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In addition to playtesting God's Teeth again, I'm currently working on supplemental scenarios to be published alongside the main campaign. The idea is to have a series of episodic scenarios (ala the original actual play) that can serve as additional trials for the Teeth or as one-off operations. If God's Teeth is the frame, this new project is the monster-of-the-week campaign you can slot inside (or dissect for parts).

This version of God's Breath is more of a riff on the theme than an adaptation of the actual play. Shane has already presented a treatment of the God's Eye on his own Patreon. We have others in the works.

So, even as a one-shot, play through it and tell us what you think.
Feedback is greatly appreciated!

Thanks for supporting the Dead Channels.





Hey, I'm looking at recording my game and sending it your way, if you're interested. Are you ok with me posting this to the world, or only send feedback?


Posting APs is fine. Just identify it as a playtest draft and not final project, and don’t share the text, please. Otherwise, have fun.


Niiiiiice, I remember catching GT over on RPPR what seems like forever ago. I'm going to dig this vector of infection a lot