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It's finally here! I want to start thanking ALL of you for your support, I always say this, but it remains true, without your support this wouldn't be possible, so sincerely thank you!

What's next?

M next big project is IWTV2, a sequel to my original 2019 vampire video, is a huge project so it's gonna take a while and I'm probably do small projects in-between.

What about AGP3?

I don't have plans at the moment, I originally split AGP in 2 parts so I could manage it more easily, I wasn't really planning to make a series out of it. I don't want to say I'm NEVER doing a part 3, but I need to think of an idea first.

Are you doing more Gender-swap/gender-transformation/gender-bender?

Yes, I want to make a another longer series, but I have to finish IWTV 2 first.



Cameron Hall

Where do I go to watch and use the password


Great job on it , very good. One question is there a way to download it or is that not an option till public release ?


Thank you, correct, I will provide a downloadable version once it's public.


Congrats Nevarky, we're finally here ❤️ Loved the booba swinging and I see you went all out with an xray view too 😉 Great stuff my dude, gotta give props to Shawn as well for the music 🙏


Thank you so much Jard! And thank you so much for sticking for so long and all your support!


Also yeah! I always say this, and it's no joke, the music it's the best part!

Dragon GEO

Amazing work. Just as good as the first one. I can't wait to see what you come up with next.

Leonhard Printz

It was a joy to see you building this project bit by bit, and it's great to see it brought to completion. Kudos.

Sean Geraghty

Well worth the wait friend. Congratulations on completing it, looks great!


Just curious, how long do you have to be a producer before you are hereditary


Once, it will only count to the short I was working on at that time tho. For example if you upgrade now and then cancel, you are guaranteed to be on my next short, but no the one after.


Ok thx for the clarification, great job on the animation it’s fantastic


Spectacular! The jiggle physics were top notch. Color was amazing. Thanks.


Awesome work

Mitchell N long

Can't wait to be able to download it when will that be ? and Amazing work


Awesome work man! It was even better than the first one! If your ever looking for a sound designer, I'd absolutely love to work on one of your projects. I'm on Twitter under the name ArsenalSFX so hit me up if your ever interested!

Un cuervo pirata

Estaría suave que animaras una transformación


Best tg animation ever! Good job^^

kipi hamazaki

i really hope this keeps going its one of the best genderbend animations out there


Probably not his, but I want to make a proper gender bender series in the future.

kipi hamazaki

well you do a great job so i am sure i will enjoy it and will continue to support your work