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Hello everybody, I want to start by apologizing for the extremely uneventful month. I was very distracted with some freelance work I had to take care of, I sadly have to take these projects from time to time to make ends meet but I really would prefer to just work on the short, that said for the time being I’m done, so I should be able to work fully on it for a while.

Scene 040 got done this month.

Also scene 017

Also scene 005 got done a couple of days ago, you can see it here. 

Right now I'm working on scene 031 which is quite ambitious, the 2 WIPs below are part of the same scene.

 On rewards, I only just started working on the rewards, so please be patient with me, I have received your emails, but just have in mind I work on the short first and the short is priority,  I also have a backlog of about 50 right now, so rewards may take a while.

Again, thank you so much for your patience and understanding, I’ll keep working on the short for as long as I can and I wouldn’t have been able to work on it for this long without you, thank you. 



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