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Hello all,

First off, thank you so much for your support. I'm really humbled by all the kind support everyone has shown DGDC and, by extension, the darkest corners of my soul. 

I've got my demons on a golden leash now, and they will never turn on me.

You might be familiar with Delta Green: The Conspiracy. The Kickstarter has been a big success that looks to keep me busy for the foreseeable future. A lot of that work is going to be previewed here, but I'm trying to stay focused on DG's future even as I work through its back-catalog.

A lot of people that are going to find their first RPG on Twitch, and I want to be available. So I'm in charge of reviving the DeltaGreenRPG Twitch Channel. We'll be doing occasional all-hands-on-deck on there, but it's mainly going to be the Dead Channels live stage.

Plans for the Twitch Channel

Baz, frequent guest player and Handler on this Patreon, knows a lot more about streaming than I do. I know enough to be certain that I don't have the bandwidth to run a good game AND manage the chat. That's why Baz and I are partnering up to run the channel. We'll be trading off gaming and chat duties. Here's the plan.

  • Promote The Conspiracy: promoting the Kickstarter is part of my job now, so we're going to be having a lot of guests on from other podcasts and streams on to play Delta Green. While the Kickstarter is running, you can expect to see a lot of content up on Twitch to help spread the word. 
  • Race to Affiliate: The requirements to reach affiliate status on Twitch are high. Seven streams on seven separate days within the span of a month...how many gaming groups you know play that often? Seems like the best time to pull it off would be during a very successful related Kickstarter, so I'm running a A LOT of Delta Green this month. I'll also be hosting some creator panels about related topics. Expect a live Bugging A-Cell 
  • Build a Live Gaming Community: Once we have affiliate, we'll still be playing DG regularly and reaching out to exciting new guests. I just won't have to die trying to do it three times a week. I don't know what a "live" DG game looks like, but I'm excited to try it out with you find folks.
  • Maintain the Value of the Dead Channel: But Caleb? What of my DGDC membership? Nothing changes about this Patreon. The "Twitch Blitz" for late August/early September is free (unless you want to donate over there). We'll have Schemata Part 2 coming up next week, for instance. I'll also be hosting edited audio versions of the stream -- ala the normal RSS feed -- after they're completed.  

I hope that sounds cool and some of you can come by to watch us do this thing live. Speaking of...


Since we're trying to get affiliate status, we'll be running games more often than is sustainable in the long term. That means I don't have a regular stream schedule yet, but I can tell you about the first two: 

OPERATION ENDLESS DIVE: August 14, 6:30 p.m. Central Standard Time.

The K-139 Pskov, a Russian OSCAR II nuclear submarine, was lost during wargames in the Barents Sea. Initially deployed in a diplomatic posture during a territorial conflict between Norway and Russia, the Pskov ceased radio operation at 2300, 12 NOV 1999. Tensions rose. UN security council members were notified as Russian naval forces attempted a rescue.

Wreckage of the Pskov was found at the bottom of the sea, 315 km west of the island of Bjornoya. The black box reported an explosive decompression, with no radar contacts of any kind, at the moment contact was lost. In an effort to ease international tensions, the sub was reported as decommissioned. The sailors aboard were all reported KIA in unrelated accidents. The nuclear payload was salvaged after a month of operation. The tragedy was forgotten in the wake of the unrelated disaster of the Kursk, a sub twice as large, the following year. The Barents Sea territorial dispute was settled in 2010.

Yesterday, a Vår Energi AS trawler was surveying the sea floor for a possible future rig when it discovered an atypical radar signature. The sonic profile matches that of a Soviet OSCAR II nuclear submarine, running silent on a single reactor. However, no propellers can be heard, the contact is less than half the size of the Pskov, and it appears to be floating 86 meters above where it fell to the ocean floor. Norway has requested U.S. Navy assistance identifying the anomalous contact before Russia gets involved. The odd nature of the mission alerted the Program. Delta Green is ready to dive.

The Pestilent Riddles: August 16, 6:30 p.m. Central Standard Time.

DARPA Friendly reaches out in every way they know how, demanding a meeting in person with you. You have to answer, if only because it’s making too much noise. The meeting takes place at a dying mall foodcourt, whispered across plastic fronds separating benches  outside the lonely cinnamon bun place.

He slides you a file, sooty with near total redaction. The only thing left legible on the pages are the name S.S. KYKS and a serial number. “That code? It’s theoretical. Used for hostile prototype WMDs in wargame scenarios we run for strategic command — autonomous self-replicating killbots, dirty bombs strapped to drones — basically code for “spooky-future shit” in the extinction range.

Whatever is in the file, the CIA seems to think it’s in the wrong hands. Or they want to put it there. I came straight to you.”

That's It

I'll keep everyone informed about future streams as they occur. In the meantime, please playtest Language of the Stars with your own cell, when you get chance.

We need to throw as many bodies at the problem as we can. 


Kristoph Yakeba

I take it the August 15th Deadline is over?


Is there any way to access the Twitch games as audio files? I like listening to AP but I hate watching them.


I'll be editing the audio and putting it up on dead channels as I'm able. It's going to take awhile though; I'm knee deep in conspiracy work and the backlog is still growing.