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This AP is a playtest of the scenario previously released to patrons here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/gods-breath-73818773

9 OCT 2017: A young man dies in police custody. The cause? History's first marijuana overdose. The Program sends in five Agents as DEA Task Force HOLIDAY. Their stated mission is to investigate Colorado's grand experiment in the never-ending drug war.

Their true objective: seek the unnatural hiding inside the smoke.

Aaron -- Art Rosenthal (DEA SIGINT)
Kara -- Emma "Husky" Tomlinson (DEA Special Response Team Epsilon)
Max -- Jeff Mills (DEA Operations Division)
Robert -- Dr. Cheri LeGrange (Pharmacologist)
Ross -- Cody Sheehan (FBI)




Really fantastic so far!! Looking forward to the next episode. I like how the adventure has been modified from the old god's teeth campaign.


I love this episode! I use pesticides in my HOUSE. Of COURSE a growhouse will use pesticides. To be clear, I just grow orchids.