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Sul sul ^^

I hope everyone is doing well ^^

Since some of you told me you keep checking to see if I posted new CC, I'll tell you what I'm doing as of now, so you don't have to worry.

I'm working on two functional things. They are extremely difficult to make, since I changed even how some objects work fully hah

I want it to be a surprise, so I'll just give a little hint: Korea and K-Pop.

I'll try to post one next week (probably on 21/22 of May), and the other one probably on 27/28 of May.

The kitchen overrides will be back in June, when I'll finish all of them. So you'll have the full override of the kitchen items. As I told you previously, I have to test everything together cause one item affects the other (since EA gave the same mesh and texture for a lot of them). So I need to have everything done, to test and see if they work properly.

On the second half of the year I'll be working on more food stuff, japanese stuff, cute items, and update a few older items as well :)

As always, there will also be an early access every month, as a way to thank the patreons. But as you know, it won't take long to become free and available for everyone as well :)

I'll be also dropping a few items here and there, as I find something interesting to create and share with you :)

I'll won't be posting anything this week, since what I'm working on now requires a lot of time and attention. But if you like food, Korea, and K-Pop, I guess it'll be worth the wait :)

Anyway, I hope you'll enjoy it all a lot when it's finished :)

Happy Simming ^^



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