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Hey everybody! first of all thanks so much to everybody for your support new and old patrons! 

As you may know A girl's Perspective is now out for all patrons here. For any former patrons, the public version should be available in a week so stay tuned.

Currently I've been catching up with all the patreon rewards I owe, I've made a lot of progress but there's still quite a bit left, I should be able to finish this month, but if not it'll be only a little over that.


I of course want to work on Part 2 of AGP as soon as possible, but first I want to try doing something less ambitious, sort of like a little break, this new project called "Penniless" will focus more on being done fast, it's already a lot shorter (16 scenes long compared to IWTV's 35 and AGP Pt1's 42) but also I'm dropping most shading and most importantly colored lines(you can see how it would look below), I wanna see what I can do with those limits, and hopefully be able to deliver something good but in a couple of months instead of over a year.

All that said, as soon as this is done AGP pt 2 is priority. Part 2 needs some audio before I can start anyway, so I can at the very least do both for a bit.


Lastly, I asked recently in the discord server, but I want to hear from eveyone, right now as soon as an update is done it get's posted, first for $5.00+ tiers and 5 days later for $1.00 or below, also at the end of the month I would usually post a summary of all the progress made for that month. I feel right now my content may be a little spammy, I've been thinking of maybe limit progress updates to 1 big update at the end of the month (divided for the 2 main tiers). But before I do anything drastic I want to know what you prefer, It is possible you don't care I post very often and you prefer to see progress as soon as possible, so please let me know in the comments and more importantly answering the poll.

That's all from me for now! Happy new year!



Definitely don’t mind the frequent updates. Least let’s us know you’re alive (ignoring that discord exists of course lol)


No preference, whatevs convenient for nevarky