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Hey everybody! Here's Penniless Update for the month of April.

Not quite as much progress as I would have liked, but I underestimated the complexity of 2 scenes, that combined with having to travel 2 weekends in a row due to an emergency (I'm ok, nothing happened to me) ended up reducing the scenes done a little more than I would have liked, THAT SAID, we still go a lot of great progress done, and as you can see by the progress sheet there's only 2 scenes left to animate which is really good. Coloring is super fast compared to AGP so is not insane to think we could be done next month, that said I don't wanna commit to a date yet, we have to be ready for something taking longer or going wrong.

But all that said, let's move the meat and potatoes of the update, the scenes that got done

The star of the show is scene_10 most time this month was spent working on this, it's a very long scene with a lot of variations and I definitively took my time to make sure it was as good as possible, I'm really happy with the result.

next is scne_003 kinda complex one that also took a lot to get done properly, but only color is left now.

Also this new unplanned scene which I call scene_003.5, since the short flows a little different that I originally planned, I had to add this one for it to make more sense.

Also Scene_017

Ans scene_016

We are really close to finish, and like I always say, once this is done I start work on AGP pt2 right away, so just hold with me a little longer.

Thanks so much for all your support, this couldn't happen without you.



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