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For the holiday season, I tried a little experiment with the system. I love the Bond rules for DG, but, at time of play, we were between campaigns and didn't often find time for them in our one-shots. I tried to flip the focus for one game: what if life in the conspiracy formed the vignettes, and real horror lived at home? This is the result; it's not something on my writing cue at the moment, but it was fun to play I thought it was worth a listen.

At 4:44 am, Lucy Krick awakes screaming. Jacob bolts out of bed, raving about being eaten until he vomits across the hallway carpet. Shelly has been home from work for barely an hour. Roger has to work a double tomorrow.

Agent Prime, the blood of Krick's partner still on his hands, races to make sure Casey Krick hasn't killed her family. If she's still human, he'll need her help with the bodies. 

They need a babysitter. 

as Agent Casey Krick
Max as Roger Krick
Claire as Shelly Krick
Rob as Jacob Krick
Maddy as Lucy Krick




I should've started earlier in Synchronicity Part 2 so I could post lyrics for each of these. Keep them coming, I need my fix.


"God forbid I hold you back. Go to the golden child." Jesus.