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00:00:00 - last time joshman was on

00:00:40 - elliot

00:02:30 - losing to aiden sucks

The Questions

00:04:32 - I was blocked by Slime.

00:06:48 - How do I deal with new emotions after starting anti-depressants?

00:17:53 - Men won't stop telling me about their problems.

00:56:06 - My GF is pregnant and I feel trapped.



amazing shirt


love a joshman advice ep


I deleted twitter

Christian Oviatt

For the men’s emotions question: I’ve had a hard time confiding in people that matter to me, and I only tell people what’s wrong when I feel like I need help fixing it. I have in the past thought that certain things that I had thought as non-issues where things that the people around me think are major issues and could have been fixed if communicated earlier. That and it gets harder as I get older, and because of a lack of a SO, I can only confide in my family or select friends. I guess it’s the “Man Up” mentality, because it does feel like confiding in people with issues is seen as a sign of weakness in my own mind, and I understand that it’s a toxic habit, but it is a habit I learned from my experiences as a man.


Can we get some examples of what's on Aiden's gf's newsletter?? That sounds super dope and I'd love to do that with my friends


Is that bald nadeshot?