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As smoke from the thing beneath the oil derrick corrupts the Oklahoma countryside, the unnatural element within the Vern family begins to panic, scrambling to cover-up their depravities and escape. Delta Green calls all-hands to battle stations, hoping to wipe out the cultists before they're shielded by the GOP, media, and money.

With Agents on the ground in short supply, the Insolent Impulse Working Group must leave their computers and hold the line in what has become a shooting war. 

Shane Ivey: FBI Special Agent Mike Martinez
Greg Stolze: Barnibus "Mace" Hoffman
Rob Sith:  Levi Holtz
Ross Payton: Cassidy Sturgeon
Andrew Baswell: Annette Saunders
Caleb Stokes: Handler

P.S. I apologize for the quality at certain parts of the episode. I did what I could, but Shane was, judging by the audio, joining us from the side of a freeway during an active gun battle with police. Such is his dedication to the craft of roleplaying. 




Man, this game campaign is turning out to be God's Teeth level good. Congrats on a great job, all.


This is the best DG Podcast I've listened to since the OG God's Teeth