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for update V.0.8 we will focus on Mayu, Thank you for participating, and thank you for supporting us so we can still survive in developing this game.




Seems like Dev could care less, well guess that means we should care less and stop caring about the game. selfish dev that only cares about ntr route and posido. "Oh but hes a really good friend" Yeah is the MC not a good friend in the ntr route? Yes he is, so why does he deserve to be cucked. Makes zero sense, its so obvious that you ONLY CARE ABOUT POSIDO and ZERO about the MAIN CHARACTER. All you had to do was not force the player to share and give separate content, but you couldn't be bothered. Time to play a game where the developers actually care about his fans.


hi, its because i am so bussy in real life, sorry if i am rarely online, and dispointed some player because of it. at first i alredy talk i really bussy end of month until 13 th, then i only can onlien or focus develop this game 2 - 3 hour per day. ;v


fix game pls.