get out of the car.

“One more thing,” he says, as I step out of the car. “If you’re going to go ahead with Sophie’s silly plan, you need to work on being more feminine. You walk like you’ve shit yourself! Not a good look on such a pretty young woman.”

I’d had enough of this guy, so I slammed the door shut and ran-up to the house as fast as I could. My tits bouncing all over the place but I didn’t care! Knocking as hard as I could on the door for Jody to let me in, I felt relief as I heard his car drive away behind me.

“Jody, let me in!” I shouted as I pounded on the door. At this point, tears had started streaming from my eyes as my emotions swirled inside me. I was so angry at Sophie leaving me like that! That could have been so much worse, and the fact I am ok caused all the build-up anxiety and the tension in my body to spill over and make me breakdown into a sobbing mess. Jody swung the door open and I leapt into the house as fast as I could.

“Oh my god, what’s wrong?” Jody asks as she can see the distressed state that I was in. She grabs me and holds me tight as I weep on her shoulder. I feel her stroking my head and patting my back as she tries to comfort me. She holds me, as I cry into her shoulder for what feels like an eternity.

Then a knock on the door makes me jump out of my skin. So much so I think I even made Jody jump. She slowly realized me from her embrace and gives me a reassuring smile as she goes to investigate who was at the door. Still a little emotional, I stepped back away from view.

“Phee?” Jody said confused as she opened the door to Sophie.

“Have you seen Tom?” Sophie asks in a blind panic. On the realization that Sophie was at the door, I feel a huge wave of anger build up inside me. I push past Jody and block the entrance to the house. My heart was surging, and my skin was red hot with anger! I did not want to be anywhere near here right now and I wanted her to know it!

“Fuck off Sophie!” I screech as loud as I could and as close to her face as I could reach. How the fucking hell could you just leave me! Fuck off! Fuck right off!” Huffing and puffing with rage, I didn’t want to listen to anything she had to say so I slammed the door in her face. The door clattered closed with a thud. Jody just stood next to me with a gasp on her face. I don’t think she could believe what was happening. I couldn’t have cared less due to being so clouded over with anger. My rage, however, soon turned to tears as it all began swirling around inside me once more. It again became too much for me to handle. stumbling backward, against the wall, I slide down it until I’m sitting on the floor. I curl up, with my head between my knees, and wept.

“I think maybe you should leave and go somewhere else for now,” I hear Jody say to Sophie through the closed door.

“Yeah, just fuck off!” I scream straining my voice I was that upset.

Jody sits next to me on the floor and puts her arm around me for comfort. I barely knew the girl but her trying to comfort me is very welcome. She starts rubbing my back as I sob uncontrollably. I just felt so angry with Sophie! I can’t shake the feeling that I am just being used by her, for whatever end she needed. It just wouldn’t go away! I’d idolized Sophie for years and she knew I was in love with her. Was she just using that to take advantage of me!? I couldn’t believe how stupid and foolish I felt. She wasn’t interested in me at all. If she was, she wouldn’t have just left me in that fucking car like that!

“How are you doing?” Jody asks softly as she brings her face closer to mine. I look up at her, my eyes are red raw from crying. Tears streaming down my cheeks.

“What am I going to do stuck like this? I wheeze. I look down at my body, which wasn’t leaving much to the imagination in the figure-hugging outfit I was in. “I’m done!” I exclaim.


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