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Day 15

Jacob arrived at Julia's apartment early in the morning. Julia had a look of shock as she saw her friend who had looked completely different from when they had met before in the store. Jacob was more feminine than ever. Julia pulled him into her apartment and sat Jacob down on a nearby couch.

After a few minutes of pacing back and forth, she came up with a plan. First, Jacob would need to stay with her for a few nights. Second, she would have to research the curse.  In Blooming Lake, there was a legend about an old tree which contained magic powers. If you came near the tree, it would grant your deepest desire, even without you having to say it out loud. If this was what Julia thought it was, then the legend was true.

Day 17

Jacob woke up on Julia's living room couch. As he walked into the bathroom, he immediately noticed that his pecs were fully transformed into breasts. His belly was flat, with no hair on his chest. His hair was noticeably longer now. Lastly, his face was softer, more feminine. It wouldn't be long before he would be considered a full female. 

Julia walked in for her morning routine when she saw Jacob. She immediately pulled him into her bedroom and sat him down in front of the mirror. "Here we go. It's time you learn about how to put on makeup." 

Within a few hours, Julia helped Jacob apply makeup, shave his legs, and put on female clothing. Jacob could pass for a beautiful woman now. Julia smiled and kissed his cheek, giggling afterwards.

Day 19

Jacob practiced putting on makeup and keeping his still transforming body looking pretty for Julia. She soon arrived at the apartment with bags full of clothes and makeup. That familiar bubbly look that she had when they were younger was back. The entire day felt like a shopping montage in an old 90s romantic comedy. After what felt like a week, Jacob found outfits that he liked the most. A few blouses, a dress here and there, some tops and bottoms that he thought were cute. 

Day 21

Jacob awoke to Julia standing over him. He looked at her confused and asked "What's going on?" His voice was completely feminine. His eyes went wide. He shot up from the couch like a rocket and ran to the bathroom. His recognizable male features were fully gone now. He was a one-hundred-percent a woman.


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