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Hey everybody! as usual here's the general update for the month of April, as you can see above scenes  21 and 22 (these were previously mislabeled, in case it sounds confusing to anyone paying attention to the numbers) got done early this month.

Scenes 33, 34 and 35 also got done this month:

Scene 29 also got done:

And scenes 01 and 02

I also Started working on the title drop, which isn't accounted for, guess you could call it "scene 00"

I have been working on scene 06 as well, should be done soon:

As you can see on the sheet below, we are VERY close to having every single scene animated, there's still backgrounds, music and audio left, but we are very close to be over.

As usual I want to thank you for your support and patience, I've mentioned this before but again, Progress may slow down this month since I have a freelance gig, I'll get it out of the way as soon as I can so I can return to the short.



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