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Content warning for violence against children

"It is 3 FEB 2001, and Agent Clove of C-Cell tasks her only Delta Green cross-cell contact with a wetwork mission at Cornucopia House: an orphanage located on a remote hobby farm east of Zion, Maryland."

Six years after the initial run on RPPR, the pressures of the Arc Dream editorial process have morphed the book almost completely. I'm playtesting the game again with all new players.

Alice Clarke, Astrophysicist -- Jess (Don't Hurt Birds):
Cassidy Carroway, EMT-in-training -- Kara (Beneath the Screen of the Ultra-Critics)
Jack Warner, CIA -- Baz (futurewolfington)
Dr. Sarah Smythe, USAMRIID Virologist -- Claire (Relatable Rolls)
Sgt. Jack Travenson, USMC -- Jason




I love the character Cassidy. I put a similar NPC in a DG game I ran. She was a bubbly, eager public health professional.


If there isn't a spin off scenario in which Apex Predator exotic jerky guy doesn't start using *really* rare meat with disastrous consequences, the dark chocolate I'm holding hostage gets it.