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Hello everybody, sorry to disturb you.

Earlier today patreon sent me and email where they informed me that they have charged some of you the wrong currency, and to fix it they had refunded the pledge AND cancelled the membership, so there's a chance you may have been affected.   

Patreon has supposedly notified those affected but I'm making this post public just in case you aren't aware AND you wish to renew your membership.

Since this post if for free members as well, I'd like to take the chance to talk a bit about what I've been up to:

I've been hard at work on IWTV2 for the last 7ish months, this project is my biggest yet and is probably still gonna take longer to be completed, I will however post something smaller this year. (I attach some of the stuff I've done for IWTV2 below)

Obviously any support is appreciated, but if you just want to know when a video is done you are on the right place, I'll make sure to post it for everybody here.

Thank you for your support!



I'm still here brother, I don't see any alteration..

Dragon GEO

Hanging around. Supporting from the girls perspective videos. Give you a few months of support to show my love of the videos.