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First off, I would like to thank everyone for a fantastic launch of Dead Channels. When I designed this project, my wildest dreams didn’t see it being half so successful.

This year, I quit my life-long career, lost my health insurance, abandoned my retirement, and journeyed naked into the economic wasteland of America, determined to try and live off words alone. It has been a daunting decision, one I was struggling with even before the pandemic. Accepting the label of who I have always been — a writer — often seemed so suicidal that I questioned my own sanity.

Thanks to your generosity, I’ve never felt so sane. I have a hard time recalling when was the last time I felt so accepted within a community. For that, words can’t express how grateful I am.

Anyway, here’s some words.


Considering we’re doing a pay-by-creation project, I thought it might be good to get into the habit of previewing what is coming up.

Next month, I’ll post the conclusion AP of Poison Thorn, the second arc in the Thorn cycle that started with Sanguine Thorn.

I’ll also be posting Bast’s Scraps, a full-chapter cut from the upcoming God’s Teeth. My original pitch for the campaign involved a “behind-the-curtain” look at my particular interpretation of the least loved Elder God. That chapter didn’t end up fitting in the book, so it has since been cut from the campaign. Patrons, however, get the whole thing. It’s got everything you need to write your own Bast story or include the Teeth in other campaigns. 


The success of Dead Channels has introduced me to a lot of new players. They may not be familiar with my other work. Here’s a quick 101 on where to find my stuff:

Fae’s Anatomy: A Melodramatic Medical Mystery 

Though notably different in tone from my work on DGDC, my personal publishing business has a new RPG system on Kickstarter next week on May 28. Here’s the preview link, for those interested.

Hebanon Games Open Design 

The Delta Green RPG is a big reason why I’ve been lucky enough to transition to writing full-time, but it’s not my only iron in the fire. My work with Arc Dream would have never been possible without establishing my own portfolio of writing and design. I work on that stuff live at Hebanon Games Open Design. If you want to see the sausage get made, come support us. 

The Mixed Six 

I’ve got a variety show based around beer reviews, nerd culture, and dumb jokes called The Mixed Six. It’s like having a conversation with your friends in a bar, only no one pull you over for doing it in the car. Check it out. 


I’ll try to dodge “the discourse” whenever I’m able, but a follow on Twitter remains one of the better ways to see what I’m up to. I’m sorry.


Thank you again for seeking out and supporting the Dead Channels.

If they must emerge and find us, it will go so much worse for all of us. 



Hearing how validated you feel because of our support soothes my soul.


Bone solvent! I've listened to a lot of RPPR, and every AP you were in was improved by your participation! I also own some DG pdfs and a physical copy of No Security. Happy to be a patron!