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 Happy new year everybody! It’s been a little over a year since I re-opened this patreon and even tho things haven’t gone as smoothly as I would have liked (mostly because of my own inexperience and incompetence) I’m still really happy and grateful to have you all (and anyone who has supported me throughout the year even if they dropped) I don’t forget I’m very lucky to work on whatever project I choose and make money out it, so thank you.

Progress this month was still not what I would like since what was keeping me from it ended up extending a little bit more than I was expecting, but I’m back to working 100% on the short.

As you may know Scene 18 was completed and posted earlier this month :

 The Linework for scene 05 was also posted, you can see it here if your pledge is $5.00 or wait just one more day till is available to everybody :

 Progress on coloring scene 05 has been going really well, I should be done this week, is one of the most complex scenes so I’m happy to get it out of the way:

 Here’s a mock up of how it will look when finished:


Intercourse with The Vampire IS COMING 2019, I’m still not sure when, but if I had to make a rough estimate I would say sometime around July (it could also come earlier than that, but knowing me I really doubt it) , but please remember this is a very rough estimate and things I haven’t thought up will most possibly arise all I can say right now, is that the short IS COMING 2019, that’s for sure.

I want to sincerely thank you again for your support and patience, and wish you the best for the new year!



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