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ASMR| Gum Chewing Mouth Sounds/ Cleaning you off with Lens Licking



Thank you!!


I would definitely join the new tier!


I'd also join the new tier :)

Joseph Flores

4th tier is definitely the move

End Goldfish Abuse

Top tier video. You did good with the gum. Add the tier!


would love the new tier!

Juan L

I'll definitely Support a New Tier! 😎 Video is just immaculate😎😴😴🤌


You could even make a wishlist for clothes for the new tier. I’m down


I will definitely sub to the higher teir.


I support the new tier, but I recommend to you this: start you master degree first. Then, you’ll be able to manage time. Now, you don’t know how it will be!


Can confirm would definitely upgrade!


I'd upgrade! The gum was awesome and the candy theme this month was fun! If you do miss a video here or there in the future just deal with it when the time comes.


i would upgrade! also great video:)


I think it sounds like a bad idea to push yourself to more work during a time when you know you'll have less time. I would probably upgrade though if you pull through with it x)

Jamie Fox

I would like the new teir but don't put too much pressure on yourself to make it happen. You could try it for a month or 2 and see how it works for you just make the best decision for you


Wonder what type of clothing she’s trying out for this new teir? I’m fine with another tier if u go for it.


loved this video! 4th tier for sure! just do 1 less free youtube vid. :))

William Henderson

Maybe get started with your masters and see how much free time you have then make a decision :)

Asmr fan

Already top tier-10/10 would recommend. I mean, its more sadie asmr you know its going to be amazing

Bethany Craig

I would upgrade for sure but I’m a university student so I definitely recommend not putting pressure on yourself ! How on earth you do all these YouTube videos and university I’ll never know 🤣 x