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Carter Millwright has communed with Three Angels. They taught him to take comfort in the reassuring stench of his own flesh as it decays towards salvation. The same pheromonal reek now wafts through the ventilation system of the sad government building where the Legions of Babylon thought they could hide his family.

Carter stands above the vents atop the IRS temple, stripping naked. He stews in the stench of his own bloodline like holy incense; his love so large it exudes from his very pores.

The laws of men are but daisy chains, incapable of fettering the faithful. No man shall keep Carter from his duties as a Father of the True Church.

Shane Ivey: FBI Special Agent Mike Martinez
Greg Stolze: Barnibus "Mace" Hoffman
Rob Sith:  Levi Holtz
Ross Payton: Cassidy Sturgeon
Andrew Baswell: Annette Saunders
Caleb Stokes: Handler




Looking forward to Caleb reading out my full name and social security number in the intro before continuing with the episode as if nothing happened.


God damnit I was at the gym today and that intro got me good.