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Hey everybody! here's what I hope is the last Penniless update before release, as you can see there's very little left, ANIMATION IS COMPLETLEY DONE, only 4 things to color and then backgrounds and audio, so we are a couple weeks at most from release, I didn't quite reach my goal of being done in march, but I did reach my other goal of having an animation done in less than a year by a lot, BUT I'm getting ahead of myself, there's a little left still, so please wait a little longer.

Scene_001 got done! this month (sorry if it looks choppy, is a huge video to trun into gif)

Scene_009 also got done!

Added this extra quick scene also.

We also have the intro logo done!

Scene_003 got colored

Also scene 003.5

Also Scene_017

And scene_016

Thanks so much for your support! we are almost there!




1000 dollars and 69 cents


these shots are looking amazing!!